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Meeting Information

Full Commission

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Immigrant Rights Commission

Minutes of Meeting on December 9, 2002

The Immigrant Rights Commission (IRC) meeting was held on Monday, December 9, 2002 at San Francisco City Hall in Room 400 at 5:00 P.M.

I. Roll Call:

Members Present The meeting was called to order on 5:00 pm., Commissioners Lau, Huie, Ataya, Casillas, Gonzalez, Gusukuma, Nguyen, Nwadibia, Ribas, Tran & Zheng were present. Commissioner Nguyen arrived at 5:15pm. Commissioner Wang, Haile, Berumen were absent. Commissioner Tran left at 6:25pm.

II. Approval of minutes for Oct. 30, 2002:

The minutes were adopted unanimously.

III. Certificate of Honor to outgoing Commissioner Richard Ow:

Commissioner Ow did not attend this meeting, so Commissioner Lau asked if Commissioner Zheng could give him the Certificate of Honor.

IV. Public Comment:

V. Presentation-SF Day Labor Program:

Alfonso came to the commission to talk about the concerns of the SF Day Labor Program. Their concerns about the funds are effecting & creating problems for the Day Labor Program. He appreciates being able to express his concerns to the commission. He knows that the commission will be analyzing this problem & asked if the funds will be given back to the program.

Hector Valdez also spoke to the commission. He said that there was never a contract with the Mayor to run the Day Labor Program. Northern California Coalition for Immigrant Rights administered the program. The Mayor's office cannot decide whom to fund the program, which is why they want to give it to the Immigrant Rights Commission. He thanked the Commission for listening to his concerns.

VI. SF Airport Screeners:

Commissioner Gonzalez met with the TSA & Edward Gomez regarding the Airport screeners. He mentioned that there is support out there to help the airport screeners to pass this test & but they also need to be a US citizen.

VII. Election of the Chair & Vice Chair:

Commissioner Lau received 3 votes, Commissioner Gusukuma received 3 votes & Commissioner Nwadibia received 5 votes. Commissioner Nwadibia is nominated as the Chair for a one year term.

Commissioner Haile received 3 votes, Commissioner Nwadibia received 1 vote & Commissioner Gonzalez received 7 votes. Commissioner Gonzalez is nominated as Vice Chair for a one year term.

VIII. Neighborhood Meeting in January/Location at the Library or Tenderloin:

Commissioner Huie has found a location for our January 13th neighborhood meeting from 5-7pm. It will be at the Tenderloin Community Center at 201 Turk Street. There will be a $50 cost for using the facility.

IX. Chinese New Year Parade:

Commissioner Huie put together information regarding participating in the Chinese New Years Parade. Commissioner Huie & Zheng volunteered to help out with the logistics for the event. Commission Zheng said that he would get the Senior Network to perform a dance for the parade. The date of the parade is on Feb 15th.

X. International Migrant Rights Day Celebration:

Commissioner Ribas met with Eunice Cho, Program Associate National Network for Immigrant and Refugee. They talked about encouraging the Board of Supervisor & the Mayor to participate & celebrate this event. They also wanted a resolution supported by the Board & the Mayor. They were also talking about plans for next year to have a press conference in front of City Hall.

XI. Director's Report:

XII. Report from the Chair:

Commissioner Lau informed the Commissioners about the Summit Report. She presented them with a rough draft of the community resource guide. She asked if the commissioner's could read over the draft report & give her feed back of any changes.

XIII. Program & Access Committee Report:

XIV. Finance & Operations Committee Report:

Adjournment: The Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.