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Meeting Information

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City and County of San Francisco


Thursday, February 19, 2004

5:00 P.M.

City Hall, Room 408

                 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102


                     Public comment will be heard before and/or during each agenda item.


Members Present                            Staff Present

President Andrea Shorter               Belle Taylor-McGhee, Executive Director

Vice President Juanita Miles                Rosario Navarrette, Deputy Director                   

Commissioner Dorka Keehn           Caroline Donnola, Senior Policy Analyst

Commissioner Carolene Marks      Carol Sacco, Policy Analyst

Commissioner Emily Murase               

Commissioner Valerie Tulier              

Commissioner Angela Williams     


  • CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL                                           

      President Shorter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

      Roll call.  Commissioner Tulier arrived at 6:32 p.m.

      No public comment.

  • ADOPTION OF AGENDA                                                   


m/s/c (Keehn/Marks/Unanimous)

Action:  Adopted agenda for the COSW Meeting, Thursday, February 19, 2004.


No public comment.




      Request spelling correction of President Shorter’s name within the February 11, 2004 Minutes.


m/s/c (Murase/Miles/Unanimous)

Action:  Approved minutes for the COSW Special Meeting held Friday, January 30, 2004and COSW Special Meeting held Wednesday, February 11, 2004.


      No public comment.


4.  PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                                       


President Shorter acknowledged the strides the City of San Francisco had taken in the last two weeks promoting civil rights for all citizens, and she noted San Francisco’s advance of marriage license for same sex couples.


President Shorter discussed the meeting with Mayor Newsom and said she felt it was an informative and productive meeting.  She said that at the time of the meeting Mayor Newsom was unable to make any commitments regarding the Department’s budget; however, she state that she believed that Vice President Miles, the Executive Director and her were able to convey to the Mayor the impact any further cuts would have on the Department and the services and care for women and girls in San Francisco.


President Shorter reviewed the step-by-step guide of how the Commission’s meeting agenda is put together, which she had e-mailed to the Commission at an earlier date.  One week after each monthly Commission meeting the Executive Secretary will prepare the minutes from the previous month’s meeting which will serve as the foundation to develop future agendas.  Two weeks before each monthly meeting, the President, Vice President and the Executive Director will have a conference call to develop the agenda. The President, Vice President and Executive Director will agree on the tentative agenda, and the Vice President will contact the other Commissioners via telephone or e-mail to solicit other items pertaining to the agenda.  One week before the meeting, the President and Vice President will provide all additions to the Executive Director and Executive Secretary.  These additions will be made and a copy of the agenda will be forwarded to the City Attorney for review before posting.  President Shorter stated she wanted to be very clear about the process they have been attempting to follow.


Commissioner Marks said that she had never received an e-mail outlining this process.


President Shorter stated that she had sent it to her.


Commissioner Keehn responded by saying she would forward a copy of the e-mail to Commissioner Marks.


Vice President Miles said that if the Commissioners had something to submit for the agenda and had not heard from her, that they should contact her one week before the meeting to provide their input.


No public comment.


5.  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT                                 


      Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee gave a brief synopsis of the Department’s activities over the last six moths per the Commission’s request.  She reported that the Department has been operating with minimal staff [six staff] but has been able to produce exceptional work.  The Executive Director explained how the staff has absorbed duties of the two employees who had left the Department, Ann Lehman and Winnie Xie. 


      Ms. Taylor-McGhee reviewed the work of the Department over the last six month, which included a detailed Efficiency Plan and a Customer Service Plan to the Board of Supervisors; met on several occasions with representatives from San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR) to discuss contract compliance issues; met with members of the Jewish Community Relations Council and other members of the Jewish community to hear their concerns regarding SFWAR; worked with the staff of W.O.M.A.N., Inc. to develop sound fiscal accounting practices and strong infrastructure with a service focus on the 24-hour crisis line; held an All-Agency meeting with the Violence Against Women (VAW) Programs to focus on contract compliance, cultural competency and customer service.


      The Executive Director said the Department has been working with Verizon Wireless to launch a public awareness campaign to reach people who might know a person experiencing domestic violence.  Executive Director Taylor-McGhee hoped that the Friends of the Commission on the Status of Women (Friends) would serve as a conduit for the grant as they have in the past and is hopeful about the fruition of the August 2003 Friends Action Plan adopted by the Commission at the August 27, 2003 meeting.  She stated that she is concerned that the grant needs to be used and suggested that there were two possible options.  The Department could ask for an extension of the grant and hope to get it or ask that the grant be reissued to the Department while reactivation of Friends is under way.  The Executive Director asked the Commission for direction on how she should proceed with the Verizon grant. 


      The Executive Director discussed her follow-up from the October meeting with the Department of Public Works (DPW).  In October 2003 meeting, Commissioner Murase and Executive Director Taylor-McGhee met with DPW regarding alleged sexual harassment complaints from the female janitorial staff.  The Executive Director discussed how DPW and the Department could work together to create more awareness about this problem.  In the past weeks, the Executive Director has spoken to Ed Lee from DPW.  Mr. Lee informed the Executive Director that the complaints alleged earlier are now part of law suit which has not yet been settled.  He did say the DPW has translated their anti-harassment brochure into Spanish and Chinese and reissued the harassment policy to the whole of the DPW.  Mr. Lee said that Mr. Tom Willis, EEO Manager and he would be interested in working with the Commission and the Department to develop sexual-harassment awareness trainings for DPW employees.


      The Executive Director discussed the allegations of sexual assault and harassment at San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD).  She reported that the case of sexual assault at Wallenberg High School is currently being investigated by the District Attorney’s Office.  Ms. Taylor-McGhee said she placed a call to Superintendent Arlene Ackerman and is awaiting a call back.  She reported that the Department currently funds a program through SFWAR to provide peer education training on sexual assault and violence prevention. 


      The Executive Director told the Commission that Senior Policy Analyst Caroline Donnola attended a coalition meeting on the Single Payer Health Program in Sacramento on February 2, 2004.  Policy Analyst Carol Sacco attended the Women and Girls Health Advisory Committee meeting on February 10, 2004.  As discussed at the Retreat, the Department will continue to be part of this Committee.   The Executive Director served as a moderator for the Women in Politics panel at the Women’s Building on the evening of February 18, 2004.


      Commissioner Williams said that the Commission had changed the timeline for the Friends Action Plan at the December 17, 2003 COSW meeting.


      President Shorter thanked the Executive Director for her report.  Ms. Shorter asked Commission for its thoughts on the Friends and the Verizon grant.


      Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette reviewed the history of Verizon, the Department and the Friends with the Commission.  She stated that the Department has had the leadership role and the Friends have had the support role with the Verizon grant. Ms. Navarrette reminded the Commission that the deadline for the initial grant had been October 30, 2003


      The Commission discussed the deadline and asked about future deadlines


      Executive Director Taylor-McGhee reviewed the work that had been done by the Department for the Verizon grant.


      President Shorter asked if there was any new information about the Friends.


      Commissioner Williams said she would discuss the Friends later in the agenda.


      Commissioner Marks asked what the problems would be if the Department accepted the money of the grant. 


      The Executive Director said that it was possible, but the acceptance would create additional bureaucracy.


      Vice President Miles thanked the Executive Director for her report and asked that future reports contain as much detail for communication purposes between the Commission and the Department.


      Commissioner Keehn asked the Department to make the Commission aware if the Department is unable to attend meetings and events so that a Commissioner may be able to go in lieu of staff. 


      President Shorter asked the Executive Director to call upon the Commissioners when help is needed.


      Vice President Miles reminded the Commission that all new requests for the Department be filtered first through the Executive Director. 


      No public comment.


            CONSENT AGENDA


All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda and are considered to be routine by the Commission on the Status of Women.  They will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.  Members of the public may speak on each item listed on the Consent Agenda.


No items have been calendared for the Consent Agenda.


6.   OLD BUSINESS                                            

       a.  VAW Guidelines

Executive Director Taylor-McGhee stated that the VAW Program Guidelines were the same as provided at the Retreat.  The Question & Answer format was designed to make the information more accessible to both the Commission and the public. 


Commission Williams asked which Commissioners would serve on the panel to decide which agencies receive funding.


Commissioner Keehn said that the President could appoint Commissioners to serve.


The Executive Director reminded the Commission that there could not be a conflict of interest between the appointed panel members and any programs applying for funding.


President Shorter asked that any Commissioner interested in serving on the panel make that known to her.  She stated that the Commission would have further discussion at the March Commission meeting.


Commissioner Murase asked if there would be time for the Commission to come together to think strategically about what priorities would be emphasized with the granting of funds. 


President Shorter said that some of that planning had been done at the Retreat, and that she hoped that after the Commissioners reviewed the Retreat minutes that they would bring other ideas to the March COSW meeting for further discussion.


Commissioner Murase asked to have a list of what allocations have been made and what percent of the budgeted monies has gone to agencies for review at the March COSW meeting.


      m/s/c (Murase/Keehn/Unanimous)

      Action: To approve the VAW Program guidelines


Vice President Miles requested the Department do outreach to African-American agencies so that more agencies will apply for the funding than have done so in the past.


No public comment.


b.   Girls

      Ms. Sacco informed the Commission that the information provided in the Commission packets on the goals of the policy area of girls was the same information provided at the Retreat.   


      President Shorter directed the Commission to the goals and objectives outlined in the Girls memorandum provided in their packets.  She discussed the Girls Safety Committee and Commission participation in the Committee, although at this time there are no members. 


      Commissioner Williams asked what the timeline would be for the action plan and how success would be measured. 


      President Shorter thought that the current proposed action plan could lead to a more developed action plan with measurable goals.


      Commissioner Keehn asked if the Department had approved the action plan and would be able to complete the work proposed.


      Executive Director Taylor-McGhee said that the goals could be completed over the next three years.


      The Commission discussed renaming the Girls Safety Committee and the language and the meaning of the Committee.


      The Commission decided to discuss a name change for the Girls Safety Committee at the next COSW Meeting.


      m/s/c (Mark/Murase/Unanimous)

      Action: Approve goals in the area of Girls, including the reactivation of the Girls Safety Committee.


      No public comment.


c.   Justice and Courage

      Commissioner Keehn asked that the action item regarding Justice and Courage Project goals for 2003-2004 be postponed until the next COSW Meeting.  She gave a brief update on the Justice and Courage Project, and she reminded the Commission that one of Mayor Newsom’s 21 policy points is domestic violence, and that he is committed to the JUSTIS project.  Commissioner Keehn met with the Mayor regarding the JUSTIS project, and he said that he had found federal funding for it.        The Oversight Panel has been meeting every two months.  The Panel is still short one member,  which it has been short since the very beginning and another member will be leaving.  Ms. Keehn has been attending JUSTIS meetings.  She believes that the JUSTIS system will be up and running by the end of this calendar year.  Commissioner Keehn reported that the Executive Director and Ken Theisen have been working on a media plan.


      Vice President Miles acknowledged Commissioner Keehn’s contributions.


      No public comment.


d.   Assignment List

      President Shorter referred the Commission to the Assignment List in the Commission Packet.


      Commission Murase and Marks requested a one-page of talking points on the budget and the work being done by the Department and the Commission be provided to the Commissioners.


      President Shorter read into record from the January 30, 2004 Minutes as to which Commissioner would be speaking to which member of the Board of Supervisors.


Commissioner Shorter – Daly, Duffy

Commissioner Keehn -- Gonzalez

Commissioner Williams – Sandoval, Peskin

Commissioner Miles -- Hall, Alioto-Pier

Commissioner Tulier -- Maxwell

Commissioner Murase – Ma, Alioto-Pier

Commissioner Marks – McGoldrick, Ammiano


       Commissioner Marks asked when the timeline for meeting with the Supervisors begins.


      President Shorter asked the Executive Director when would be the best time to schedule the meetings.


      The Executive Director said that now would be a good time to make contact.


      Ms. Noelle Simmons, from the Mayor’s Budget Office, informed the Commission that the budget goes to the Board of Supervisors on June 1, 2003.


      The Commission discussed the best time to contact the Supervisors. 


      Deputy Director Navarrette reminded the Commission one of the purposes of   the meetings with the Supervisors was to build an ongoing relationship between the Board of Supervisors, the Commission and the Department.


      No public comment.


e. District Attorney Meeting

      President Shorter discussed setting up a meeting with the District Attorney to welcome her to her new office.  She asked the Commissioners if they had certain items they wanted to have addressed during the meeting with the District Attorney.


      Vice President Miles suggested inviting the Fire Chief, Acting Police Chief and the District Attorney to a Commission meeting.  She suggested inviting to them to the March meeting.


      President Shorter suggested inviting them to the April meeting when an agenda could be developed to include them.


      Commissioner Murase wanted to discuss Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and DPW issues with the District Attorney.


      Vice President Miles would like to get gang statistics, particularly girl gangs.


      Commissioner Keehn expressed concerns regarding the Domestic Violence Response Unit (with the Police Department).  She said that there were currently only 11 inspectors out of 20.


      Commissioner Williams asked that information requested last year by the Commission from the District Attorney’s Office be passed on to the new administration and that when a meeting does take place, District Attorney Harris can give an update.


      Commissioner Keehn suggested having the District Attorney come to a Commission meeting to give a general overview and that a later meeting could be set up with her to discuss specific issues.


      The Commission reached a consensus about inviting the District Attorney to a Commission meeting.


      No public comment.


f.    Follow-up of the recognition of Lateefah Simon

      Commissioner Marks asked that the recognition of Ms. Lateefah Simon be postponed until the Friends was activated and a reception could be put together to recognize Ms. Simon’s efforts.


      No public comment.


g.   Follow-up on the recognition of Faith Fancher

      Vice President Miles said that she would be meeting with the Executive Director and submitting the write up of the resolution for Ms. Faith Fancher.  Ms. Miles also asked Commissioner Keehn and the Executive Director to help assist her with the Op-Ed piece around domestic violence.


      Commissioner Murase asked that Ms. Fancher’s resolution be put on the Consent Calendar.


      No public comment.


h.   Update on SB689

      Commissioner Marks asked Ms. Donnola about further clarification on SB689.


      Ms. Donnola said that the bill was currently being rewritten and reintroduced.  She explained to the Commission that at this point there was no bill to support.


      No public comment.


7.  NEW BUSINESS                                            


a.   Budget Plan B

      Deputy Director Navarrette gave the Commission on update on the budget.  She referred the Commission to the materials in the packet covering the budget.  Ms. Navarrette provided a breakdown of the budget for the Fiscal Year 2003/2004 and for the next Fiscal Year 2004/2005.   She reviewed the instructions the Department had received from the Mayor’s Budget Office.  The $122,966.00 loss [Fiscal Year 2004/2005] was applied towards the funded programs to have a minimal impact on programs and services.  Deputy Director Navarrette said that the Department attempted to absorb as much of the cut within its own budget and gave examples of the absorption. 


      Commissioner Williams asked for clarification on staff pay regarding cost of living adjustments.


      Ms. Navarrette reviewed the history staff’s contributions to retirement and cost of living adjustments (COLA) for the Commission.


      Commissioner Murase asked Ms. Simmons of the Mayor’s Budget Office if the new marriage license fees [through the conduction of gay and lesbian marriages in the City and County of San Francisco] would bring additional revenue to the Department.


      Ms. Simmons replied that there should be an increase of revenue for the Department over the next year, but further research was required on the subject.


      Deputy Director Navarrette reviewed the Department’s contingency plan with the Commission.


      The Commission discussed the contingency plan.


      Ms. Simmons explained that contingency plans are requested from departments by the Mayor’s Budget Office to hedge against uncertain ties in the budget at this time such as what is happening at the state level, labor costs for City employees and retirement costs for City employees.


      The Commission discussed the involvement of grantees in the budget process.


      The Deputy Director explained that the Department provided the grantees [VAW Programs] with a survey that was to be filled out and returned to the Department that asked what services they felt were important to keep.  None of the grantees returned the survey.


      Commissioner Murase said that she appreciated the cost effectiveness of e-mailing memorandum to the Commission instead of mailing it. 


      Commissioner Keehn appreciated the calls reminding the Commissioners that e-mail had been sent regarding Commission business.


      Commissioner Murase moved to adopt the contingency plan as presented.


      Commissioner Williams seconded.


      President Shorter asked Commissioner Keehn if the approval of a contingency budget would effect the earlier rejection of any budget cuts.


      Commissioner Keehn said that she would not approve the contingency plan.


      Commissioner Murase withdrew the motion but acknowledged the Department’s work in putting the plan together.


      The Commission discussed reasons not to support the contingency plan.


      m/s/c (Miles/Shorter/Unanimous)

      Action: To not determine a back up plan for the budget if the cuts do happen.


      No public comment.


b.   Commissioner Compensation

      President Shorter reviewed the memorandum regarding Commissioner Compensation. 


      Commissioner Murase said that to be able to participate in City Hall Day Care Program City employees must show a pay-stub to be eligible for a tuition reduction. 


      Vice President Miles said that there was an option to vote on an individual basis.


      President Shorter said that this vote [to waive the $25.00 stipend] would be a standing policy for the Commission.


      Commissioner Keehn asked if it would be possible for Ann Courtright to do further follow-up on the questions being raised and have a later discussion at next month’s Commission meeting


      Vice President Miles wanted verification that the $25.00 would go back to the Department.


      President Shorter suggested tabling this action until a later date.


      No public comment.


c.   Afghani Women Roundtable Discussion


      Commissioner Marks reviewed the materials provided by Ms. Aileen Hernandez in regards to the Commission’s sponsorship of the International Women’s Day Forum on Sunday, March 7, 2004, in which there would be a group of Afghani Women participating in a roundtable discussion.  Ms. Marks stated that participation was not necessary but support via sponsorship [the sponsorship would be in name only and not money].


      m/s/c (Marks/Shorter/Unanimous)

      Action: Determined the Commission would act as a sponsor at the International Women’s Day Forum  

      on Sunday, March 7 from 1:00 4:00 p.m.


      Commissioner Marks asked the Executive Director to notify Ms. Hernandez of the Commission’s decision.


      No public comment.


d.   Other Minds

      Commissioner Marks reviewed the materials in the packet.  Commissioner Marks said she did not have a lot of information on the group and asked if anyone else had information on the group. 


      Commissioner Keehn said she believed that this was a Commission activity and if the Commission wanted to recognize the group, that a Commissioner, not a staff member, should write the letter.


      Commissioner Marks said if the Commission decided to support the group that she would write a letter.


      m/s/c (Keehn/Shorter/Unanimous)

Action: To recognize, with a resolution, the contributions made by Other Minds to promote women composers.


No public comment.


        e. Status of COSW Committees

President Shorter tabled the Status of the COSW Committees until the City Attorney could participate in the meeting.


      No public comment.




b.   Updated Protocol Flow Charts

      Commissioner Tulier said that the Protocol Flow Charts can be tabled in the observance of time.


c.   Friends of the Commission Update

      Commissioner Williams said that there was an event for the Friends planned on either March 4 or March 10 at the home of Commissioner Keehn.  She said that Commissioner Keehn would let her know tomorrow, February 20, what date the event would be scheduled.  Ms. Williams said she would be hand-delivering 10 invitations to each Commissioner which she wanted them to post to possible Friends members.  Ms. Williams said she would have the invitations printed and delivered to the Commissioners by Saturday, February 21st.  She said that she would be donating wine, cheese and light snacks for the event. Commissioner Williams reminded the Commission that a minimum of five members are needed to reactivate the Friends.  This event would allow the Friends to vote on officers which would allow a designee or designees as check-signers.  She said that the event would also serve to review the roles of and responsibilities between the Department, the Friends and the Commission.  Commissioner Williams hoped to have check-signers established by the latest on March 11, 2004.


      President Shorter asked for further clarification about Friends and the Verizon grant.


      The Executive Director said that the Department had a relationship with Verizon that it wanted to maintain.  She said that she would like to provide Verizon with a concrete timeline on when the monies would be spent.


      Deputy Director Navarrette reviewed the history of the grant and the on-going problems with rescheduling events and the cancellation of particular aspects of the project due to the lack of funds [funds which are within the Friends account].  Verizon wants the Department to have a press conference and the Department cannot have a press conference without providing the product.


      President Shorter asked about the possibility of giving the monies to another agency.


      Deputy Director Navarrette reviewed the problems with that suggestion.


      Commissioner Williams asked about the press conference.


      The Executive Director said that the press conference(s) had been postponed [including one initiated by the Mayor’s Office] until the issue with the Friends is resolved. 


      President Shorter asked for further clarification about giving the money to the Department.


      Deputy Director Navarrette explained that when the money is given to the Department it falls under the City’s restrictions [production companies would have to bid to do the public service announcements which would cause further delays].


      President Shorter said that the option to give the money to the Department could not be an option in the light of the problems stated earlier by Ms. Navarrette and suggested a third-party be the recipient for the Verizon grant.


      Vice President Miles asked Commissioner Williams how many people were committed at this time to the Friends.


      Commissioner Williams said that the total amount was difficult to gauge as some perspective members were out of the country at this time.


      President Shorter suggested a recommendation to the Department that they find another organization to fulfill the grant.


      Commissioner Williams asked for further clarification regarding the [past] deadlines for the Verizon grant.


      The Executive Director stated that the Department is trying to keep the good relationship that has been established with Verizon to do the good work outlined in the grant.  She said there was a lot of work that went into researching and locating a production company [to provide PSAs] and stressed the importance of going back to square one with the project over-all.


      President Shorter asked where the relationship was with the current production company.


      The Executive Director informed her that the production company would not proceed without payment.


      Commissioner Tulier asked for the Department’s feedback on President Shorter’s suggestion to house the grant with another organization and expressed concerns about having potential Friends members sign-up as a bank designee one day after a mixer.  Ms. Tulier stressed the importance of cultivating a relationship with potential Friends members before asking them to sign checks. 


      Commissioner Williams said that she had two people that would be willing to go to the bank and that Commissioner Keehn had one person after the Friends mixer.


      Commissioner Murase honored the work the staff has done thus far and suggested going to Verizon and asking for an extension.  She warned against a third-party involvement believing that it would cause additional problems and that it would need to be approved by the City Attorney’s Office.  Ms. Murase said that it was important to have a timeline for the Verizon project.


      Vice-President Miles asked that past Commission members be contacted and asked to participate in the Friends.  She said she would be willing to assist Commissioner Williams with those phone calls if needed.


      President Shorter agreed with Commissioner Murase suggestion of contacting Verizon but believed that it would be possible to use a third-party to act as a receiver for the grant.


      Deputy Director reminded the Commission that the $45,000.00 was already in the Friends account.


      President Shorter said that the best option was to get the Friends up and running.


      The Commission discussed what was needed to get the Friends up and running.  President Shorter stressed that out-reach could be done until March 10 and by the 11th [according to the timeline established], there would be an individual who could act as designee [five people are needed to have the Friends operating according to the Friends by-laws].


      Commissioner Williams asked what the last possible date was before the grant money needed to be returned to Verizon.


      President Shorter clarified the language of the grant and explained that the Department had already passed the October deadline.


      The Executive Director stated that it was her understanting that once five people are found who wanted to participate in the Friends that the officers could be elected via conference call if needed due to time constraints.


      Commissioner Marks asked for further clarification on how the Commission was going to proceed.


      President Shorter stated that the Commissioners would be doing what they had been doing for the past year, to find people to participate in the Friends.


      President Shorter asked that the roles and responsibilities between the Department and the Friends Committee be postponed at this time since there isn’t a Friends Committee.


No public comment.


Commissioner Marks said the Women’s Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary sometime in March and asked the Commission how that event can be recognized by the Commission.  She asked for suggestions from the Commission and asked if a resolution could be done.  She said she would write the letter of recognition.


President Shorter asked that the recognition be brought to the March meeting.


m/s/c (Marks/Miles/Unanimous)

Action: To draw up a resolution supporting the Women’s Foundation on their 25th anniversary.


  No public comment.


a.   CEDAW

Commissioner Murase asked to meet with Commissioner Williams and the Executive Director to plan a CEDAW Committee meeting.  She suggested a brain-storming meeting in March and a CEDAW meeting in April.


No public comment.


9.   CLOSED SESSION                                       

The Commission met in closed session for a public employee performance evaluation of Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee.  The Commission then inadvertently adjourned without reconvening in open session.


10.   PUBLIC COMMENT          


            Inadvertently adjourned without reconvening in open session and calling for public comment.



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Explanatory documents: For copies of explanatory documents listed in this agenda, and other related materials received by COSW, please contact the Department on the Status of Women at 25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 130, San Francisco, CA  94102; phone: 

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