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Meeting Information


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City and County of San Francisco Task Force for the Local Implementation of the

United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination AGAINST Women



Chair Emily Moto Murase called the meeting to order and introductions were made.

Task Force Members COSW Staff Public

Ken Theisen Latika Malkani Holly Friel, Aide to Supervisor Kaufman

Pansy Waller Ann Lehman (by phone)

Myrna Lopez Amy Ackerman (Deputy City Attorney)

Emily Moto Murase


A quorum was not present to adopt the agenda or minutes. The Task Force proceeded with an informational meeting.


· ACTION & DISCUSSION ITEM: Revision of the CEDAW Ordinance

    (Ken Theisen recused himself from any action on the matter and was present for informational purposes only.) Task Force and public members reviewed draft language, which included the following proposed revisions:

    1. Added findings demonstrating the need to examine programs and policies citywide, in addition to on a departmental level.

    2. Added findings demonstrating the need to examine the intersection of gender and race and the particular experiences faced by women of color, with reference to the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Race Discrimination (CERD).

    3. Added definitions of CEDAW-related terms.

    4. Enabled analysis of programs and policies in addition to analysis of departments.

    5. Required the Commission and the CEDAW Task Force to prepare a five year citywide Action Plan to address deficiencies revealed by the gender analyses and to further implement CEDAW’s principles.

    6. Made some changes to the composition and duties of the CEDAW Task Force.

    Task force members thanked Deputy City Attorney Amy Ackerman, Aide Holly Friel, and Supervisor Kaufman for their efforts in drafting revised legislation.

    _ DISCUSSION ITEM: Work/life survey of City departments

    The Task Force and public members discussed the citywide "family friendly" practices survey, now called a "work/life survey" to be more inclusive of single adults. There will be two parts to the survey: one focused on department policies and practices and one on employees’ needs and current practices. There are some technical and access difficulties with administering the survey on the Internet. Currently DOSW has no additional funds for assistance with the survey instrument, but is seeking a cost estimate. DOSW staff is also seeking input and partnership from the City Attorney, the Department of Human Resources, and the Controller’s office. Task Force members expressed that this project was ambitious but exciting and long overdue.

    _ DISCUSSION ITEM: DOSW’s symposium on women and girls in non- traditional education and employment (emphasis on the new economy)

    Staff reported that DOSW is planning a symposium some time during the next fiscal year on women and girls in non-traditional education and employment. The symposium will highlight best practices. Discussion ensued regarding groups to include and size of symposium (invitation only or open to the public, a working conference or educational one). Suggested technical experts and/or issues included: past recipients of COSW’s Women Who Made a Difference Awards; the Youth Commission, focusing on young women; the Department of Information & Technical Services, focusing on employees there who have made this their interest; various private industry leaders; immigrant women workers, especially garment workers and electronics assemblers; and possibly agricultural sector employees.


    _ DISCUSSION ITEM: Update on departments’ gender analysis progress

    DOSW staff gave an update on the gender analysis process. The Task Force and public members discussed asking the new departments to each present their analysis and receive Task Force feedback at the January and February meetings. Two of the four departments-namely the Adult Probation Department, the Arts Commission, the Environment Commission, and the Rent Board-would be invited to each meeting. The Department of Public Works and the Juvenile Probation Department continue to be monitored and will be asked to present an updated report on their implementation of CEDAW’s principles in the Spring of 2001.

    _ DISCUSSION ITEM: Public Awareness Campaign

    Staff reported meeting with the Aging Department for an informational discussion on CEDAW. The reception was very positive. Staff also reported on an upcoming scheduled session with the Contra Costa Commission on the Status of Women, and Santa Clara Women & Girls Conference, which will feature San Francisco’s work on CEDAW implementation.

    5. PUBLIC COMMENT Included in discussions above.