Seal of the City and County of San Francisco

October 21, 2013


San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Full Commission Meeting

Monday, October 21, 2013

City Hall, Hearing Room 416

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102


1.       Call to Order and Roll Call


The meeting was called to order at 5:42pm by Vice-Chair Kennelly.


Present: Commissioners Fuentes, Gaime, Haile, Kennelly, Kong, Moses, and Ng.

Not Present: Commissioners Chee (excused), Coll (excused), Enssani (excused), Hing (excused), Maldonado (excused), Molodestkaya (unexcused), and Paz (excused).

Staff Present: Isis Fernandez Sykes, Deputy Director of Policy (Office of Civic Engagement & Immigrant Affairs); and Danielle Lam, Executive Coordinator.


2.       Public Comment


There was no public comment


3.       Action Item: Approval of previous minutes


The Commission did not have a quorum. This item was deferred to the next Full Commission meeting.


4.       Action Item: Update and plan upcoming events


a. District 5 Neighborhood Meeting


OCEIA Staff confirmed the meeting location and distributed multilingual flyers to Commissioners. Commissioner Fuentes stated that OCEIA staff and the Community Ambassadors will assist with outreach efforts. Commissioners Gaime and Kennelly stated that they will distribute flyers to their networks. Commissioner Haile suggested that the Police Department and Housing Authority have representatives speak at the meeting. Commissioner Kennelly requested that staff contact Rosemay Fan of USCIS to present at the meeting. Commissioner Gaime suggested that one of the invited speakers should be an expert on the Affordable Care Act. Deputy Director Fernandez-Sykes stated that she will follow-up on requests with Director Pon.


b. Annual Consulate Reception


OCEIA staff reported that December 9th is the confirmed date for the Consulate Reception and will replace the regularly schedule Full Commission

meeting. Commissioner Kennelly requested that staff take inventory of items and send requests to Commissioners. Commissioner Ng confirmed that he will provide his usual contribution of food for the reception. 



5.       Old Business


Commissioner Moses requested an update on reappointment applications. OCEIA staff reported no new updates.


6.       New Business


Commissioner Fuentes invited Commissioners to volunteer at the Citizenship Workshop scheduled for Saturday, November 2nd from 8am-2pm. Commissioner Gaime stated that she can assist with the upcoming workshop. Commissioner Moses announced that the Southeast Community Facility Commission is hosting its annual health fair on Saturday, October 26th from 10am-2pm.


7.       Adjournment


The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 pm by Vice-Chair Kennelly.



Meeting minutes prepared by Danielle Lam, edited/reviewed by Adrienne Pon.

Last updated: 12/23/2013 3:03:40 PM