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Meeting Information

Full Commission

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Immigrant Rights Commission
Minutes of Meeting on January 12 2004

A meeting of the Immigrant Rights Commission (IRC) was held on Monday, January 12, 2004 at City Hall, Hearing room 416.

I. Roll Call:

Members Present            The meeting was called to order on 5:14 p.m., Commissioners, Bondoc, Casillas, Gonzalez, Haile, Huie, Nguyen, Ow, Ribas, Tran, Zheng were present.  Commissioner Tran arrived at 5:22; Ribas arrived at 5:24.  Commissioner Zheng left at 6:00 p.m. & Commissioner Ow left at 6:15 p.m.


Members Absent            Commissioner Atay, Lau were absent.

Others Present            Winny Loi, Commission Secretary

II.             Approval of minutes for December 8, 2003:Commissioner Bondoc moved to approve the minutes, which was 2nd by Commissioner Ow.  The Commission unanimously adopted the minutes.

IV.            Extending the leaving of Absence for Saif Ataya: Commissioner Haile approved the leave of absence for Commission Atyay until March 2004, which was 2nd by Commission Ow.  The Commission unanimously approves the leave of absence for Commissioner Ataya.


VI.         Director’s Report:

                 1. Status of the RFP process for the Day Labor Program: Mr. Pham was not available, so Ms. Loi spoke on his behalf.  Mr. Pham has spoken to Sergio Canjura of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services & he informed that nothing is moving at this time-the process is pending until the new Mayor takes office.

               2. Evaluation of Staff: Mr. Pham has spoken to the City Administrator & he has provided legal opinion from the city attorney’s office regarding this matter.  The City Administrator stated that the commission always can provide input into the staff evaluation process, but the City Administrator will be the person to evaluate the staff performance.


               Ms. Saucedo spoke to the Commission about the waiting process of the RFP.  She is opening the new building on Cesar Chavez Street on March.  They are eager to get the RFP process moving. 

III.         Electing Chair & Vice Chair:   Commissioner Casillas received 4 votes & Commissioner Lau received 6 votes for Chair.  Commissioner Bondoc received 2 votes & Commissioner Ribas received 8 votes.  Commissioner Lau is nominated to be Chair & Commissioner Ribas, Vice Chair.

  1.   Commissioner Huie, Bondoc, Nguyen, Ow & Zheng met with Gloria Orme, RN, MS, Director Patient Relations.  Shirley Lee, RN was also present for the meeting.  The committee made a visit to the SF General Hospital & received information from Ms. Orme.  The Interpreter Services Unit had 15 full time employees. They are down 4.5 % because the Mayor’s office is holding these positions because of budget crisis.  To fill in the need for services, on-call interpreters are used.  Interpreter services are constantly needed from 8 a.m. to midnight.  It is an estimated that there are about 55,000 requests for language assistance a year.  There is a new program to provide more interpretation services will start in February 2004.  Laguna Honda does not have bilingual services even though they have bilingual employees.  For next months committee meeting the Commissioner will meet with Laguna Honda. 
  2. Program & Access Committee Report:  Commissioner Tran asked to invite someone from the Housing Authority & Muni to speak to the Program & Access Committee meeting. 
  3. Policy & Legislation Committee Report: none.


Commissioner Gonzalez informed the commission that he received a few calls from immigrant city employees who work for the city who fear for their jobs due to budget cuts.  He mentioned that they would come to the next commission meeting to speak.

Commissioner Gonzalez received an invite from the Vietnamese community & informed the Commissioner to attend the New Year’s Tet Festival on Sunday, January 18, 2004 at 11 a.m. ceremony will take place on Larkin & Ellis Street.

Adjournment:            The Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.