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Meeting Information

Budget and Policy Committee

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 


(Approved:   __________)


                                            BUDGET AND POLICY COMMITTEE    

Minutes of the Meeting Held

Thursday, July 10, 2003


1.   Call to Order and Roll Call.  Commissioner Brenda Stowers, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:43 pm.  Commissioner Robert Kenealey was present, Commissioner Mendelson was absent.


  1. (a)  Discussion and possible action to review and recommend to the full Commission an annual report template.  Commissioner Stowers explained that she rearranged and renamed catagories from the original Annual Report in an effort to improve the flow of the information.  She said the Commission needs a template for future Annual Reports, however, the one used for the first year’s Annual Report would differ from later reports because there are subjects that need to be documented in the first year that will not occur in subsequent years. 


Commissioner Stowers stated that her goal at this meeting was to get approval of the table of contents as the format/template for the first Annual Report.  After getting that approval, she will do further editing of the report to have it conform to the approved table.  Commissioner Kenealey MOVED that the table of contents of the report presented by Commissioner Stowers be used as the template for the report.  SECONDED. 


Public Comment:  Thomas Schulz asked if more significant events will be added to the final report for example, the selection of the redistricting task force.  Commissioner Stowers said they would be added.  Mr. Schulz asked if more could added to the paragraph about the November 2002 election to reflect well publiccized problems and to include that the Department improved because the lessons learned were applied to the December runoff.  Also, Mr. Schulz asked if the Commissioners could have the draft at least a day before the full Commission meets. 


CARRIED that the template be used to complete the draft of the Annual Report for the Elections Commission’s first year.


(b)  Discussion and possible action to recommend approval to the proposed Commission Annual Report dated  24 January 04 – 19 March 03 was TABLED.


Public Comment:  Thomas Schulz asked if the Commissioners would have a chance to submit their comments before the Annual Report is finalized.  Commissioner Stowers agreed.


ADJOURNMENT at 6:07 pm