Office of Citizen Complaints

Policy Recommendations

Reference OCC # 1060-97; DGO 3.01; Bulletin 96-184; SFPD 184

Subject: Distribution of Written Communications

The OCC recommends that the San Francisco Police Department improve the written communications distribution system to its members.

Background: In the underlying case, the officer used an outdated and unauthorized Certificate of Release Form. This form serves as an acknowledgment and record of custody for detained persons. A Department Bulletin, issued fourteen (14) months prior to the incident, mandated use of a revised certificate of release form and destruction of earlier versions of the document. The officer stated that the forms available at the station had not been updated, and the officer denied receipt of the instructional bulletin. The officer's assertions were supported by OCC investigations that revealed that the Department's written communication distribution system is sporadic.

Prepared by:
River Ginchild Abeje
Policy and Outreach Specialist

Approved by:
Mary C. Dunlap

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