City and County of San Francisco

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May 22, 2014

US.T.I.S Governance Council Meeting
May 22, 2014

Start of Meeting: 9:35 am

Departments Present: Department of Technology; City Administrator’s Office; Public Defender; Police; Superior Court; Department on Status of Women; District Attorney; Sheriff; Adult Probation

Absent: Juvenile Probation; Emergency Management; Mayor’s Office

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held April 24, 2104 were approved.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update.

The CAO’s office explained staffing changes due to the retirement of Walt Calcagno. They will be hiring an 1824 position to assist with many of the administrative functions. This person will staff the committee by posting the agenda, taking minutes at meetings, and providing support for contracts. Rob Castiglia will continue to lead the JUSTIS staff and serve as the primary project manager for the HUB Interface/CMS Replacement project. We are waiting for Sheriff and Adult Probation to sign the MOU’s for Configuration Management. The Project Status Chart was adjusted as follows: District Attorney to complete by the end of the third quarter, Courts have no schedule yet due to the new vendor, and Adult Probation will be moving their CMS/CABLE functions to JUSTIS with no completion date set.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update.

The primary activities discussed were related to the rollout of chassis 3.

From Case Management System Updates:

HUB Activity/Server Project:

For the bi-directional connection to the District Attorney’s Case Management System to JUSTIS, the XML is being drafted by the JUSTIS staff to be sent to the vendor to finalize.

For Adult Probation, we met with them to designate the transactions from the HUB to Adult Probation. The JUSTIS staff is building QCA and QCX reports to generate from the HUB.

The staff deployed an Oracle update. They also worked to prepare for the rollout of chassis 3. We have put the 2014 statutes into the master charges table.

Department on the Status of Women

The JUSTIS staff is working on the DV reports and should have them ready for staff review soon now that they can receive the police incident data from the SFPD.

District Attorney

The DA is working with the JUSTIS staff on the HUB Interface project. We are about to issue subpoenas to police officers on a trial basis.

Public Defender

No new items. The Public Defender is working with the JUSTIS staff on improving our server to utilize resources when chassis 3 is deployed.

Police Department

The SFPD is working with the courts to provide citations data.

Sheriff Department

The SFSD working with JUSTIS on some case management issues relating to incorrect entry of data. They upgraded to version 10.2 of the Jail Management System.

Adult Probation

We will deploy the new Outlook365 email system on June 6th

Superior Court

We are beginning work with the vendor for the Collections database and should be completed by the end of July.

New Business:

Members took an opportunity to individually congratulate Walt Calcagno on retirement after over 40 years of work for the city. He played a critical and valuable role in the creation and implementation of the JUSTIS CMS Replacement project, which we all appreciated. The meeting was adjourned in his honor today.

End of Meeting: 10:30 am.
Last updated: 9/17/2014 9:28:31 AM