City and County of San Francisco

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September 25, 2014

JUS.T.I.S Governance Council Meeting
September 25, 2014

Start of Meeting: 9:35 am

Departments Present: City Administrator, District Attorney, Status of Women, Police, Adult Probation, Public Defender, Superior Court, DT

Absent: Sheriff, Juvenile Probation, Emergency Management; Mayor’s Office

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from August 28th approved and adopted.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update.

Looking to hire an 1824, candidates selection (or interviewing?) by next week. Also met with NWS, Sheriff, JUSTIS yesterday. NWS has not given the quotes on existing modules Sheriff is using. Sheriff wants to purchase additional modules, such as CAD and others. NWS believes they will have a solution to resolve the Citrix issue which has been preventing Sheriff to upgrade or apply patches to their JMS software. City Administrator also attended this month’s CMS Meeting regarding the future and the contract of Owens Information System (OIS). The intent is to reframe the working focus, reallocate city resources and funding for the charter to decommission CMS. Planning to be made regarding CMS reporting function currently done by OIS which is heavily replied on by the CMS community.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update.

There were no meetings with Departments this month

TSC was replaced with NWS meeting.

From Case Management System Updates:

HUB Activity/Server Project:

- DT Public Safety Scheduled Maintenance: Downtime agreed upon is to be 3rd Sunday of each month. JUSTIS will forward the information to Adult Probation;

- Sheriff: Meeting with NWS yesterday. NWS’ will deliver a solution in 60 days to resolve the patch and upgrade issues of JMS. This will benefit Sheriff and SFPD for the Single-Entry-Booking. Once DT resolves the firewall/port problem, SFPD can start validating the Single-Entry Booking in 60 days.

- DA: JUSTIS team is working on creating transactional XMLs from the XSD data dictionary, estimated to be finalized in a week time. Once completed, coding team will start programming the processes. DA asked for status of the Booking Alert app.

- JUSTIS held a Security Meeting with all the agencies getting the requirements to define Active Directory authentication and application audit log functions. JUSTIS infrastructure team is gathering current audit data elements and department audit requests for reference. Time frame to complete this task increased slightly from previous estimate for the Mayor. While this portion is in progress, JUSTIS application team will work on both APD’s CMS Interface and DA’s Booking Alert apps.

- SFPD: For Incident data feed for DOSW and DA, JUSTIS will work with SFPD to validate the interpretation of all the elements in the data dictionary.

- Infrastructure:

i). DT/JUSTIS Network Routing work was postponed two weeks ago. DT stated that new date to be confirmed by the end of this week;
ii). JUSTIS also requesting a longer than 9 hours down time window to virtualize Sheriff’s environment;
iii). JUSTIS is to meet with Oracle City Account Rep regarding software licensing in the virtual environment. City Administrator suggested communication to include DT as they are in the similar process with Oracle. DT stated that they have ways to work around the blade licensing issue.
iv). Backup Redesign: Pending until DT/JUSTIS Network Routing done.

Department on the Status of Women

DoSW provided JUSTIS with a new contact to coordinate reports and reviews. JUSTIS will setup introductory and review meetings.

District Attorney

Courtview is working on building an interface between Juvenile CMS System and DAMION. New fields will be added to the UI. This will replace the current juvenile data tracking method by Excel. Department internally is also working on various MOUs.

Public Defender

Schedule to have a migration this weekend, and a Data Repository Meeting this afternoon.

Police Department

Department hired the Business Intelligent Team. The team will be using BI software, and to meet with police divisions and to design reports. They are working on the Court’s SATS Citation data, in order to phase out the manual tracking of citation data at each station.

Superior Court

For traffic module, currently migrating data from the old system and purging old adjudicated data based on department’s record retention policy. By mid-October, will start business analysis on the criminal module. For the collection software, the county data will be migrated over in the next two weeks. By then, Superior Court should be able to take over existing functions and to provide agencies with data requests. Citation data full rollout to be by March. Superior Court suggested SFPD (and JUSTIS?) to participate in upcoming planning sessions.

New Business:

None presented

End of Meeting: 10:17 am.
Last updated: 3/23/2015 8:54:35 AM