Child Sex Trafficking Committee - August 19, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
August 19, 2015 - 1:30pm
City Hall, Room 305
1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102


Mayor’s Task Force on Anti-Human Trafficking Minutes

Child Sex Trafficking Subcommittee

Wednesday, August 19, 2015      1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

City Hall, Room 305

1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102


Tara Anderson, SFDA; Molly Brown, Huckleberry; B. Patrick Buckalew, Huckleberry; Gena Castro Rodriguez, SFDA; Julius Deguia, SFDA; Antonio Flores, SFPD-SVU; Semuteh Freeman, Legal Services for Children; Kelly Gilliam, Nalls Foundation; Carletta Jackson-Lane, Sojourner Truth; Barret Johnson, Human Services Agency; Minouche Kandel, DOSW; Hyun-Mi Kim, APILO; Antonia Lavine, SFCAHT; Patricia Leo, Public Defender; Rebecca Marcus, Public Defender; Melissa Millsaps, City Attorney’s Office; Emily Murase, DOSW; JaMel Perkins; Toni Powell, Juvenile Probation; Angelina Romano, SFUSD; Ed Santos, SFPD-SVU; Mia Satya, TAY SF; Ehb Teng, The Wren Initiative/MISSSEY; Jenna Waldman, DOSW

Agenda for today’s meeting approved.

Minutes from June 10, 2015 approved.

Presentation on SF Unified School District Resolution

Emily Murase presented on the draft of a new SF Unified School District Resolution to address human trafficking in San Francisco schools. This resolution requests the Superintendent to adopt an official policy on human trafficking, develop a comprehensive training for school district staff, and engage student leaders. The resolution will be introduced for a first reading on August 25 at the School Board meeting, with limited time for public comment. It will then be passed to the Curriculum Committee for further review at their October 5 meeting, where more public comment will be invited. After revisions by the Curriculum Committee, the resolution will come back before the full School Board on October 13 for a final vote to determine whether it will be adopted as official policy. Emily urged members of the subcommittee to appear before the School Board for public comment and advocate for this resolution.


Update on Family and Children’s Services Protocol (Barret Johnson)

Barret Johnson updated on HSA’s development of a county wide CSEC interagency protocol (San Francisco opted into the state Department of Social Services CSEC program). HSA has so far submitted a county plan, which is being evaluated by the state to determine what level of funding San Francisco will receive to create and implement the protocol. Barret anticipates that we will receive tier two funding, which he estimated is around $200,000-$300,000 for a county of our size. The final protocol is due October 1. The goal is to create a Memorandum of Understanding that will be signed by all the agencies involved in the protocol. Barret also spoke about the benefit of the protocol for improving data collection on CSEC and clarified that every minor will be served by Family and Children’s Services, regardless of whether they are a U.S. citizen or already in the foster care system.


Discussion on Process for Developing Parallel Protocols at Other Agencies

The group discussed ways in which agencies can develop internal policies to support the county wide CSEC interagency protocol. Kelly Gilliam spoke about the importance of including service providers, such as MISSSEY, in the interagency protocol to connect survivors with peer advocates. The group also noted the importance of involving health providers, such as the Department of Public Health, in to the interagency protocol.


Update on Funding for 24 House CSECYA Response

Minouche Kandel updated on the funding for the 24 hour CSECYA response advocate. Some initial funding was added to the budget to pilot the response, and it made the most sense to contract this money to Family and Children’s Services to implement the project. At this stage, it will not start as a 24 hour response, but will ramp up and eventually become full scale.


Discussion about Next Steps for CSEC Subcommittee

The group discussed the future of the CSEC Subcommittee and upcoming issues to talk about. Members agreed that this is a very unique and specialized subcommittee that should continue to function as a part of the Mayor’s Task Force. The group voted to continue with meetings every other month.


Next Meeting                                                                                                                  

Next meeting: October 14, 2015, 1:30-3:00 pm, 25 Van Ness Ave, #330A

Agenda for next meeting:

  • For the next meeting, each agency will speak about their services in ten minutes to inform other subcommittee members about what they do