City and County of San Francisco

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January 23, 2014

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
January 23, 2014

Start of Meeting: 09:34 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation; District Attorney; Sheriff; Public Defender; Superior Court; Juvenile Probation; Department on Status of Women; City Administrator’s Office; Department of Technology
Absent: Police; Emergency Management; Mayor’s Office

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held on December 5, 2013 were approved.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

The Chair interceded at the beginning of the Executive Sponsor’s Update to thank Linda Yeung for her contribution and accomplishments as the Executive Sponsor of the Project these past few years and to wish her well in her new position at the San Francisco International Airport.

The Sheriff’s Department and Adult Probation still have outstanding, unsigned Memorandum’s of Understanding related to Configuration Management.

A review on the status of departments still needing to connect to JUSTIS was shared with the Council members. The Courts anticipate an increase in activity through the second quarter of the calendar year, and Adult Probation is targeting a connection to JUSTIS at the start of 2015.

It was also mentioned that a project presentation was recently made to the management staff of
the City Administrator’s Office. 

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

The District Attorney’s Office and Juvenile Probation made a joint visit to the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) to provide an update on their discussions and activities related to data sharing and the new Juvenile module being added to the District Attorney’s Case Management System.

The Public Defender also attended a TSC meeting to discuss the final steps in going operational with their Case Management System.

The Council was updated on current production support activities, which included preparations for updating the Charge Code Table with the new 2014 charge codes, upgrades for our data backups and our anti-virus protection, and determining our final requirements for an additional server chassis and blade servers.

The primary development activities were focused on identifying all of the data fields needed for the hub connection for the District Attorney and completing the testing of the final portions of Public Defender’s hub connection.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

Work continues on upgrading the hub connection for the District Attorney’s Case Management System to JUSTIS. The upgrade will make their connection transactional and bi-directional. The initial XML code is nearing completion. The next steps will be to set up a session with the District Attorney’s Case Management vendor to methodically review and signoff on each line of the XML code and to identify the needed transactions for the data movement.

The staff is also working on the hub connection with the Public Defender’s Case Management System. A few data fields still need to be integrated into the connection as well as testing the ability to send data out of the Public Defender’s Case Management System and back through JUSTIS so it can be accessed by the other Criminal Justice departments.

We will continue to work on statutes with departments including the addition of a “degrees” field.

Staff members are working with our vendor to improve our CommVault backup infrastructure, and new anti-virus software is being purchased to provide a greater level of security.

We are going to be initiating bi-weekly meetings with the Department of Technology to discuss our plans for expanding our server capacity at 200 Paul Street and how we want to network the equipment at that site with our equipment at 1011 Turk Street,

Department on the Status of Women:

The Department has reported that they have performance problems when they attempt to run their reports. We expect to resolve that issue with that the procurement of our new blades along with the recapturing of SAN space and the restructuring of our Citrix environment once the Sheriff is totally migrated off of that equipment.

Juvenile Probation:

The Department indicated that they have completed all of their annual reports including the mandated reports for the Department of Justice.

The Department is continuing to meet with the District Attorney’s Office (DA) on sharing juvenile data. They are presently mapping fields with the DA.

District Attorney:

The District Attorney has continued their work with the JUSTIS staff identifying and defining the data fields that will be needed for their connection to the JUSTIS hub.

They have started work on building their Juvenile module

They have also started work on reviewing the 2014 statutes for the Charge Code Table processing.

The DA hopes to begin discussions with the Courts about obtaining Juvenile data. The discussions would be similar to their discussions that have been occurring with Juvenile Probation.

The DA also expects to begin emailing subpoenas in February.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender is working with JUSTIS to add some new fields that are needed for inclusion in their case management system.

They are waiting to test the final bi-directional functionality.

Adult Probation:

Adult Probation is looking to hire additional contractors to work on their case management system. They also need to replace two probation officers.

Sheriff’s Department:

The Sheriff has indicated that they are completed their VDI work. Currently they have 90% access to their data.

They believe that they will need a new upgrade path for future releases of their Jail Management System.

There will be a consolidation and restructuring of the IT unit in February. And there will be no support for a midnight shift.

Superior Court:

A decision has been made to continue with the development of CX2000. And the development team has been given 90 days to fast track internal development.

The Courts are still moving ahead with plans to provide a single solution to address the combined needs of their Citations, Traffic, Civil and Criminal courts.

New Business:


End of Meeting: 11:01 a.m.
Last updated: 2/27/2014 2:33:18 PM