City and County of San Francisco

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April 24, 2014

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
April 24, 2014

Start of Meeting: 10:04 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation; District Attorney; Sheriff; Public Defender; Superior Court; Department on Status of Women; City Administrator’s Office; Mayor’s Office; Department of Technology

Absent: Police; Juvenile Probation; Emergency Management

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held on March 27, 2014 were approved.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

The Sheriff’s Department has an outstanding, unsigned Memorandum’s of Understanding related to Configuration Management.

A review on the status of departments still needing to connect to JUSTIS was shared with the Council members. The Courts have entered into a new contract to obtain a Court Management System that will address their Traffic, Criminal, Civil, and Juvenile needs. A kickoff meeting with their vendor is schedule for early May. No date for connecting to JUSTIS is available as of yet. The District Attorney believes that they will be ready for a connection in the third quarter of 2014. Adult Probation indicated that they have an issue with a third party vendor and have no completion date at this time.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

Activities related to operational support were centered on preparations for Chassis 3 and four new blade servers as well as making plans to reconfigure our VM’s to provide more flexibility in managing the remaining available space on our SAN.

Our primary development activities were associated with working on JUSTIS hub connections for the District Attorney and the Public Defender. Additionally we initiated discussions with Adult Probation to identify how to move their CABLE Court Management functions into a JUSTIS environment.

The primary administrative activities were related to initiating the process for getting the District Attorney scheduled on the Civil Service Commission calendar so that they can upgrade to the web version of their Case Management system and starting the Purchase Order process for the procurement of chassis 3.

At our Technical Steering Committee meetings Adult Probation attended to discuss their Supervised Release File needs and moving their CABLE/CMS functions to JUSTIS. The Department of Technology attended to address any concerns and requirements needed to begin our Email migration to Microsoft O365. And the District Attorney and Juvenile Probation attended to provide a status on their progress on sharing Juvenile data.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

We are continuing to work with the District Attorney’s Case Management System vendor on connecting to JUSTIS.

We are identifying all of the transactions that Adult Probation uses in CABLE/CMS and will then create similar transactions for them in JUSTIS.

We are working with the Court’s CX2000 vendor on identifying and matching all of the data fields that will be exchanged.

We are finished with the work needed to exchange data with the Public Defender’s Case Management System (Gideon).

There are still some statutes needing to be reviewed prior to updating the Charge Code table.

The procurement of Chassis 3 and four blade servers has reached the final step of the City’s purchasing process.

We are continuing to meet on a regular basis with the Department of Technology on the installation of Chassis 3 as well as the network connection needed between 200 Paul Street and 1011 Turk Street (our failover site).

We are also in the process of reengineering our SAN to provide better use of its available space.

Department on Status of Women:

The Department requested an update on the status of obtaining Incident Report information for their statistical reports.

District Attorney:

The District Attorney expects to be testing their connection to JUSTIS in the 3rd quarter of the calendar year.

They are continuing to work with the Juvenile Probation Department on sharing juvenile data. During discussions with Juvenile Probation an issue has surfaced with how to identify and address previously expunged records they may be inadvertently reactivated in a file restoration operation.

They are also working with the Courts to obtain their juvenile data.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender is now connected to JUSTIS. They are preparing to update cases with current Attorney names.

They are also anticipating doing one more file migration sometime in the next few months.

Sheriff’s Department:

The Sheriff announced that they have replaced and upgraded all of their departmental networks.

They are making plans to upgrade to version 10.2 of their Jail Management System.

Adult Probation:

Adult Probation indicated that the development work on their case management system is on hold. A contractual situation has arisen with one of the sub-contractors developing their case management system. The Department is now looking at other vendors and counties for alternative solutions.

Adult Probation is currently focusing on the Department of Justice’s mandate on implementing the Supervised Release File. They will be working with the Department of Technology on that project.

Adult Probation also has a pilot group testing Microsoft Email O365. They are targeting mid-May as a possible migration date.

Superior Court:

The Courts announced that they have stopped the CX2000 project. The software is functional but the Courts have decided to move ahead with the development of a combined Court System.
The new project will provide a single solution to address the combined needs of their Citations, Traffic, Civil and Criminal courts. This is going to be a three year development project with Traffic being the first area implemented. The logic that was developed for CX2000 will be integrated into the implementation of the Criminal Court module.

San Francisco Booking Alert Proposal

The District Attorney’s Office presented their proposal to the Council to have JUS.T.I.S. create a Booking Alert application. The application would adapt the existing JUS.T.I.S. parolee and probationer Booking Alert program to enable the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office and potentially other San Francisco Law Enforcement agencies to create booking alerts for specific offenders of interest.

After a discussion amongst the Council members, a vote was taken and the proposal was passed.

New Business:

None presented.

End of Meeting: 10:55 a.m.

Last updated: 5/23/2014 9:40:02 AM