City and County of San Francisco

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August 28, 2014

JUS.T.I.S Governance Council Meeting
August 28, 2014

Start of Meeting: 9:35 am

Departments Present: Department on the Status of Women; City Administrator’s Office; Public Defender; Police; Superior Court; District Attorney; Adult Probation; Juvenile Probation; Mayor’s Office

Absent: Sheriff’s Department; Emergency Management; Department of Technology

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held July 24, 2104 were approved.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update.

The CAO’s office explained they are in the process of hiring an 1824 position to assist with many of the administrative functions. This person will staff the committee by posting the agenda, taking minutes at meetings, and providing support for contracts. Contract review for OIS vs. workload and the NWS maintenance contract.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update.

The TSC continues to work with the Mayor’s Budget office and the Adult Probation department to discuss the status and approach related to the mainframe replacement components provided by JUSTIS.

From Case Management System Updates:

HUB Activity/Server Project:

For the bi-directional connection to the District Attorney’s Case Management System to JUSTIS, the XML has been drafted by the JUSTIS staff and reviewed by the vendor.

For Adult Probation, we met with them to designate the transactions from the HUB to Adult Probation. The JUSTIS staff continues to build the QCA and QCX reports to generate from the HUB.

JUSTIS is working to validate the data elements for the PD Incident data for DoSW.

The staff are working to upgrade all Hub components to the latest Oracle versions.

All Chassis 3 tasks are complete with the exception of the SD and JUSTIS Hub remain on the IBM blades.
Department on the Status of Women
New contact announced for JUSTIS.

District Attorney

The DA is working with the JUSTIS staff on the HUB Interface project. The DA vendor is finalizing the XML with the JUSTIS staff.
DA dept. held training for DAMION announced for Sept.

Public Defender

JUSTIS staff continue to work with Public Defenders office to tune the server performance and support the ongoing data conversions. Public Defenders Office estimates the need for a full conversion effort in 2 months.

Police Department

The SFPD is working with the courts and JUSTIS to provide citations data.

Sheriff Department

The SFSD is doing a review of the NWS contract and doing a review of other vendors.

Adult Probation

Working to resolve any issues with the case management vendor. Doing a review of other potential vendors.

Superior Court

All target dates are being met for the Traffic system. Mid Oct is the target for the criminal justice business analysis.

Booking Alert Motion

Moved by District Attorney, Second by Adult Probation and Commission on the Status of Women.

The JUSTIS Council supports a prioritization of the development projects as follows: First, for the Adult Probation Department to accept the completion of the work to move its transactions from the Court Management System to the JUSTIS Hub, then second, complete the work it started on the Booking Notification Enhancement project.

Motion Passed unanimously.

New Business:


End of Meeting: 10:30 am.
Last updated: 3/23/2015 8:49:17 AM