JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
April 25, 2013 Minutes
Start of Meeting: 09:36 a.m.
Departments Present: District Attorney; Sheriff; Police; Public Defender; Superior Court; Department on Status of Women; City Administrator’s Office; Department of Technology
Absent: Adult Probation; Juvenile Probation; Emergency Management; Mayor’s Office
Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held on March 28, 2013 approved.
From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
It was reported that we would begin the process of filling the eighth staffing position on the Project team.
Council was updated on budget developments. June 16 and 24 are the scheduled review dates with the Board of Supervisors.
We were also asked by the Committee on Information Technology (COIT) to review recent funding requests from the Public Defender’s Office, the District Attorney, and Adult Probation.
Our annual Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Technology related to support and services is being reviewed.
From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
We followed up with Sheriff’s management on our discussions with personnel from their Programs contacts on how they identified domestic violence statistics.
The JUSTIS team continued work on activities related to hub connections for the District Attorney, the Courts, and the Public Defender.
There was also activity related to notification alerts and single entry booking.
From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project:
The team continues to work with the Emergency Management Department on site preparations for the installation of our failover equipment. Power needs have been identified, and we have scheduled the associated work with the Department of Public Works.
The team continued with their hub connectivity work for the District Attorney, the Courts, and the Public Defender. And a preliminary discussion with Adult Probation’s vendor on their hub connection has occurred.
Work on the new release of the JUSTIS Hub is also continuing. This new version is needed to handle the added transactional traffic that will be present as more departments near hub connectivity.
The team is also restructuring our entire test environment.
Status of Women – Data Portal
The Department reported that they were encouraged with the pool of entries for the hiring of a full time analyst. And the JUSTIS team is looking forward to working with that person on the domestic violence reports.
The Department also congratulated the Police team for their recent award for their work on the Crime Data Warehouse.
District Attorney:
The Department indicated that they were working with the JUSTIS team on their connection to the JUSTIS hub.
They have started to work on implementing an Investigations module into their Case Management suite of applications. And soon they will be working on their Discovery module.
Addition work was spent verifying the entries targeted to be added into the next version of the Charge Code table.
Public Defender:
The Public Defender indicated that they have uncovered a few issues with the data being mapped into their Case Management System that need to be addressed. They are updating their issues list and will meet jointly with the JUSTIS team and their team to address each item.
The Sheriff Department reported that they are presently testing the most recent release of their Jail Management software.
The IT group in the Sheriff’s Department is now providing backup support for other departmental units in an attempt to control overtime challenges.
The Sheriff is working with the Department of Technology to move their non-JUSTIS data off JUSTIS equipment and onto storage devices at 1011 Turk Street. A revised plan and schedule was forthcoming.
The Police Department reported that they were addressing their contract renewal activities with ORACLE for additional work on their Crime Data Warehouse. They received approval from the Civil Service Commission and are now proceeding to work with the Office of Contact Administration on the remaining renewal steps.
Once their contractors are back, they will proceed with development in the Crime Data Warehouse including Case Tracking (for Investigators), Crime Mapping (including Predictive Policing), and enhanced Search capability (Google style) using Oracle's Secure Enterprise Search (SES) software package.
Superior Court:
The Court is presently adding new data elements to their system that need to be included in their data sharing with the other JUSTIS departments.
New Business:
The Police Department expressed an interest in obtaining citations data for use in their Crime Data Warehouse. The JUSTIS team currently processes citations information through a feed from the Courts. The Police and JUSTIS will discuss various options for technically accomplishing this data sharing request, and work with the appropriate groups to obtain the required approvals and memorandums of understanding.
End of Meeting: 10:51 a.m.
Last updated: 12/23/2013 12:04:27 PM