JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
June 27, 2013 Minutes
Start of Meeting: 09:35 a.m.
Departments Present: District Attorney; Police; Superior Court; Juvenile Probation; Department on Status of Women; City Administrator’s Office, Mayor’s Office; Department of Technology
Absent: Adult Probation; Sheriff; Public Defender; Emergency Management
Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held on May 23, 2013 were approved.
From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
The Council was updated on the status of filling the eighth staffing position on the Project team. It is the remaining vacant staff position in our budget.
Council was also updated on our annual budget request for FY14.
The procurement of laptops for the JUSTIS staff was completed. The staff now has the equipment needed to address off site and off hour support for JUSTIS-related incidents.
Our annual Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Technology (DT) related to support and services is with DT for approval.
From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
The Charge Code table was updated.
The TSC hosted a meeting in June with the Sheriff and their Jail Management vendor to address the Sheriff’s requests for new services and the status of any remaining contract deliverables. A follow up meeting is scheduled to occur in late July.
The JUSTIS team continued work on activities related to hub connections for the District Attorney and the Public Defender.
There were also discussions with various departments related to notification alert procedures.
From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project:
The team continued working with the Public Defender and the District Attorney on their connections to JUSTIS.
Staff also started to work with Adult Probation on their case management system’s connection to JUSTIS.
Staff attended and participated in meetings with departments pertaining to notification alert procedures that will be implemented into JUSTIS.
The updates to the Charge Code Table were completed.
The JUSTIS team was involved in restoring service to departmental case management systems after the service outage at the 200 Paul site on June 14. A discussion followed on activities that occurred that day. The Council then decided to add an agenda item specifically on this event for further discussion at a future Council meeting.
The Commvault equipment (our backup solution) was installed at 200 Paul Street last month. The next step is to work with the Commvault engineers who will be configuring the automated backups and Oracle/SQL integration. Those activities are scheduled to begin in July.
Our failover equipment was delivered to the Turk Street site in June. The team recently racked and stacked the equipment. Our power needs were also identified, and we have scheduled that work with the Department of Public Works.
Data Portal for Status of Women:
The Department introduced new staff to the Council. Minouche Kandel is the new Women’s Policy Director. She will be handling all of the Department’s domestic violence, family violence, and human trafficking policy work. Also introduced was the Department’s Graduate Policy Fellow Christine Wagner of the University of Michigan.
Juvenile Probation:
The Department reported that they are looking at new case management systems, possibly the same system that Adult Probation is currently implementing.
District Attorney:
The Department is working with the JUSTIS team on their connection to the JUSTIS hub. The Civil Service Commission has approved the request for their vendor’s role in connecting to JUSTIS and in the implementation of new modules for their case management suite.
The Department is also looking at the possibility of using email to assist in the distribution of subpoenas.
The Police Department indicated that they are temporarily in a holding pattern with the Crime Data Warehouse as they transition a new manager onto that project.
Superior Court:
The Court is continuing to review new data elements for their system that need to be included in their data sharing with the other JUSTIS departments.
The Courts are also preparing for the next phase of AB109 scheduled to occur on July 1.
End of Meeting: 10:40 a.m.
Last updated: 12/23/2013 12:04:27 PM