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Meeting Information


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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
City Hall, Room 408
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102


Members Present: Commissioner Dorka Keehn (Chair), Juana Flores-Mujeres Unidas, Marily Mondejar-Filipina Women's Network, Dr. Emily Murase-Department on the Status of Women, Antonio Ramirez-POCOVI, Jill Tregor-Greenbook Project, Beverly Upton-San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium  Members Absent:  Ken Theisen-Bay Area Legal Aid  Staff Present:  Colleen Montoya-Department on the Status of Women, Maria Del Carmen Munoz (translator) 

I. Call to order/Agenda Changes
The meeting was called to order by Chair Dorka Keehn at 9:15 am.
Approval of agenda (Murase/Upton/Unanimous).

II. Approval of Minutes
Approval of minutes of December 5, 2005 (Upton/Murase/Unanimous).

III. Old Business

A. Adult Probation Department Response to McAllister Study on Court Compliance
Interim Chief of Adult Probation Art Faro was unable to attend due to a family emergency. The Panel requested that a meeting be scheduled with Mr. Faro in March, prior to the next Oversight Panel Meeting, to discuss the court compliance study.

B. Safety and Accountability Audit Contract
Dr. Murase updated the Panel on the status of the Safety and Accountability Audit budget and contract. The Panel reviewed the audit proposal and contract options. After discussing the proposed contract timeline, the Panel voted unanimously to recommend that the Department on the Status of Women proceed with the process of securing a sole-source contract for the Audit Coordinator (Upton/Ramirez/Unanimous).

C. Victim Notification System Status
Colleen Montoya, Justice & Courage Policy Analyst, provided the Panel with an overview of the San Mateo County Victim Notification Program, as currently administered by the San Mateo Sheriff Department. The Panel discussed the program and the viability of replication in San Francisco. Eileen Hirst, San Francisco Sheriff's Department, and Cynthia Alexis, District Attorney/Victim Services, also provided input and asked for further information regarding specific components of the San Mateo model. Ms. Montoya offered to follow up with additional information at the April Oversight Panel Meeting. Ms. Upton offered to contact San Mateo-based CORA (Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse) to gather further information on the VNP.

D. Follow up from Domestic Violence Court Training
Commissioner Keehn thanked Jim Rowland, Assistant District Attorney, for organizing a very valuable training on the Domestic Violence Court process. The Panel discussed options for follow up to the training, including a meeting with Judge Cynthia Lee, newly appointed to the Domestic Violence Court. Sally Pina, San Francisco Superior Court, offered to help schedule a meeting with Judge Lee. The Panel agreed to delay the discussion of a future court visit until after the introductory meeting.

IV. New Business

A. Ethnic Media Roundtable
The Panel discussed the details of convening an ethnic media roundtable on domestic violence, including possible dates and topics. Panel members provided input and suggestions for how to structure and focus the roundtable. Ms. Upton emphasized the importance of strategic relationship-building in advance of October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

The Panel proposed to hold an ethnic media roundtable on the morning of Thursday, March 2, 2006 as a kick-off to Women's History Month. Ms. Mondejar offered to draft an Op-Ed for distribution. Ms. Montoya agreed to schedule a follow-up meeting to begin planning the details.

B. Justice and Courage Report Card
Commissioner Keehn provided a brief report on the Protocol Committee's plan to issue a Justice and Courage Report Card. Protocol Committee Co-Chairs Sally Pina and Trish Erwin updated the Panel on the status of the departmental protocol review. The Panel requested to receive a rough draft version of the report card at the April Oversight Panel Meeting.

C. Meeting with Chief Fong
Dr. Murase reported on the Oversight Panel's meeting with Police Chief Fong in December 2005. Dr. Murase updated the Panel on the status of the relocation of the Domestic Violence Response Unit (DVRU). Panel members discussed their remaining concerns regarding the relocation's impact on victim safety and unit capacity and considered strategies for follow up on the issue. The Panel expressed its commitment to closely monitor the status of the DVRU and to ensure that it receives the resources and support it requires to successfully investigate domestic violence cases.

D. Recognition of San Francisco Police Department's Domestic Violence Response Unit
The Panel approved a resolution of appreciation from the Oversight Panel to the personnel of the DVRU recognizing their important and distinguished service (Upton/Mondejar/Unanimous).

Dr. Murase encouraged Panel members to attend the DVRU Open House to be held on Wednesday, February 8, 2006.

E. Meeting with Presiding Judge Dondero
Commissioner Keehn reported on the Oversight Panel meeting with Presiding Judge Robert Dondero held on December 6, 2005. The Panel discussed the importance of meeting with the Presiding Judge and using it as an opportunity to keep the Court informed about the work of the Justice and Courage Project, and of the Commission and Department on the Status of Women. Panel members also discussed domestic violence training resources for Court personnel.

V. Reports

A. Protocol Committee Report
The Protocol Committee Report was covered in Item IVB.

B. Resources Committee Report
Beverly Upton, Committee Co-Chair, updated the Panel on the Resources Committee. Dr. Murase reported that the Department has received initial positive feedback from the Blue Shield Foundation regarding the Cross-Training Institute proposal and that Ms. Montoya is working with the Foundation to respond to their additional questions.

C. JUSTIS Report
Dr. Murase reported that the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice has a new Interim Director, Allen Nance, and that Mr. Nance will be co-chairing the JUSTIS Governance Council with Eileen Hirst from the Sheriff's Department. Ms. Montoya reported on the last JUSTIS Governance Council meeting held on January 26, 2006 and provided an update on the status of the JUSTIS Hub contract. The next JUSTIS Council Meeting will be held on March 9, 2006.

VI. Announcements

VII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 pm.