JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
January 24, 2013 Minutes
Start of Meeting: 09:33 a.m.
Departments Present: Adult Probation, District Attorney, Sheriff, Police, Public Defender, Superior Court, Juvenile Probation, Department on Status of Women, City Administrator’s Office, Department of Technology
Absent: Emergency Management, Mayor’s Office
Minutes from Prior Meetings – Approved minutes from meeting held on November 29, 2012.
From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Council was informed that the contract for our failover equipment was signed. The equipment was purchased through grant funding.
Council was also updated on JUSTIS presentations at the recent Family Violence Council quarterly meeting and the combined Committee on the Status of Women (COSW) and Police Commission meeting.
The Council was briefed on the JUSTIS participation in the Board of Supervisor’s audit on Realignment.
It was noted that the December meeting would be moved to a different location because of a conflict with room scheduling.
From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
Our top priorities for the month were centered on the creation of Domestic Violence-related reports and the completion of our contract for failover equipment.
The JUSTIS team also worked on activities related to hub connections for the Courts, Public Defender, and the District Attorney.
And there was activity related to use case definitions for Adult Probation and single entry booking for the Police and Sheriff.
From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project:
There was increased Hub support activity this past month, working with the Sheriff’s Department on better notification.
The team worked with the Public Defender, the Superior Court, and the District Attorney on the development of their respective departmental connections to the JUSTIS Hub. An initial conference call with the DA’s vendor signaled the good news that their interface is compatible with the Hub.
New Oracle upgrades for the Hub Database and SOA are being tested.
Failover equipment has been ordered and the team is working with the Emergency Management Department to prepare the installation site.
Additional drives were installed on our production SAN at 200 Paul Street to increase our storage capacity.
We have ordered Commvault Enterprise software to strengthen our backup operations.
We are also determining how soon we might need to purchase a third production blade chassis. As more departments are being connected to JUSTIS, storage space is needed. The belief was that the Sheriff’s migration of non-Jail Management data onto new DT storage devices would have occurred, freeing up sufficient space. But that migration has not occurred to date.
Data Portal for Status of Women:
The Department mentioned the positive impact that the slides used in the JUSTIS presentation had at the combined meeting with the Police Commission and the Board of Supervisors related to Domestic Violence issues.
There was also agreement at today’s Council meeting to defer to the charge codes used by the District Attorney’s Office for the identification of domestic violence charges.
Juvenile Probation:
The Department indicated that they were in the process of producing their annual reports.
The Department also indicated a concern about the need for their department to be included in opportunities to share data as the core projects are being implemented.
District Attorney:
The DA is working with the JUSTIS team to establish bi-directional message sharing between their case management system and JUSTIS.
The District Attorney is also preparing for the addition of some new modules to their case management suite. A kickoff meeting with their vendor is scheduled for late February.
The DA was working with DT to resolve a response time issue related to document movement.
Public Defender:
The Public Defender indicated that they were checking the mapping of their case management data now that they were connected to JUSTIS.
They also indicated that there were currently no outstanding issues for JUSTIS to address related to the live connection.
The Police Department reported that new modules are being developed in the Crime Data Warehouse including Case Tracking (for Investigators), Crime Mapping (including Predictive Policing), and enhanced Search capability (Google style) using Oracle's Secure Enterprise Search (SES) software package.
In addition, the Police are adding geographic verification and lookup to the current Incident Report Writing module in the Crime Data Warehouse for mapping purposes.
The roll out of the new modules is tentatively scheduled for April 2013.
Adult Probation:
Adult Probation has been meeting with their case management system vendor and the third party vendor that will develop their application interface to JUSTIS. They are targeting completion of the JUSTIS connection by the end of 2013.
They are continuing to work with the JUSTIS team on use cases and notification processing.
Superior Court:
The Courts are reported that they are working their way through the most recent data conversation. The conversion includes the addition of approximately 60 new fields into their database.
The Courts are also indicated the goal to going paperless.
The Sheriff Department indicated that they had some contract issues with their case management vendor for which they wanted some JUSTIS assistance in resolving.
They also mentioned that they would be using Adult Probation’s Compass application for their Programs data.
The Sheriff was hoping to have a move date soon for moving their non-JUSTIS files off of the JUSTIS storage system and onto the Department of Technology’s new equipment at 1011 Turk Street.
End of Meeting: 10:47 a.m.
Last updated: 12/23/2013 12:04:27 PM