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Meeting Information

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City and County of S an Francisco
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
5:00 P.M.
City Hall, Room 408
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

MEMBERS PRESENT                              STAFF PRESENT
President Carolene Marks                              Belle Taylor-McGhee, Executive Director
Vice President Dorka Keehn                              Rosario Navarrette, Deputy Director
Commissioner Emily Murase                                        Rebecca Rolfe
Commissioner Andrea Shorter                              Winnie Xie, Grants Administrator
Commissioner Valerie Tulier                              Angela Martin, Confidential Secretary
          Commissioner Juanita Miles                              Edward Olsen, Deputy City Attorney

President Carolene Marks called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m.
Commissioner Julie Burton was excused.
Commissioner Valerie Tulier arrived at 5:06p.m.

NO PUBLIC COMMENT                                                                                

m/s/c (Miles/Murase/Unanimous) To adopt the agenda for the Wednesday,
July 24, 2002, Regular Commission Meeting.


3.           APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                   

m/s/c (Murase/Miles/Unanimous) To approve the minutes for the Wednesday, June 26, 2002, Regular Commission Meeting.


4.           PRESIDENT'S REPORT                                                             

·          Friends of the Commission: President Marks stated that she would like to see substantive action regarding the Friends of the Commission and the reception for the Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee. She commented that an active body of Friends is needed to enhance the work of the Commission.

Commissioner Miles suggested holding a reception for past members of the Friends to generate interest.

Vice President Keehn stated that a program should be defined before holding a reception for the Friends. She stated that this will allow prospective members the opportunity to be involved in the goals/activities of the Commission.

Commissioner Shorter suggested offering a non-paid internship through the University of San Francisco's Non-profit Management program. She stated that the intern may be able to receive college credits and would be responsible for coordinating the recruitment of the members of the Friends of the Commission.

President Marks asked if the DOSW had an intern who could help with the Friends.

Deputy City Attorney Edward Olsen stated that the intern for the Friends could not use public resources; e.g., computer equipment, postage, stationery, etc. He stated that it is best to distinguish the Friends from DOSW.
President Marks stated that she would be willing to provide space, a telephone and a computer for the Friends intern.

Vice President Keehn asked Commissioner Tulier if she is the liaison between the Commission and the Friends.

Commissioner Tulier stated that she needed to meet with the Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee, before deciding to become the liaison.

President Marks stated that she wanted to be included in the meeting with the Executive Director and Commissioner Tulier.

Vice President Keehn suggested forwarding ideas from last year's strategic plan and Commission meetings.

The Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee, stated that the Department will gather information from last year's meeting minutes regarding the Friends.

·          Reception for the Executive Director: President Marks commented that at the last meeting it was suggested that the reception for the DOSW's Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee, be held in August to coincide with upcoming events.

Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee stated that the Girls Report will be released in late September and the reception could be held soon after. She stated that she spoke to Pam McDonald of the Legion of Honor Museum who suggested having a reception during the Eternal Egyptian Master Arts E xhibit which runs from July - November 5, 2002. Ms. McDonald stated that she would be happy to let the Commission use the Museum's facilities for the reception on either Tuesday, September 3 or Tuesday, October 8, 2002.

President Marks suggested that she and the Executive Director discuss the possibility of holding the reception at the museum and have a plan in place for the next Commission meeting.

Bay Area Business Woman: President Marks stated that she spoke to Anna Marks of the Bay Area Business Woman and she would be happy to do an article about the Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee. She stated that the deadline for the September issue is August 26, 2002.

NO PUBLIC COMMENT                    


·          Site Visits: Belle Taylor-McGhee reported that during the past month, she and the DOSW Contract Administrator Winnie Xie have visited Gum Moon Women's Residence, Potrero Hill Neighborhood House and Woman Inc. She stated that substantive discussions occurred regarding client services and adequate resources for a growing client base. She also stated that while each program differs in its structure, common concerns include a lack of adequate mental health and counseling services for clients in crisis, a need for more staff and expanded programs. Other site visits are scheduled throughout the month.

Belle Taylor-McGhee stated that the DOSW is currently working with its funded agencies to streamline the reapplication process while continuing to create and improve performance and evaluation models.

·          Budget Process: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that at the July 22, 2002, Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board approved the allocation of funds as add-backs to the City's budget for a variety of programs. Included on the list was Gum Moon Women's Residence which received $20,000 to continue its program for battered Asian women. She stated that carry forward requests are due to the Controller's office by August 2, 2002, and that this amount includes balances of unspent add-backs, salary savings and interdepartmental work orders. The Department will send a letter to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors requesting their support for the Department to keep any fund balances. Because expenses are still being incurred, the exact amount of the add-backs is uncertain.

·          DOSW Retreat: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that the entire staff participated in an all day retreat on July 2, 2002. The staff reviewed the 2002-2003 Strategic Plan and strategized about current and proposed projects, including the Status of Girls Report. A follow-up review is scheduled for August 22, 2002.

·          Public Outreach: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that she and Policy Analyst Rebecca Rolfe attended the Women's Roundtable on July 16, 2002, where she was warmly welcomed as the new Executive Director of the DOSW. Information was shared on the status of funding for domestic violence services in San Francisco, and current events to support domestic violence programs. San Francisco Treasurer Susan Leal provided an update on the JUSTIS computer system, which will include a domestic violence module. Meetings are currently under way with individual City departments and entities to assess what information is needed to create an effective domestic violence component for the new system. Additionally, nominations for the Oversight Panel recommended in the Justice and Courage Report are currently being solicited.

·          Public Forum: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that the Department will be hosting a public forum on Thursday, July 25, 2002, from 4-6p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church in San Francisco. The forum will allow San Franciscans the opportunity to voice their opinions regarding how the community can better respond to women involved in domestic violence. At issue is the improvement of current hotlines serving women in crisis and the consideration of a centralized 24 hour crisis line.

·          National Association of Commissions for Women (NACW): Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that she attended the National Association of Commissions in Charlotte, North Carolina, along with Commissioner Juanita Miles. NACW passed two resolutions; one supporting the CEDAW ratification and the other supporting economic parity in the telecommunications industry.

·          Association of California Commissions for Women (ACCW): Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that the Association of California Commissions for Women will host its convention in Sacramento, California on August 18 - 20, 2002. Its theme is "Opening Doors to Women." Ms. Taylor-McGhee and Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette will give presentations.

·          U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee is scheduled to vote on the CEDAW treaty on Thursday, July 25, 2002. If it passes the committee, a vote by the full Senate could come by the early Fall. DOSW submitted a letter to the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle urging Senate ratification.


6.           NEW BUSINESS

·          Nomination of Commission Officers 2002-2003 Term

President Marks reported that she will not be running for President in the upcoming election. She stated that she would like to give the other Commissioners the opportunity to serve. She stated that the job is a very challenging experience and should be shared by all.

Action item: To accept nominations for the August election of the President and Vice President of the Commission.

m/s/c (Miles/Unanimous) To nominate Vice President Dorka Keehn for President of COSW.

m/s/c (Marks/Unanimous) To nominate Commissioner Emily Murase for Vice President of COSW.

The Commission will elect the President and Vice President at the August Commission meeting.

To ensure a quorum for election, Commissioner Murase stated that in previous years the Commission has scheduled a special meeting and held the election at the offices of the DOSW.

·          Action item: To consider writing a letter to Governor Gray Davis supporting the parole of Maria Suarez and other victims of physical/domestic abuse who are incarcerated for killing their abusers.

Commissioner Tulier asked if the Department is aware of each individual case and if the Department is recommending the letter for all of the women.

Ms. Taylor-McGhee responded affirmatively.

Rebecca Rolfe added that while not all of the cases have been highly publicized, they are equally horrific and each will be coming up for parole in approximately three (3) months. She also stated that the California Coalition for Battered Women in Prison is organizing an event on August 20, 2002, to bring attention to the issue.

m/s/c (Majority, Unanimous) To write a letter to Governor Gray Davis supporting the parole of Maria Suarez and other victims of physical/domestic abuse who are incarcerated for killing their abusers with the amendment that the DOSW will facilitate the process of forwarding the letter to the inmates' attorneys.

Commissioner Miles requested that an invitation to attend a Commission meeting be extended to the new Police Chief, Earl Sanders. The Commission would like to support him in the Justice and Courage Report and follow up on the San Francisco Chronicle article.

Vice President Marks asked if Belle Taylor-McGhee plans to meet with the Chief Sanders.

Ms. Taylor-McGhee stated that the Executive Secretary, Angela Martin, is in contact with Chief Sanders' scheduler to set up an appointment.

7.           OLD BUSINESS

·          Community Meetings
Strategic selection of communities to hold Commission meetings

Commissioner Murase stated that the Commission should be directed and focused on what it hopes to achieve in relation to community meetings.

Commissioner Tulier stated that she is in favor of continuing the community meetings; however, there needs to be a strategy in place.

          Vice President Keehn asked if a community meeting had been scheduled.

Commissioner Shorter stated that she and Commissioner Tulier are scheduled to coordinate a community meeting in Ingleside/Excelsior projected for August 24, 2002, and another meeting in Bayview/Hunter's Point.

President Marks asked about the subject matter for the Ingleside/Excelsior community meeting.

Commissioner Shorter stated that the subject would be girls' issues.
Vice President Keehn asked if the community meeting should occur after the release of the Girls Report.

Commissioner Shorter stated that she would agree to have a community meeting after the release of the Girls Report so that the community could be involved in the implementation of some of the recommendations.

President Marks stated that she had concerns about hosting another community meeting in Bayview/Hunter's Point because issues from the previous community meeting have not been addressed.

Commissioner Tulier stated that the Commission needs to revisit the commitment made to Bayview/Hunter's Point and other communities.

Commissioner Shorter agreed with Commissioner Murase that the issue of community meetings should be discussed at the Commission's retreat along with building staff capacity.

Commissioner Shorter stated she hopes the Girls Report is released in September. She also stated that she is receiving requests for the report beyond the State of California.

President Marks stated that a location for the October community meeting should be determined at the August Commission meeting.

Commissioner Tulier stated that she would help to secure a location if the meeting was held in the Mission district.

Commissioner Shorter stated that in anticipation of capacity needs, she has had a series of conversations with individuals who are willing to participate and support the Commission's efforts to release the Girls Report. She proposed that the Commission hold a hearing or a series of hearings relative to the categories presented in the report.

          President Marks asked where those meetings/hearings should be held.

Commissioner Shorter stated that the hearings should be held in the community to give citizens an opportunity to voice their concerns.

President Marks stated that Commissioner Shorter and the Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee, should determine the location of the hearings, and a discussion and vote should be taken at the next meeting. She also recommended that the Commission take a look at issues within different communities and attempt to help resolve them.

Vice President Keehn stated that holding three public hearings could be extremely time consuming.

Commissioner Shorter stated that the hearings were feasible if resources are used appropriately.

President Marks asked all Commissioners to bring in two (2) dates for the Commission retreat to the next Commission meeting.

Commissioner Shorter stated that the Commission retreat has traditionally been scheduled for October 11-14.

·          Medical/Medicare

President Marks stated that the assistant for Board of Supervisors President Tom Ammiano informed her that the letter regarding the Medical/Medicare issue has been forwarded to Supervisor Sophie Maxwell. She stated that she will contact Sarah He in Supervisor Maxwell's office to see what action is being taken.

Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette stated that Peggy Coster and Supervisor Sandoval are working on legislation to create a task force.


8.           REPORTS

·          Justice and Courage Oversight Committee: Vice President Keehn reported that the Family Violence Prevention Fund met regarding Claire Joyce Tempongko and other domestic violence issues. She stated that the Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee, and Treasurer Susan Leal also attended. Commissioner Keehn has received calls from individuals who feel that the JUSTIS system is moving forward and they are pleased that the domestic violence component is once again on the table.

Belle Taylor-McGhee stated that she, Rebecca Rolfe and Rosario Navarrette are currently working with Assistant Treasurer Jay Banfield and Walt Calcagno of DTIS to set up meetings with city departments responsible for responding to domestic violence. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss what information is needed for a domestic violence component of the JUSTIS system. The meetings will be scheduled with approximately seven departments over a two (2) week period. After the meetings, recommendations will be given to the Mayor, and he will meet with department heads to discuss and institute the recommendations.

Vice President Keehn stated that the Commission approved the new structure of a seven (7) member Justice and Courage Oversight panel; however, for a number of reasons, the panel has been expanded to nine. She stated that this number does not include Claire Joyce Tempongko's mother or the ex-officio members appointed by Mayor Brown. A letter will be sent out to community organizations requesting nominations and resumes for the Oversight panel; Commissioners are also being asked for nominations. The deadline for submission of nominations is August 20, 2002, by 5:00p.m. DOSW will review the resumes and recommend candidates at the August Commission meeting.

Commissioner Shorter stated that she would be interested in reviewing the resumes for the Oversight panel.

President Marks stated that she would like to see the procedures for the Oversight panel and committees established as soon as possible.

·          CEDAW: Commissioner Murase thanked the Commissioners for participating in the CEDAW training and gave a special thanks to Rebecca Rolfe and Ann Lehman for coordinating the training. She stated that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a vote on CEDAW. Meanwhile, the CEDAW taskforce is working on its five-year action plan, which will be presented at the September Commission meeting for adoption.

Vice President Keehn asked if minutes were taken at the CEDAW training.

Commissioner Murase stated that the CEDAW summary includes recommendations as a result of the training, and they will be used as a basis for planning at the November retreat.

Commissioner Miles reported that she was elected to the Board of Directors for the National Association of the Commissions for Women (NACW.) The Board's next Convention will be held in Wilmington, Delaware sometime next year. She stated that 44 Commissions were missing from this year's convention and some Commissions have been closed due to major budget cuts. She stated that one of the charges for the Board of Directors is to find a way to support those Commissions and bring them back to the NACW. Commissioner Miles stated that she is looking for support and ideas from COSW to help strengthen the NACW Board.

President Marks stated that she would like the retreat date placed on the next agenda.

9.           PUBLIC COMMENT

Several women spoke before the Commission regarding complaints against La Casa de las Madres. They requested that the issue be placed on the agenda for the August Commission meeting.

Kathy Black, the Executive Director of La Casa de las Madres, stated that she recently became aware of a letter from the Human Right Commission to the DOSW. Ms. Black stated that she looks forward to addressing the issues made against La Casa de las Madres.

Commissioner Shorter spoke as a member of the public and stated that she is also a member of the Board of Directors of La Casa de las Madres. She stated that any complaints or allegations relative to La Casa de las Madres would be taken seriously.

          It was agreed that the La Casa de las Madres issue will be on the August agenda.

          Commissioner Tulier asked when the Human Rights letter would be forwarded to the Commission.

          Executive Director Belle Taylor McGhee stated that the letter would be sent out the following day.

          Commissioner Tulier asked that all correspondence regarding La Casa de las Madres be addressed to the Department and the Commissioners.

          Commissioner Miles asked if someone from the Human Rights Commission could be present at the next Commission meeting to respond to the complaints.

10.          ANNOUNCEMENTS


11. ADJOURNMENT          

m/s/c (Miles/ Shorter/Unanimous) The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m.

Explanatory documents: For copies of explanatory documents listed in this agenda, and other related materials received by COSW, please contact the Department on the Status of Women at 25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 130, San Francisco, CA 94102; phone: 415-252-2570, fax: 415-252-2575. Also, to the extent possible, documents will be available on the COSW website at