City and County of San Francisco

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February 28, 2013

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
February 28, 2013 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 09:35 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation; District Attorney; Sheriff; Police; Public Defender; City Administrator’s Office; Department of Technology
Absent: Superior Court; Juvenile Probation; Department on Status of Women; Emergency Management; Mayor’s Office

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Approved minutes from meeting held on January 24, 2013.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

Council was informed that our failover equipment has been purchased t and that site preparations are underway at 1011 Turk Street

Council was updated on budget developments.

Our annual Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Technology related to support and services is being updated.

A project update was provided to COIT.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

Our recent focus on the Domestic Violence front was to better understand how the Police and Sheriff identify an activity as being domestic violence related.

The JUSTIS team continued work on activities related to hub connections for the District Attorney. The Courts, and the Public Defender.

And there was also activity related to use case definitions and notification alerts for Adult Probation and single entry booking for the Police and Sheriff.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

The team continued working with the District Attorney, the Courts, and the Public Defender on the development of their respective departmental connections to the JUSTIS Hub. And they are now planning to have preliminary discussions with Adult Probation on their connection.

Twenty-one Domestic Violence reports have been written to date. The team has also scheduled meetings with both the Police and Sheriff to determine how they determine an event to be considered domestic violence related.

The team is working with the Emergency Management Department on site preparations for the installation of our failover equipment.

We are waiting for our purchase order to be finalized for obtaining Commvault Enterprise software to increase our backup capabilities at 200 Paul Street.

District Attorney:

The DA continued their work with the JUSTIS team to establish bi-directional message sharing between their case management system and JUSTIS.

A three-day visit from their vendor took place in late February. The purpose of the visit was to conduct a business process review and to prepare for the addition of some new modules (Investigations, Juvenile and Discovery) to their case management suite.

The DA also announced that they have hired a new CIO.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender indicated that they had nothing new to report this month.


The Police Department reported that they were working on a contract renewal with ORACLE for additional work on their Crime Data Warehouse.

New modules are being developed in the Crime Data Warehouse including Case Tracking (for Investigators), Crime Mapping (including Predictive Policing), and enhanced Search capability (Google style) using Oracle's Secure Enterprise Search (SES) software package.

Adult Probation:

Adult Probation announced that an agreement has been completed with their case management system vendor and a third party vendor to develop the application interface to JUSTIS. They are targeting completion of the JUSTIS connection by the end of 2013.

They are continuing to work with the JUSTIS team on use cases and notification processing.


The Sheriff Department indicated that they were going to be installing the latest upgrade of release 10 of their Jail Management system. They hoped to be testing the upgrade in early March.

The Sheriff also indicated that they were waiting to hear from the Department of Technology on a date for moving their non-JUSTIS files off of the JUSTIS storage system and onto the Department of Technology’s equipment at 200 Paul Street.

End of Meeting: 10:15 a.m.

Last updated: 12/23/2013 12:04:27 PM