City and County of San Francisco

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July 24, 2014

JUS.T.I.S Governance Council Meeting
July 24, 2014

Start of Meeting: 9:35 am

Departments Present: Department on the Status of Women, Department of Technology; City Administrator’s Office; Public Defender; Police; Superior Court; District Attorney; Adult Probation; Juvenile Probation; Mayor’s Office

Absent: Sheriff’s Department; Emergency Management

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held June 26, 2104 were approved. It was agreed to add an amendment from Adult Probation, which will be sent to CAO to post in the final minutes of this meeting.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update.

The CAO’s office explained they are in the process of hiring an 1824 position to assist with many of the administrative functions. This person will staff the committee by posting the agenda, taking minutes at meetings, and providing support for contracts.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update.

The primary activities discussed were related to the rollout of chassis 3, closeout of DT work related to chassis 3 and ongoing HUB support for Sheriff, DA and the Public Defender’s Office.

From Case Management System Updates:

HUB Activity/Server Project:

For the bi-directional connection to the District Attorney’s Case Management System to JUSTIS, the XML has been drafted by the JUSTIS staff and reviewed by the vendor.

For Adult Probation, we met with them to designate the transactions from the HUB to Adult Probation. The JUSTIS staff continues to build the QCA and QCX reports to generate from the HUB.

The staff continue to work to implement the 2014 “not in table” statute changes.

The staff are working to upgrade all Hub components to the latest Oracle versions.

Department on the Status of Women

The JUSTIS staff met with DoSW regarding the existing report methodology. All agree that additional future meetings will be helpful in understanding the available DV data. JUSTIS staff has refreshed the DV data to facilitate these meetings.

District Attorney

The DA is working with the JUSTIS staff on the HUB Interface project. The DA vendor is finalizing the XML with the JUSTIS staff.

Discussion between the District Attorney’s Office, the Mayor’s Office and JUSTIS departments regarding booking notification system and related JUSTIS priority systems. Action item for discussion next council meeting.

Public Defender

The Public Defenders JUSTIS infrastructure has been increased due to the availability of chassis 3. JUSTIS staff continue to work with Public Defenders office to tune the server performance and support the ongoing data conversions. Public Defenders Office estimates the need for a full conversion effort in 2 months.

Police Department

The SFPD is working with the courts and JUSTIS to provide citations data.

Sheriff Department

The SFSD working with JUSTIS on some case management issues relating to incorrect entry of data. They upgraded to version 10.2 of the Jail Management System. JUSTIS is working to provide a separate, secure testing network.

Adult Probation

Working to resolve any issues with the case management vendors.

Superior Court

Continue to work with the vendor for the Collections database and should be completed by the end of July. Planning to seek integration with JUSTIS for fines, fees and restitutions. Discussion was also held regarding the use of SATS data for the Quality of Life application and use will be reported on in the next council meeting.

New Business:

End of Meeting: 10:30 am.
Last updated: 9/17/2014 9:32:53 AM