Age related cataracts are often yellow or brown causing loss of sensitivity to blue.
Effects include:
- Distorted vision
- Poor color vision
- Gradual loss of vision
A loss of peripheral vision and a blurry central area of vision. Difficult to read text as text seems faded and blurry. Effects of glaucoma compared to looking at everything through a straw.
Effects include:
- Loss of Peripheral Vision
- Blurry Central area of vision
- Tunnel vision
Macular Degeneration
The aging process and the thinning of the tissues of the macula cause the most common form of macular degeneration," dry" macular degeneration. The result is a gradual loss of vision.
Effects include:
- Sensitivity to light and glare
- Poor color vision
- Gradual loss of vision
Diabetic Retinopathy
This is the largest single cause of visual impairment among those of working age.
Effects include:
- Distorted vision
- Poor color vision
- Gradual loss of vision