Safer Schools Sexual Assault Task Force - February 28, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 28, 2017 - 2:00pm
2727 Mariposa, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94110

Safer Schools Sexual Assault Task Force Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Trauma Recovery Center

2727 Mariposa, Suite 100 (at Bryant Street)

San Francisco, CA 94110

Task Force Members:


Captain Una Bailey

Denise Caramagno

Amelia Gilbert

Minouche Kandel, on behalf of Lou Lou Hong

J. Ocean Mottley

Jackie Ortiz, on behalf of the District Attorney’s Office

Leslie Simon

Stacy Wiggall

Janelle White



Denise Sicat Wong



Julia Weber


Members of the Public:

Emberly Cross, Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic

Maggie McHale, Department on the Status of Women

Sarah Metz, TRC

Sophie Raynor

Rachel Sutton

Melissa Tan, Project Survive


I. Call to Order/ Welcome/ Approve Agenda     

Action: Approved the meeting agenda.


II. Approve Minutes from January 24, 2017 meeting

Action: Approved the January 24, 2017 meeting minutes. [Minouche Kandel/J. Ocean Mottley]


III. Overview of Work Plan and Six Focus Areas

Action: Identify Members to Work on Each Focus Area

  • Coordinated Campus and Community Response

Jackie Ortiz (Lead), Minouche Kandel, Janelle White

  • Prevention and Education (Colead)

Leslie Simon, Janelle White

  • Policy Development and Implementation (Colead)

Denise Caramagno, J. Ocean Mottley

  • Reporting Options, Advocacy, Support and Services

Jackie Ortiz, Stacy Wiggall (Lead), Janelle White

  • Climate Surveys, Performance Measurement, and Evaluation

Amelia Gilbert (Lead)

  • Transparency

Amelia Gilbert, Janelle White (Lead)

The group will let Minouche Kandel and Julia Weber know when meetings will take place.

IV. Presentation: Trauma Recovery Center

Stacy Wiggall presented to the Task Force on the history of the San Francisco SART Team. The members of the SART team are SFPD SVU, SFWAR, District Attorney for sex crimes, Rape Treatment Center medical providers, Trauma Recovery Center mental health clinicians, CASARC, SF Medical Examiners Office, SF Victim Services. Previous to 2001, the Rape Treatment Center was under the umbrella of the Jail Forensics. In 2001 Rape Treatment Center was moved under the Department of Public Health and merged with the UCSF- SFGH Trauma Recovery Center.


San Francisco was one of the first two counties to allow survivors to have forensic evidence collected without having to immediately decide whether or not to report to law enforcement. This is now a national best practice and a required guideline for any RTC receiving federal funding. Current projects for the SART office are developing best practice guidelines on assessment and documentation of DFSA and strangulation.  The SART office is working on analyzing evidence collected at clinics or other health care settings faster, to better use in criminal cases. The SART office is working on distributing information on what to do if sexually assaulted in San Francisco (where to go, what will happen, how to report, etc.).


Limitations of the SART office include no dedicated resources for the SART team. Any SART- related projects come out of individual agencies/participants time and resources.  There is no SART Coordinator who could organize SART outreach and marketing, oversee the compilation and analysis of relevant data, and engage in strategic planning.


Captain Bailey explained to the group the process DNA kits go through after being collected. All DNA kits are held at the San Francisco Police Department. The kits are still confidential and the survivor’s name/ identity is held at the San Francisco General Hospital.  A practice that the Police Department and the San Francisco General Hospital are implementing is to distribute the DNA Bill of Rights to each survivor. If there is a hit with the DNA that shows a serial rapist the SFPD would notify the San Francisco General Hospital, who would then notify the survivor (still confidential). 


A recommendation for MOUs that campuses sign with the District Attorney’s Office is to send survivors to San Francisco General Hospital if they want evidence collected. The SART office currently has capacity for Spanish, Portuguese, and Mandarin, but they are also able to send interpreters from General Hospital.


V. Discussion on Data Collection

  1. Daily Crime Logs
  2. Annual Security Reports
  3. Timely Warnings
  4. SFPD Year End Statistics
  5. SF Open Data Incidents
  6. SF Trauma Recovery Center
  7. Rape Kit #s
  8. SF WAR calls from survivors, family/ friends
  9. Numbers of trainings
  10. Interim number measures
  11.  Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic numbers for sexual assault survivors
  12.  DA evaluation form(set for agenda)

Jackie Ortiz will share the DA victim services evaluation form with the group. If there are any statistics or data that the group would like to know more about, contact Julia Weber.


VI. Student Outreach Efforts: Survey and Meetings

Julia Weber summarized her meeting with Denise Sicat Wong. Denise is interested in collecting online surveys to better gauge the gaps in services for students.  The task force needs to do some outreach to student organizations on campuses so that they know about the Task Force. Sophie Raynor, Maggie McHale, and Denise Sicat Wong will consult to create a script for focus groups of students and will brainstorm how to facilitate student involvement.


VII.  Group Announcements

Leslie Simon told the group about the display of a giant survivor quilt on the college’s football field Saturday May 6th. For more information or if you would like to volunteer email Leslie Simon.


Janelle White reminded the group that the SFWAR Walk Against Rape will be on April 8th.


VIII. Adjournment