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Meeting Information

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City and County of San Francisco

Special Meeting


Thursday, January 15, 2004

5:00 P.M.

City Hall, Room 408

     1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102


Public comment will be heard before and/or during each agenda item.


Members Present                           Staff Present


President Andrea Shorter                Belle Taylor-McGhee, Executive Director

Vice President Juanita Miles          Rosario Navarrette, Deputy Director                   

Commissioner Dorka Keehn           Caroline Donnola, Senior Policy Analyst

 Commissioner Carolene Marks     Carol Sacco, Policy Analyst

 Commissioner Valerie Tulier          Justine McGonagle, Justice & Courage Coordinator

 Commissioner Angela Williams             Bernice Casey, Executive Secretary       


  • CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL                                          

      President Shorter called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

      Commissioner Tulier arrived at 5:50 p.m.

      No public comment.

  • ADOPTION OF AGENDA                                                     


m/s/c (Miles/Marks/Unanimous)

Action:  Adopted amended agenda for the Thursday, January 15, 2004Special Meeting.


No public comment.


  • APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                   


President Shorter asked the minutes to be changed to reflect the Commission members in attendance at the   December 17, 2003 Meeting in the Closed Session.


m/s/c (Miles/Marks/Unanimous)

Action: Approved the corrected minutes from the Wednesday, December 17, 2003, Regular Meeting.


No public comment.


4.   PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                                      


President Shorter welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished them a happy New Year.  She reminded and invited everyone to the Commission Retreat on Friday, January 30, 2004


No public comment.




Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee also extended an invitation to the Commission Retreat.  The Retreat will be held at Golden Gate Park, County Fair Buildings, Garden Room.   The space is reserved from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. to allow time for set-up and clean-up.  The Retreat is scheduled from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. with the last hour set aside for the Closed Session.  Baillee Serbin of Serbin Associates has agreed to facilitate the Retreat for the second year in a row.  Commission Tulier, Ms. Serbin, and Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette will meet with the Executive Director on Friday, January 16, 2004, to finalize the Retreat Agenda.  Executive Director Taylor-McGhee thanked Commissioner Tulier for her assistance in developing the

Retreat Agenda and also thanked all the Commissioners who made contributions to the agenda process.


At the end of the year, Mayor Brown asked a handful of departments to submit an overview of their department to both him and then Mayor-elect Newsom. The Commissioners have been provided with a copy of that report in their packets.


On Monday, January 5, 2004, Executive Director Taylor-McGhee participated in a KALW CITY VISION program titled, “Exploring the Pro-Choice Movement” with Jennifer Parker of ACCESS and Kathy Kneer of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. 


Policy Analyst Carol Sacco attended a panel discussion in Sacramento on “Gender Matters: Promoting Mental Health for Girls and Women” on Monday, January 16, 2004.  The half- day session provided an opportunity to network with advocates from all over the state.  Ms. Sacco said she would present a report on the panel discussion at the Retreat.


On the same day, members of DOSW staff and the Executive Director also met with fifteen representatives from the All-China Women’s Federation.  The Department was very impressed with the work they are doing on CEDAW and domestic violence.  The Federation does not have shelters for victims of domestic violence, but it is   beginning nation-wide hotline programs.


On January 13, 2004, Senior Policy Analyst Caroline Donnola attended The San Francisco Elder Abuse Multi-disciplinary Team meeting (MDT) on behalf of the Department. Senior Policy Analyst Caroline Donnola informed the Commission that the meeting provided an opportunity to meet with representatives from organizations that specialize in work with the elderly.  The meeting dealt with specific cases of elder abuse.  She suggested the Commission may want to continue a relationship with the organization since two-thirds

of elder abuse victims are women.


Over the next few weeks, Executive Secretary Bernice Casey and Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette will be working on expanding the job library and phone service provided by the Department.  The Department will be sending out requests to over 1000 businesses asking for job listings to be sent to the Department to expand the job library.  In February, the Department will begin logging phone calls from the public making requests to develop a quantitative measurement of public service provided.


The Executive Director reminded the Commission of the National Association of Commissions for Women (NACW) conference in Pasadena on July 15 and 16.  The NACW is requesting workshop proposals for the conference, which has been outlined and submitted to the Commission in their packets.  The Executive Director    asked Commissioners to submit their ideas for a workshop to Executive Secretary Bernice Casey by January 23, 2004, so that a submission may be outlined for their approval at the Retreat.  Ms. Taylor-McGhee suggested that the Commission use the opportunity to discuss CEDAW.


The Executive Director informed the Commission that, as discussed at the last COSW meeting, the economic forecast for the current fiscal year and next fiscal year continues to be gloomy.  She referred them to their packets, which contained recent budget instructions from the Mayor’s Budget Office, along with three separate scenarios prepared by the Department to meet the requests of the Mayor.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee reviewed the impact of last year’s (Fiscal Year 02-03) $72.000.00 cut.  The Mayor’s Budget Office is requesting a 7 ½ % contingency plan from all City departments for this year (Fiscal Year 03-04).   In February, the Department has been asked to submit a 5 ½ % contingency plan for Fiscal Year 04-05.  The 7 ½ % contingency plan represents a reduction of $180,000.00 and the 5 ½ % plan represents a $123,000.00 cut.  Due to the current budget and past cuts, the Department would have to apply any further cuts directly to the funded programs or cut staff.  Executive Director Taylor-McGhee reviewed all three reduction scenarios with the Commission.


President Shorter asked the Executive Director to clarify the third scenario.


Commissioner Keehn asked the Executive Director what her recommendation was regarding the budget.


The Executive Director informed the Commission that all cuts would directly affect the funded programs and that the scenarios submitted for their approval would take monies from the programs.  The Executive Director proposed the first scenario.


Commissioner Miles asked what would happen if the Commission didn’t choose any of the scenarios.


The Executive Director explained that the process has just begun and includes the same steps as last year, including meeting with the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor’s Office and the Budget Committee.  The Commission can make the choice of how it wants to proceed, but the Department has to submit a proposal to the Budget Office on January 16, 2004.


Commissioner Marks asked for clarification about what institutions will be funded in the next funding cycle or if we will be funding different organizations.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee said that the Department is not at that point in the funding process yet. Moreover, the agencies which currently receive funding may or may not be the same agencies which are funded in the next cycle.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee informed the Commission that Budget Analyst Noelle Simmons from the Mayor’s Budget Office was at the meeting and encouraged the Commission to ask Ms. Simmons clarifying questions.


Commissioner Keehn asked if the next three-year funding cycle was starting in 2004.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee informed the Commission that the next cycle for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 would begin in July of 2004.


Commissioner Keehn asked if the Commission was locked into future funding of the VAW programs based on any budget cuts approved today.


Budget Analyst Simmons informed the Commission that the Mayor’s Budget Office was concerned with total dollar amounts, not the amount allotted per agency.


Commissioners Keehn and Shorter asked for further clarification about how the contingency plans should be                                 submitted and if the Department needed to submit one of the formatted proposals or could instead submit a letter.


They also asked if submitting a proposal gives the Commission less room to negotiate for no cuts or cuts in a lesser amount.


Ms. Simmons informed the Commission that there was not room to negotiate for a lesser amount. 


Commissioner Keehn motioned that the Commission not approve the budget.


Commissioner Marks seconded the motion.


City Attorney Paula Jesson reminded the Commission that they were under the Executive Director’s Report and had not reached that action item.


Commissioner Marks asked if the Department and Commission could cut down on other expenditures instead of the funded programs.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee replied that the Department had made all feasible cuts and that further cuts would result in less staff.


Commissioner Miles asked what would happen if the Department and the Commission did not make any cuts.


Ms. Simmons informed the Commission that the Budget Office is legally required to submit a balanced budget to the Board of Supervisors by June 1, 2004.


The Commission discussed strategies that were used last year to prevent budget cuts.


Commissioner Miles asked Ms. Simmons if the City is in better or worse shape now as compared to last year.


Ms. Simmons said that would be hard for her to say based on the new make-up of the Mayor’s Office and the Budget Committee.


Commissioner Williams asked about the size of budget cuts citywide.


Ms. Simmons said the current projection was $275 million for next year.


Commissioner Marks asked what the impact of the State budget would be on the City.


Ms. Simmons said that the City currently did not know what those cuts would be based on the Governor’s budget plan; those cuts would cost the City 100 million dollars.


President Shorter thanked Ms. Simmons for her information.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee wanted to make sure that the Commission knew that in addition to current contingency plans, the Mayor’s Budget Office was asking for a 15% contingency plan to be submitted in February, bringing the total budget cuts for Fiscal Year 2004-05 to nearly a half million dollars.


President Shorter asked for public comment.


Beckie Masaki from the Asian Women’s Shelter thanked the Commission for its stand last year.  Ms. Masaki recommended no budget cuts for the current and future years stating that the lives of battered women depend on these monies.  The Domestic Violence Consortium is helping to coordinate a meeting with the larger community to mobilize and wants to work closely with the Commission to send a message to the new Mayor and the Board of Supervisors that services to women who are victims of violence cannot be cut.  She stated that the Asian Women’s Shelter finances are already stretched thin. 


Nina Jusuf from San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR) spoke about the uniqueness of each program in San Francisco which helps women who are victims of violence.   She said the burden is on the agencies to continue to provide services to these women.  Ms. Jusuf suggested a two-prong approach: 1) that the agencies work with the Commission to ensure that monies are not removed from the current budget and 2) to work together to find new sources of funding.  Ms. Jusuf concurred with Ms. Masaki that agencies are already stretched thin and any further cuts would be devastating.


Beverly Upton from the San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium thanked the Commission for its courage.  Ms. Upton proposed working together with the Department and the Commission to identify a group of funders to replace monies or add to monies due to increased needs and decreased monies.  Ms. Upton identified some strong supporters of domestic violence programs in City Hall: Mayor Newsom, Supervisor Ma and Supervisor Daly.  Ms. Upton encouraged everyone to build on the success of last year.


Commissioner Keehn informed the Commission that one of Mayor Newsom’s twenty-one policy points is on domestic violence, and that his priority is to implement the Justice and Courage Report.


Kathy Black from La Casa de las Madres stated that the actions taken in the next few months will be an investment in the future.  She urged everyone to fight the budget cuts, especially because there are no new sources of funding.  She said La Casa would like to be at the table when there are meetings with City officials to ensure that funding is not cut from the Department.  Ms. Black concurred with Ms. Upton and believes that there needs to be a strong movement to go after private sources to fund programs, and she offered her agency’s and her own personal experience towards that endeavor.  In November 2003, La Casa operated at 105% capacity, which means that there were more women than funded beds.  She stated that this is just one example of the increase in demand for services and the need for funding.


Commissioner Keehn asked for similar statistics to be provided to the Commission so that the information can be utilized when lobbying the Board and the Mayor’s Office.


Commissioner Miles acknowledged the speakers and thanked them for their continued support.


President Shorter thanked the speakers for their leadership in the community.


Commissioner Tulier asked the community to go forward and speak their voice as one approach to stopping

these budget cuts.


            CONSENT AGENDA


All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda and are considered to be routine by the Commission on the Status of Women.  They will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.  Members of the public may speak on each item listed on the Consent Agenda.


No items have been calendared for the Consent Agenda.


6.   OLD BUSINESS                                           


      President Shorter asked if there were any more comments regarding the budget and the action item listed.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee corrected the language of the action item to reflect a 7 ½ % budget reduction   for Fiscal Year 03-04 and a 5 ½ % contingency reduction for Fiscal Year 04-05.                                                                                                                               

Commissioner Miles asked Commissioners if they were still going to give direction to the Department about what proposal will be submitted, regardless of how they voted on the action item.


President Shorter said that process would take place.


Commissioner Marks asked for clarification regarding the reduction for fiscal year, 2003-2004.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee explained that these were mid-year budget cuts.


Commissioner Tulier discussed strategies employed last year.


Commissioner Miles asked if the Commission would direct Ms. Taylor-McGhee as to which response she should submit to the Mayor’s Budget Office.


President Shorter suggested that the Commission discuss the strategies they employed last year headed by Commissioner Keehn and to decide if those would be the same strategies used this year.  Ms. Shorter emphasized that the strategy, not the selection of the budget scenario, should be the action item on which the Commission votes.


Commissioner Keehn moved that the Commission not approve the proposed budget cuts in the same way they did last year.


President Shorter seconded the motion.


Public Comment.


Beverly Upton asked for clarification about mid-year cuts.


Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee informed the Commission that the Department has already given the Mayor’s Budget Office $60, 000.00, which was Phase I of the cuts.  The $180,000.00, would make up Phase II of the contingency plan, and the $123,000.00 represents a 5 ½ % contingency plan for Fiscal Year 04-05.


Ms. Upton asked again if there was a guarantee that the $180,000.00 would not be removed from the budget.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee stated that there were no guarantees.


Commissioner Marks asked if the funding had already been allocated to the agencies, or if the funding was allocated on a monthly basis.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee informed the Commissioner that the Department pays agencies upon receipt of invoices.  She stated she had asked the Mayor’s Budget Office what would happen if the monies had already been encumbered by the agencies before the budget was cut.  The answer was that the City can take those monies even after the expenses have been incurred and the City will do so if needed.


Commissioner Marks asked for further clarification on how the Department pays the agencies.


Commissioner Marks asked how often that process [of paying the agencies] happens.


Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette explained that the City requires the Department to pay costs that have already been incurred and that the Department pays the agency for monies they have already spent.


Commissioner Keehn asked if that meant that the agency would have already spent the money by the time the Department informs them that there is no money for repayment [due to budget cuts].


Deputy Director Navarrette said that is possible. 


Commissioner Keehn asked if most non-profits had a fall-back if funding was suddenly not available.


President Shorter said that a cushion was not possible for all agencies.


Commissioner Keehn asked the four agencies present if they had such a cushion.


Public Comment


Ms. Masaki said that her shelter and most other shelters get monies from government agencies or funders that require that costs be encumbered before they can be reimbursed.  She stated his could use up any cushion quickly if those reimbursements were not received.


Ms. Black said she raises 50% of La Casa’s budget privately, and that those monies are usually earmarked for specific purposes and cannot be used for other purposes, or as a cushion.


Ms. Upton spoke about the smaller agencies that are not represented at this meeting.  She said many do not have cushions, and that budget cuts would impact these agencies on day one.


President Shorter asked Commissioners if they were ready to proceed with the vote.


m/s/c (Keehn/Shorter/Unanimous)

Action: To not approve the budget as the Commission did last year.


The Commission voted not to take action on the response to the Mayor’s Budget Office request for a 7 ½ % budget                    reduction for Fiscal Year 03-04 and a 5 ½ % contingency reduction for Fiscal Year 04-05.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee asked the Commission for direction on what she should present to the Mayor’s Office the following day since, as the Department head, she is under an obligation to submit a response.


Commissioner Miles asked how it was handled last year.


Commissioner Keehn said that last year the Department submitted one scenario along with a letter from the President of the Commission.


The Executive Director said there still needs to be a scenario presented in order to make responsible decision about what needs to be cut.


Commissioner Williams asked when the Department would know if any cuts would be made.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee explained that the information would unfold in the next few months.


Commission Tulier asked the community to fax in letters in support of no budget cuts for the Department.


Commissioner Keehn asked for a timeline for the upcoming budget milestones.


Commissioner Miles asked if the President and the Executive Director would be meeting the following morning to discuss what would be submitted that day.


President Shorter confirmed.


Deputy Director Navarrette informed the Commission that the timeline was provided in last month’s December 17, 2003 COSW Meeting Commission packets.


President Shorter asked how many dates are provided in the timeline.


Deputy Director Navarrette reviewed the dates with the Commission.


Commissioner Keehn asked if the budget could be discussed at the Retreat.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee confirmed that the budget was on the Retreat agenda.  She asked Ms. Simmons if a letter would suffice in response to the request for a contingency plan.


Ms. Simmons stated that the Budget Office was expecting a contingency plan from the Department.


Commissioner Keehn asked what would happen if a scenario was not submitted, and whether the Budget Office would decide where the monies would be cut, or if the Department would still be able to make that decision.


Ms. Simmons reiterated the 7 ½ % contingency plan was due the next day, and that at this time, it is highly unlikely that those monies would be taken from the departments.   However, if the monies were needed and a plan had not been submitted, the Budget Office, not the Department, would decide where those monies would come.


Commissioner Keehn asked for further clarification about what needs to be submitted.


Executive Director asked Ms. Simmons if the Department would be out of compliance if it did not respond to the           instruction from the Mayor.


Ms. Simmons suggested that the question would be better answered by the City Attorney.


Commissioner Keehn discussed the Commission’s role in directing the Executive Director.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee clarified her directive from the Commission.  She confirmed that she would be contacting President Shorter in the morning to construct a letter to the Mayor’s Office with either an attached scenario or without a scenario. 


President Shorter thanked Ms. Simmons on behalf of the Commission and asked if there was any further public comment.


President Shorter asked the Commission to think about foregoing the City stipend of $25.00 allotted to them for their service as Commissioners.  Ms. Shorter challenged other Commissions to look at that cost as well. 


Commissioner Miles asked that the discussion be calendared for the February COSW meeting.


Commissioner Tulier asked the Commissioners to look at the Retreat agenda provided in the packets while she reviewed it with them.


Commissioner Marks complimented Commissioner Tulier and suggested a timeline for the Retreat.  She asked for further clarification on the agenda’s reference to the Targeted Services section of VAW Programs. 


Commissioner Keehn said she had asked that there be a discussion about the need to provide targeted services for Latinas and African-Americans.


Commissioner Marks asked that the lesbian community be added to that discussion and asked if Commissioner Tulier could speak with her about other suggestions not currently on the agenda.


Commissioner Tulier agreed to contact her.


Commissioner Miles asked the Commission to look at the number of goals listed in the Strategic Plan and to determine whether the goals can be met.  Commissioner Miles suggested that the Commission decide what the top priorities are and focus on those.  She suggested that the goals be pared down so that the Commission and Department can be effective.


Commissioner Williams suggested that the facilitator’s services be used to help prioritize goals at the Retreat.


Commissioner Keehn reminded the Commission that the Executive Director comes back to the Commission once they submit their goals and lets them know what actions can be taken throughout the year by the Department.  Commissioner Keehn asked for further clarification about the small groups.


Commissioner Tulier said that the small groups would be worked out with the facilitator and asked the Commission what they would like to see in the group discussions.  The small group gives everyone a chance to say what they want to say and come back to recap to the larger group. 


Commissioner Miles asked about the time constraint.


The Commission discussed what they could accomplish in the time allotted.


Commissioner Tulier asked if the Commission wanted a working lunch.


Commissioner Keehn asked for further clarification on the small groups.


Commissioner Tulier said the small groups would provide an opportunity for Commissioners, staff and the public to rotate and to come together for a larger discussion.


Commissioner Keehn asked what other Commissioners thought about the small groups.


President Shorter expressed concerns about the continuity of small groups and the possibility of lost information.  She said, however, that it is important for each of the Commissioners to be involved in the overall process.  She stressed the importance of allotting time for that group discussion.


Commissioner Williams asked that Economic Development be added to the Retreat agenda.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee reminded the Commission that the Strategic Plan is a living document and ore there is always room for changes over the year.  Executive Director Taylor-McGhee asked that when the Commission advocates on behalf of the funded programs that they also advocate for the Department. 


Commissioner Williams asked if the Commissioners would have homework for the Retreat.


Commissioner Tulier said she would get back to the Commissioners after she met with the facilitator.


Commissioner Keehn asked where the budget appeared on the agenda and asked that it be added to the agenda in order to prepare for the February 20 budget deadline.


Executive Secretary Bernice Casey asked the Commission to look at the agenda and to let her know if she should   add any additional action items.


Commissioner Keehn asked that action items be added to the budget, VAW programs and CEDAW.


President Shorter recommended that an action item be placed in each area of the agenda.


City Attorney Paula Jesson informed the Commission of the necessary language.


The Commission agreed to a brown-bag lunch for the Retreat.  Commissioner Keehn agreed to donate bagels and water for the Retreat.


Commissioner Keehn motioned that the agenda be approved with the changes noted.


m/s/c (Keehn/Williams/Unanimous)

      Action: Approved agenda for Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) January 30, 2004retreat.


      No public comment.


      President Shorter thanked Commissioner Tulier and the Department staff for their hard work on the agenda.


Commissioner Marks recognized Aileen Hernandez’s presence at the meeting and asked if Ms. Hernandez would be able to speak to the Commission later in the meeting.


Commission Marks moved to postpone voting on the Commission support for SB 689 based on new information that had been provided to her.  She suggested that the item be moved to the February meeting so that time could be allotted to speak with the Breast Cancer Fund, which had requested the Commission’s support.


Senior Policy Analyst Donnola briefed the Commission on information that she gathered from other organizations.


Commissioner Keehn asked who the author of the bill was and who brought it to the Senate.


Ms. Donnola informed the Commission that it was brought to Senator Oritz by the Breast Cancer Fund and suggested getting feedback from organizations for and against the legislation to present at the next COSW meeting.


The action item was postponed until the February COSW Meeting.


      President Shorter reviewed the recognition of Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.


      Commissioner Miles directed the Commission to review the recognition supplied in their packets.


      m/s/c (Williams/Marks/Unanimous)


Action: Recognized, with a resolution, Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr.’s contributions on behalf of San Francisco’s women and girls.


Commissioner Miles circulated the resolution so that each Commissioner could sign.


Commissioner Keehn was excused.


No public comment.




Senior Policy Analyst Donnola suggested that the Commission look at the California Budget Project web-site to get a good summary of the budget cuts.  She also informed the Commission of the massive cuts being proposed in childcare.  Additionally, she informed the Commission of a proposal to transfer authority of certain immigrant programs from the State to a local level which can result in these programs being cut or eliminated.  She reviewed other legislation before the Senate, including the Tell A Parent Initiative, requiring a girl under the age of 18 to have at least one parent’s permission before receiving an abortion.


No public comment.


Commissioner Marks emphasized the importance of stressing the money savings to the City by supporting the VAW programs.  She asked for input from the Commission on how to do this for the Mayor and the District Attorney and that the Commission should not wait too long before approaching the Mayor and the District Attorney.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee reminded the Commission of the importance of the relationship with the District Attorney in regards to the Justice and Courage Project.  She said that the Department would set up a meeting with the Mayor and the District Attorney.


President Shorter asked that a meeting with the Mayor be arranged before the Retreat.  She asked if there was a cost benefit aspect of the Justice and Courage Report in implementing these policies.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee informed the Commission that there was not a cost benefit analysis to the Report.  She further stressed the importance of evaluating all programs supported by the Department.


Deputy Director Navarrette informed the Commission that Mayor Newsom’s stance on domestic violence grows out of the Justice and Courage work.


President Shorter asked that the Department pull together some cost benefit analysis of Justice and Courage and other Department endeavors.  The cost analysis is necessary to present to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors. If resources are limited at the Department to do the research, President Shorter suggested a graduate student or other agencies might be able to assist.  Cost benefit analysis is necessary to negotiate successfully.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee asked President Shorter to recommend people who could assist.


President Shorter asked that a preliminary analysis to be put together.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee said she did not think this could be done in time for the meeting with the Mayor.


The Commission discussed other ideas for the meeting with the Mayor.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee suggested meeting with the Mayor as soon as possible, and that she would inform President Shorter and Vice President Miles of the soonest appointment possible with the Mayor.


m/s/c (Marks/Williams/Unanimous)

Action: Agreed to meet with the new Mayor and the new District Attorney regarding the work and activities of COSW and DOSW.


No public comment.


Commissioner Marks suggested that if other Commissioners want to attend the meeting that they would be able to do so as long as there was not a quorum.


8. PUBLIC COMMENT                                      


Aileen Hernandez, the Chair of the California Women’s Agenda, gave some background about her organization.    The Women’s Intercultural Network has been working with women in Fremont who are representatives of the Afghan community.  A group of Afghanistan women have been invited to attend a forum. Ms. Hernandez asked the Commission if they wanted to support the March forum, and she invited the Commission to attend a preview of Iron Jawed Angels, a film about the women’s suffrage movement in the United States on Thursday, January 29, 2004, at the Palace of Fine Arts.  Ms. Hernandez expressed her hopes that the Commission, the Department and the California Women’s Agenda would have the opportunity to work together more often.


Commissioner Marks said she hoped the Commission would support the Afghanistan forum.


President Shorter asked that Ms. Hernandez be added to the February agenda.


Commissioner Tulier suggested that the item be discussed at the Retreat under the calendaring section.


Commissioner Miles invited Ms. Hernandez to the upcoming NACW and AACW Conferences in July.



9. ADJOURNMENT                                            


     m/s/c (Marks/Williams/Unanimous)

     Action: The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.


American Sign Language interpreters and a Sound Amplification System provided upon request with 48-hour advance notice to 415-252-2570. Translation into languages other than English is also available with 48-hour notice. Limited accessible street parking available.  Accessible MUNI Metro station in the Van Ness Station and lines are J, K, L, M and N.  Accessible MUNI Lines are the 6, 7, 9, 42, 47, 49, and 71 lines.   Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) will be available.  Meeting proceedings available in alternative formats.  In order to assist the City's efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. 

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The Board of Supervisors has amended the Sunshine Ordinance by adding provision 67A.1.  The provision is effective as of January 21, 2001.


The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting.  Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.


Explanatory documents: For copies of explanatory documents listed in this agenda, and other related materials received by COSW, please contact the Department on the Status of Women at 25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 130, San Francisco, CA  94102; phone: 

415-252-2570, fax:  415-252-2575.    Also, to the extent possible, documents will be available on the COSW website at


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(Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)

Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decision in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business.  This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.  For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance, or to report a violation of the Ordinance, contact the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force at 415-554-7724.  To obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance contact Donna Hall, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, City Hall, Room 244, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689, phone: 415-554-7724, fax: 415-554-7854, email:  Copies of the Sunshine Ordinance can also be obtained from the San Francisco Public Library and on the City’s website at


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Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code § 2.100] to register and report lobbying activity.  For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA  94102; telephone (415) 581-2300; fax (415) 581-2317; web site: