Mayor's Task Force on Human Trafficking - February 18, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 18, 2015 - 1:30pm
850 Bryant Street, Room 505
San Francisco, CA 94103

Mayor’s Task Force on Human Trafficking

Child Sex Trafficking Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 18, 2015  1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

850 Bryant Street, Room 505

San Francisco, CA 

Patrick Buckalew and Kailey Norris, Huckleberry Youth Programs; Minouche Kandel and Julie Lim, 

DOSW; Irene Casanova, Larkin Street; Michael Dudoroff, and Edward Santos, SFPD; Melinda Clemmons, 

The Chronicle of Social Change; Jessica Lobedan, Mills College; Angelina Romano, SFUSD; Barret 

I. Introduction and Agenda Review 

The meeting was started at 1:35 pm and attendees introduced themselves. The agenda was 

II. Update from Huckleberry House on CSEC Services 

Huckleberry hired a new case manager to handle a case load of 20 commercially, sexually 

exploited minors in December. Kailey Norris, the new CSEC case manager, introduced 

herself to attendees. Kailey is familiar with community-based services to fully support 

sexually exploited and high risk youth. She has been collaborating with many agencies in San 

Francisco and the East Bay that offer mental health services, medical services, housing and 

case management. She noted that we need more trauma-informed, supportive short term 

and long term housing for youth over 18, and mentioned emergency housing is really hard 

to find. There are a few shelters but there is not always room when it is needed, they are 

not always in the safest neighborhoods and exploiters know where they are located. Kailey 

is also available for CSEC training. Kailey will send referral form to Minouche. 

III. Research on Safe Harbor Laws

Jessica Lobedan is pursuing a Master’s at Mills College, and is doing research for the 

Department on the Status of Women on states that have implemented Safe Harbor Laws in 

connection with CSEC.   She will share her research with the Task Force in June.

IV. Update from Family & Children’s Services

Barret Johnson updated on HSA’s development of a county wide CSEC protocol (San 

Francisco opted into the state Department of Social Services CSEC program). NCYL (National 

Center for Youth Law)’s Kate Walker got the contract to develop a San Francisco CSEC 

protocol. Survivor focus groups will be incorporated in the protocol development. HSA will 

host CSEC training with Nola Brantley aimed at FCS social workers, SFUSD, and foster 

parents. Bay Area Academy is providing training to county child welfare staff on CSEC. 

25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 240 | San Francisco, CA 94102 | | |415.252.2570

HSA is partnering with West Coast Children’s Clinic to pilot and validate a CSEC screening 

tool. It’s coming into the system within the next 8 months. HSA is promoting a standardized 

state CSEC assessment guide: pilot project will begin in April. Counties have to develop 

interagency protocol by end of June. 

There is a shortage of emergency beds for over 18. We should provide emergency beds for 

18-24 in long term. HSA is reaching out to other county for regional solution. 

VI. Next Steps – Agenda for Next Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm. Next meeting will be on April 15, 2015.