JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
February 27, 2014
Start of Meeting: 09:34 a.m.
Departments Present: District Attorney; Police; Public Defender; Sheriff; Superior Court; Juvenile Probation; City Administrator’s Office; Mayor’s Office; Department of Technology
Absent: Adult Probation; Emergency Management; Department on Status of Women
Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held on January 23, 2014 were approved.
From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Ken Bukowski was introduced to the Council as the new Executive Sponsor for JUS.T.IS.
The Sheriff’s Department and Adult Probation still have outstanding, unsigned Memorandum’s of Understanding related to Configuration Management.
A review on the status of departments still needing to connect to JUSTIS was shared with the Council members. The Courts anticipate an increase in activity through the second quarter of the calendar year and believe that they will have their system ready to begin the connection process with JUSTIS within the next month. The District Attorney believes that they are still on schedule. Adult Probation was not present but indicated at the Technical Steering Committee that 2015 was still their anticipated completion time.
From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
The District Attorney’s Office attended a Technical Steering Committee (TSC) to discuss their Booking Alert proposal.
The Mayor’s Budget Office attended a TSC meeting to review budget requests to COIT from Criminal Justice Departments. The focus was on those requests related to JUS.T.I.S. or those that may run contrary to JUS.T.I.S.
Adult Probation attended a TSC meeting to discuss funding approval for their Case Management project.
The primary development activities this past month were focused on identifying all of the data fields needed for the hub connection for the District Attorney and completing the testing of the final portions of Public Defender’s hub connection.
The Council was updated on current production support activities, which included preparations for updating the Charge Code Table with the new 2014 charge codes, and improvements for our data backups and our anti-virus protection.
From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project:
Work continues on upgrading the hub connection for the District Attorney’s Case Management System to JUSTIS. The upgrade will make their connection transactional and bi-directional. The XML is being finalized and a review process is underway with the DA’s vendor. The next steps will be to do the actual coding and to identify the needed transactions for the data movement.
Conference calls are also underway with the Court’s vendor. Discussions have focused on how the data transfers will be handled between JUSTIS and CX2000.
Final testing of the bi-direction function of the Public Defender’s Case Management System (Gideon) is occurring, and a few additional data fields are being added to the data feed into Gideon. Both activities are scheduled to be implemented into production within the next week.
Development of Hub 2.0 is well underway using the latest release of our Oracle products and rewriting portions of existing code.
We will continue to work on statutes with departments including the addition of a “degrees” field. Both the new 2014 statutes and some unaddressed 2013 statutes are being reviewed.
Staff members have been working with New World Systems to prepare a test server for the Police Department to start testing Single Entry Booking.
We have gone out to bid for Chassis 3 and 4 blade servers. This procurement will significantly improve performance and provide enough additional resources to allow us to reconfigure our current blade servers.
We are also purchasing new anti-virus software which will allow us to run virus scans on our servers without having to open any internet ports to include updates.
The problems that we were having with our Commvault tape backups have been addressed and backups are now running to completion on both disk and tape. We are now able to backup data every 5 minutes.
Juvenile Probation:
The Department is continuing to meet with the District Attorney’s Office (DA) on sharing juvenile data.
They are also developing an Incident Report System that will capture information related to incidents occurring at Juvenile Hall and at Log Cabin.
District Attorney:
The District Attorney has continued their work with the JUSTIS staff and their Case Management vendor identifying and defining the data fields that will be needed for their connection to the JUSTIS hub.
They are starting to use their Juvenile module in house. They are continuing to work with the Juvenile Probation Department, and they have begun discussions with the Courts about obtaining their Juvenile data. The hope is that they will be able to import data from both the Courts and Juvenile Probation into their Juvenile module.
The DA now expects to begin using email to distribute subpoenas in March.
They are also reviewing the 2014 statutes needing to be added into the Charge Code table.
Public Defender:
The Public Defender is working with JUSTIS to add some new fields that are needed for inclusion in their case management system.
They are also completing the testing phase of the bi-directional functionality. Implementation is scheduled for the beginning of March.
Police Department
The Police Department would like to begin using the Arrest Module in their Record Management System. Arrangements are being made to have the JUSTIS team work with the Police to provide them access using the Single Entry Booking system
The Police indicated that incident reports initiated through the Cop Logic website will not be part of the Incident Report feed to JUSTIS.
They also indicated that they would like to start receiving Citation data. The MOU on data sharing with the Courts is forthcoming. Their ECIT project is going to be put out to bid.
Sheriff’s Department:
The Sheriff has indicated that they now have 100% access to data on their VDI.
They believe that they will need a new upgrade path for future releases of their Jail Management System. They are also waiting for their vendor to interface Citrix with their Jail Management software.
They are focusing on efforts to reduce the double booking dilemma that occurs when individuals are removed from the system while their property remains in the system and then that same individual is reentered again later into the system.
They are working with the Department of Technology on a Jail Time Served report.
And they will get back to JUSTIS on information needed to move the Bridge Report out of JUSTIS.
Superior Court:
The Courts are continuing with their development on CX2000. They are working on their XML transactions.
The Courts are still moving ahead with plans to provide a single solution to address the combined needs of their Citations, Traffic, Civil and Criminal courts. This is going to be a three year development project with Traffic being the first area implemented. CX2000 is expected to be migrated in FY15/16. There are three potential bidders and a selection is anticipated shortly.
New Business:
The District Attorney asked that a discussion item be added to next month’s agenda related to their request for a San Francisco Booking Alert application.
End of Meeting: 10:52 a.m.
Last updated: 3/27/2014 2:34:43 PM