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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

9:00 am

City Hall, Room 408

San Francisco, CA  94102




Members Present       Kathy Black, La Casa de las Madres

Mary Cavanaugh, U.C. Berkeley

Dorka Keehn, Commission on the Status of Women

Emily Murase, PhD, Department on the Status of Women

Ken Theisen, Bay Area Legal Aid

Beverly Upton, Domestic Violence Consortium


Carol Sacco, Department on the Status of Women (staff)


Members Absent:         Allyson Hauck (excused)

Antonio Ramirez, POCOVI (excused)


I.         CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA CHANGES                                                     

Panel Chair Dorka Keehn called the meeting to order at 9:05 am. She requested an addition to the agenda, in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance and the Brown Act.
ACTION: Consideration of a purely commendatory resolution recognizing Police Chief Heather Fong was added to the agenda without objection. (Keehn/Theisen/All)



ACTION: The minutes from the February 4, 2009 meeting were approved.  
(Keehn/Theisen /All)                                                                              




A.  Governance Committee

Beverly Upton reported that the Governance Committee met last Friday to interview candidates for the Oversight Panel. There were a number of good candidates. Panel Chair Keehn emphasized the importance of diversity in forwarding candidates to the Commission. Kathy Black requested clarification about the eligibility of candidates who neither work nor live in San Francisco. Several Oversight Panel members, serving currently, and in the past, have not been residents of San Francisco. Ms. Upton suggested that the Governance Committee have a discussion about further criteria for Oversight Panel candidates. Panel Chair Keehn also recommended that a matrix be put together that captures the expertise of Panel Members so that gaps can be identified. In the past, some Panel Members have not had a strong background in addressing domestic violence, but were selected for their engagement with a priority community. The Governance Committee recommended Dion Roberts, Program Manager of Family Supportive Housing with the Human Services Agency, for her expertise in homelessness and supportive housing.


ACTION: Dion Roberts was recommended to be forwarded to the Commission on the Status of Women as a new member of the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel. (Keehn/Theisen/All)


The Governance Committee discussed the need to review the attendance record of Oversight Panel members. The Commission maintains a policy that 3 unexcused absences means vacating the committee position. The Committee asked for a review of the attendance record. Department staff member Carol Sacco will put together the attendance record and review it with Panel Chair Keehn who will contact Panel Members about their commitment where appropriate. Dr. Mary Cavanaugh explained that she has missed meetings due to overseas speaking engagements.


Panel Chair Keehn thanked the members of the Governance Committee for their work interviewing candidates.


B.  Audit Implementation Committee

Mr. Theisen reported that all departments have sent representatives to committee meetings, with the exception of the courts. Police Captain John Ehrlich attended the most recent meeting. Mr. Theisen reported that Sally Pena who formerly represented the courts no longer has responsibilities relevant to the committee. He emphasized the need to have a representative of the courts on the committee. This should be placed on the agenda for the upcoming meeting with Judge Mary Morgan.


Mr. Theisen reported that resources have been added to the Audit Implementation Matrix, revised by Administrative Analyst Laura Marshall. The committee has focused discussion on no-cost or low-cost solutions. Ms. Marshall has also developed a worksheet that captures concrete tasks by department to better facilitate progress on the matrix.


Ms. Black reported that, as part of a U.S. Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women grant to La Casa de las Madres and the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, the Police Department has just sent six people to a 4-day federal training in Phoenix. These officers will then train 500 additional officers on approaches to end abuse of victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and trafficking in the age bracket 50-65 years. Prosecutors and judges trainings are also included in the grant.


Panel Chair Keehn asked what are the key resource deficits identified by the committee. Mr. Theisen stated that most departments suffer from a lack of training funds. He also emphasized the overall need for better communication systems, including computers, cell phones, and e-mail addresses, within the Police Department in particular.


Lt. Molly Pengel explained that the lack of cell phone access to translation services in the jails remains problematic. The District Attorney's Office seeks expanded interviews with suspects in custody, but the Police Department is constrained by the lack of cell phone access to translation services. Oversight Panel members will raise this issue in their meeting with Sheriff Michael Hennessey.


The next meeting of the Audit Implementation Committee is Friday, May 15, 2009 Bay Area Legal Aid, 50 Fell Street.


C. Batterer Accountability Committee
Dr. Cavanaugh reported that the committee has met twice. Discussion focused on whether there was a need to have yet another committee as the Adult Probation Department already convenes two committees in this area. Dr. Cavanaugh expressed disappointment about a general lack of attention and focus on batterers in San Francisco. Dr. Emily Murase is working to set up a meeting with herself, Dr. Cavanaugh, and Chief of Probation Pat Boyd who is very interested in feedback on batterer issues.


Ms. Upton reported that she has been regularly attending meetings of the Batterers Intervention Program Citizen Advisory Committee and suggested that Dr. Cavanaugh be invited to present her recommendations to the Adult Probation Department. In addition, as one of the three co-chairs of the Family Violence Council, Ms. Upton invited Dr. Cavanaugh to participate in the April 16, 2009 meeting of the Family Violence Council.


Given these other fora, Dr. Cavanaugh recommended that the Batterer Accountability Committee be suspended and that efforts be directed, instead, to existing policy bodies. Panel Chair Keehn requested that Dr. Cavanaugh look into these other fora and to come back to the Oversight Panel with recommendations at the next meeting.


 No public comment.


Ms. Upton stated that the JUSTIS Governance Council meeting scheduled for March was cancelled and that she does not routinely receive agendas and minutes. Dr. Murase reported that, at the January meeting, a timeline was laid out whereby the Sheriff's Department would go-live in late February and the Police Department would follow in late March. However, the go-live date for the Sheriff's Department was postponed, with no further updates.


Discussion focused on the need for JUSTIS to be treated with the highest priority, as a sort of "Manhattan Project." Panel Chair Keehn suggested a meeting with the Mayor. A draft letter from the Oversight Panel to the Mayor will be circulated to Panel Members. Ms. Upton suggested that Supervisors Sophie Maxwell and Ross Mirkarimi be contacted. Later, it was suggested that Supervisor Carmen Chu also be contacted.


Panel Chair Keehn asked that the need to flag language in the JUSTIS system be placed on the JUSTIS Governance Council agenda.

E.     Family Violence Council

Ms. Upton recognized the Herculean efforts of Ms. Marshall in putting together the draft 2009 Family Violence Report. Ms. Marshall reported on the challenges of collecting data from the various agencies. The report has not yet been widely released. Briefings with the Mayor and Supervisors will be scheduled. Panel Chair Keehn asked that a short Executive Summary be developed. Mr. Theisen requested additional time to review the report. The Panel agreed to discuss the report fully at its next meeting. Ms. Upton emphasized that the value of the report can be found in the cross-cutting policy recommendations contained at the end of the report. Panel Chair Keehn recommended that the report be presented at the Commission. Ms. Black raised questions about the how comprehensive the data is given the fact that the Department only funds a portion of all services. Ms. Upton suggested a subcommittee of Partner Agencies, perhaps in one area, could be put together to gather overall numbers.

No action was taken on the endorsement of the 2009 Report on Family Violence in San Francisco, as it is a report of the Family Violence Council that is still in draft form.


The next meeting of the Family Violence Council is Thursday, April 16, 2009 from 3:00 - 4:30 pm at the San Francisco Superior Court, 400 McAllister (at Polk), Room 617.


F.     Stalking Task Force

Ms. Upton reported that the last meeting was on February 27. Mark Guillory of the District Attorney's Office has pulled together a diverse group of stakeholders. The Task Force is focusing on a campus-based effort to address stalking. The next meeting has not yet been scheduled.



      A.   Domestic Violence Cases/Trials

Ms. Upton reported that the community is monitoring three cases.

1.   Anastasia Melnitchenko: Scott McAlpin was sentenced to 50 years to life in prison for strangling Ms. Melnitchenko. The sentence was enhanced due to the 3 strikes law.


2.   Ciera Davis: Assistant District Attorney Diana Garcia took this languishing case to the Grand Jury. The evidentiary hearings are set to continue on April 9.


3.   Cindy Weaver: The community expects this case, determined to be a homicide by the Medical Examiner, to proceed.


Mr. Theisen expressed concern that Scott McAlpin's long record of felony domestic violence convictions signals to the public that domestic violence is not dealt with seriously. There was interest among Oversight Panel members in further exploring this egregious case. Ms. Upton will contact Assistant District Attorney Leslie Cogan for feedback. Regarding the Weaver case, Panel Chair Keehn asked that Ms. Dion Roberts be asked to comment on the relationship between subsidized housing and domestic violence at the next meeting.

B.  Upcoming Department Head Meetings
Dr. Murase reported on recent meetings with City Departments.

Vicki Hennessy, Director, Department of Emergency Management, Friday, March 27

Dr. Murase reported on her meeting with Director Hennessy and Deputy Director Lisa Hoffman. She thanked Director Hennessy for the excellent cooperation the Audit Implementation Committee has received from the Department of Emergency Management. They reviewed the Family Violence Council report and discussed how domestic violence is coded in the system. Dr. Murase asked Director Hennessy for a breakdown on what it costs the department to send a staff person to training. As future funding for the Domestic Violence Response Cross-Training Institute is pursued, it is important to understand the total cost of training by participating department.


Judge Mary Morgan, Superior Court of California, Domestic Violence Court

The Oversight Panel discussed agenda items for the meeting with Judge Mary Morgan who oversees the Domestic Violence Court which is scheduled for Friday, April 3, at 12:15 pm. Agenda items will include a court representative for the Audit Implementation Committee and victim safety within the Hall of Justice (in the courtroom, outside the Domestic Violence Response Unit, and the line to enter the building).


Panel Chair Keehn asked that the following meetings be scheduled: Sheriff Michael Hennessey, Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, and Supervisor Carmen Chu.



A. Resources
Mr. Theisen stated that the issue of resources has become a key concern in the Audit Implementation Committee and that it deserves to have the focused attention of a separate committee. Dr. Murase explained that staff constraints are such that the Department is not in a position to staff another committee. Ms. Black expressed concern that the issue of resources be fully fleshed out by departments and stakeholders.


Panel Chair Keehn asked that Panel Members come to the next meeting with recommendations for how to proceed with the need to identify city-wide resources.


B.  Impact of Economic Crisis

Panel Chair Keehn reported on the March 25, 2009 Commission hearing on the “Impact of the Economic Crisis on Women and their Families”. It was an extremely informative session where a multitude of diverse concerns were raised. She reviewed documents from the hearing that were provided to the Oversight Panel members. Panel Chair Keehn pointed to the importance of having opportunities related to fiscal stimulus dollars be widely disseminated.


C.  Fiscal Stimulus Package

Dr. Murase explained that a City effort to access fiscal stimulus dollars has become the highest priority among the Mayor's senior staff and department heads. The Department is focused on available dollars dedicated to transitional housing for domestic violence survivors, and is working with the District Attorney's Office on a possible STOP grant. She reported that a major role for the Commission and the Department will be to make opportunities known and to ensure that guidelines and outcomes reflect participation by women. Mr. Theisen expressed his concern that the needs of undocumented survivors be recognized. Ms. Black stated that confidentiality must be maintained for victims of violence.


D.  Resolution Recognizing Police Chief Heather Fong

No discussion. The resolution was circulated for signature.


There was no public comment


Panel Chair Keehn adjourned the meeting at 11:30 am. The next Oversight Panel meeting will be held June 3, 2009.