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Meeting Information

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 


City andCounty of San Francisco


May 19, 2009


City Hall, Room 408

Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102







Audrey Joseph

Jim Meko

Justin Roja

Terrance Alan

Joseph Pred

John Newlin








Robert Davis, Jocelyn Kane, Crystal Stewart and Vajra Granelli






The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:12 P.M.




Deputy Director Jocelyn Kane called the Roll. 


Present at the meeting were Commissioners Jim Meko, Terrance Alan, Audrey Joseph and Justin Roja.


Absent at the time of roll call were John Newlin.


Staff present was, Jocelyn Kane, Vajra Granelli and Crystal Stewart.






Art Gallagher stated he was before the Commission previously on the issue with the nightclub Jet which is now called Trigger and owned by Greg Bronstein.  He added his nightclub continued to be a nuisance to the community with the issues of noise and, smoking on the patio that resulted in added noise.   He added on Friday nights the sidewalks were blocked and SFPD has been called on several occasions.   


Peter Glikstern suggested that the Commission put on another summit to get people on the same page again. He added times were not great, enforcement environment put on venues perhaps there was additional pressure put on venues.  He added some venues acted up but not all venues conduct business the same way and should not be all thrown in the same basket and painted with the same brush.  


Jim Hanna stated he lives across the street from Trigger and was disturbed by the noise coming from venue when people are gathering in the streets on Friday and Saturday night.  He added Greg disregards what the police say.


Public comment closed.


Commissioner Newlin arrived at 5:17 P.M.


  1. Review and Approve the Minutes ofApril 21, 2009 and May 5, 2009.


No public comment.


Commissioner Meko moved to bifurcate minutes Commissioner Alan second the motion


AYES - Commissioner Newlin, Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Meko Commissioner Roja and Commissioner Alan

NOES- None

Absent - Commissioner Pred at time of vote


No public comment.


Commissioner Alan moved to continue the minutes of April 21, 2009 Commissioner Roja second the motion


AYES - Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Meko, Commissioner Roja Commissioner Pred, Commissioner Alan and Commissioner Newlin

NOES- None


  1. Report from the Executive Director. Neighborhood issues Mission, North Beach and SOMA and legislation on Police Code 1060 and 1070. Vajra Granelli report on recent venue sound inspections and report of activities by staff.


Executive Director Robert Davis stated they have been following Trigger and there have been some complaints and Mission police station sent two reports one included a citizens arrest and noise from patrons.  He added they were continuing to work with the police department and the neighbors.  He added there were issues with the Bar on Church ant they were sited this weekend for noise. The Son’s of Italy that occasionally has events had some Hip Hop events this weekend and overbooked the event and there were multiple shootings in and around the neighborhood and the venue was shut down.  He added they agreed to submit a security plan and they have cease having hip hop events other than the neighborhood events that do well.   He added on the 300 block on Broadway a club employee was approached by people walking down the street and a gun was pulled, arrest was made. Grant Street had a citation issued and in front of Mojitos there was a person who resisted arrest.   He added at 333 Bay there was an incident were someone was slashed with a beer bottle inside the venue they called the police and patron did not wish to receive medical care.   He added further down the street a fight broke out and was taken care of by the police.   He added on Grant Street a man from Hayward got into a fight with three individuals in front of the club and they were taken into custody.  He added a security was approached by someone with a gun and fled the scene and was later arrested in 400 block of Broadway in the parking lot. He added Captain Dudley suggested the Commission consider suspension of the Condor and the request would be reviewed.


Commissioner Alan stated for the record there were no licensed venues on the 300 block of Broadway.


Commissioner Pred arrived at 5:25 P.M.


Inspector Vajra Granelli stated Trigger was previously called Jet then closed for a massive remodeling to combined two spaces.  He added on the first of this month a sound test was done and the levels were set to low.    He added since the expansion of the venue they have been in touch with neighbors to get as many as complaints of noise in writing as possible to create a paper trail.  He added when he arrived at Trigger they were trying to disburse the crowd which was difficult.  He added the base was a big complaint and there was base frequency and operational issues with their lines.   He added he spoke with Greg about the Bar on Church and the sound coming from Trigger and informed him the sound had to be turned down.  He added they were hitting the busy season and he as been spending a lot of time in the area because it was a hot spot.  He added he was looking at three suspensions and was drawing a lot of their time and they were playing catch up.   He added the Bar on Church was sited for sound ordinance and the building stilled leaked sound.  He added they lowered the sound to 10 DB.  He added Julies Supper Club was hit by the Alcohol Beverage & Control and their licensed was pulled.  He added the venue had an event and used both sides of the venue which was prohibited and they were sited with a list of violations.   He added the Blue McCaw sound test was done, Scott Dudley stated he could not hear any noise and the levels were set and sound limiters were installed.  He added the Ty Stick on Fillmore has had sound complaints and he has been in contact with the owners and they have ceased their live events since they did not have a Place of Entertainment permit.


Public comment


Art Gallagher stated he felt the Trigger complaints were a priority since they have just opened and it would only get worst and suggested that the Entertainment Commission should hire another staff person to help with the issues of sound bleed in venues.


  1. Report from Commissioner Meko’s on pre-application policy dealing with expansion of neighborhood outreach. [Discussion]


Commissioner Meko stated the discretionary review which was very similar to the type of permit process Entertainment Commission went through.  He added they were hearings that come before the planning Commissions with situations where the application was for a fully permitted use and the one last step in the process for the neighbors to request a hearing and the Planning Commission was swamped by request for discretionary reviews.   He added three years ago they begin a voluntary process called pre-app which involved prior to filing your applications going through some steps that have been evolved notifying neighbors in the surrounding area and any relevant community organizations by having a meeting, listening to neighbors concerns and possibly modifying the proposal before the applicant showed up to fill out the paper work.  He added the intent was to initiate neighborhood communications concerns and impacts and   suggested that staff boil it down to a procedure that would work for the Entertainment Commissioner as well. 


Chair Joseph request Executive Director Robert Davis report back in a couple of weeks.


Commissioner Alan requested that an electronic version be sent to the Commissioner.


Commissioner Roja suggested SFPD be involved in input of the process.


Public Comment


Officer Buckner with Southern Police station stated Commissioner Meko’s suggestion was good.  He suggested a mailing to be sent to the neighborhoods and thought the process was a good idea because it got everyone involved.


Public comment is closed.


  1. Report from the By Laws Committee. [Discussion]


  1. Report from the President.   Battleof the Bay report on the Entertainment Commission.


Chair Joseph encouraged the Commission to read an article from Nightclub & Bar magazine about the Commission legislation.  She added the magazine was an industry standard and through the largest nightlife convention in the country one in Las Vegas and Miami.  The article on the Commission is called Battle by the Bay.

  1. Police Department Comments & Questions. [Discussion Item]

(This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety).


Officer Buckner from Southern station stated he appreciated the help of Vajra Granelli and his continued support working with the police on tracking unlicensed venues.   He added there was a directed enforcement plan that Captain McDonough had started effective immediately in the area surrounding third and Harrison which encompassed Boss as well as City Nights and they have received numerous complaints regarding patrons of the venue loitering in the area and numerous documented complaints from patrons from the two venues.  He added the captain has initiated a plan effective immediately of a zero tolerance on venues and would hold the applicants accountable to the conditions of the Entertainment Commission and would report their findings in the next few weeks. He added the Bay Breakers was a huge success from their prospective with 7 tons of less trash and few arrests.  


Officer Mathias stated he was standing in for Officer Scott Gains from Central Police station.  He added the captain requested progress on suspension hearings on three different clubs in the central district.  He added the first was the 300 Condor Club operating as adult entertainment and would like to know what else was needed for Central police station to proceed with a suspension hearing.   


Chair Joseph stated the reason the venue was permitted was because they served food and that particular entertainment was in the code as permitted.  She added they could not close them because they were a strip club.  She added under Police Code 1060.10 it shall be unlawful for any person operating a place of entertainment under the provision of the article.  She added they had to have a body of evidence to bring charges to the City Attorney.  He added 600 Jackson still had neither public assembly permit nor an official capacity posting and security plan had been submitted


Executive Director Robert Davis stated Fire Department indicated that a 49 occupancy was allowable while they were applying they can’t have any more than 49 people and it was a standard occupancy.   He added they were looking at other issues that surrounded violence and a security plan was submitted and would be forward to Officer Gaines.

Officer Mathias stated there was a stabbing last Saturday night at 383 Bay Street at 1:30 A.M. and requested a review of their security plan as well.


Executive Director Robert Davis stated he received a copy of the incident report and he could bring it forward and he would review their security plan and forward it to Officer Gaines and report back at the next meeting.


  1. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. [Action item]


a) Robb, Michael, dba Home Restaurant, 2100 Market Street, Loudspeaker Permit, (for daily amplification).


Deputy Director Jocelyn Kane stated Home Restaurant was asking for a daily amplification permit during lunch time hours to improve their lunch business.  She added the applicant was present to speak on his behalf.  She added it was brought before the Commission for review for conditions or certain time frames and Vajra Granelli would have to set sound levels and a possible trial period.


Mike Robb stated he ran the business for six years and they wanted to have small speaker system out doors with music to attract a lunch crowd.


Commissioner Meko stated the request was small and appeared to be harmless and agreed with staff recommendations and set specific hours and imposed the Good Neighbor Police and a possible 6 month trial period.


Commissioner Alan suggested the applicant have a 6 month review.


Public Comment


Art Gallagher stated he knew the applicant and supported the permit.


Commissioner Meko moved to approve using staff’s recommendation with the hours of 11:00 A.M. to 5PM seven days a week of Commissioner Alan second the motion.



AYES - Commissioner Pred Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Meko Commissioner Roja, Commissioner Alan and Commissioner Newlin

NOES- None


b) Mulford, Justin, dba Koko Cocktails, 1060 Geary Street, Place of Entertainment.


Deputy Director Jocelyn Kane stated the permit was for a place of entertainment for an establishment called KoKo Cocktails open everyday from 9:00 am to 2:00 am and learned after a visit from Vajra Granelli they needed a permit for entertainment and they have complied.   She added Northern Police Station attached some conditions and condition No. 4 asked for no entertainment after 1:30 A.M.   She added staff is recommending a conditional grant.


Justin Mulford stated there were three in his operations and took over KoKo Cocktails about three months ago and was interested in having entertainment and removed the pool table and added more lights in front of the venue.  He added their staff would have lead training on August 8, 2009.


Public comment



Commissioner Alan moved to approve using standard conditions Commissioner Roja second the motion.


AYES - Commissioner Joseph Commissioner Meko, Commissioner Roja Commissioner Alan, Commissioner Newlin and Commissioner Pred

NOES- None


c)      Aloiau, Mark, dba Encore Karaoke Lounge, 1550 California, Billiard Parlor/Mechanical Amusement Device.


Deputy Director Jocelyn Kane stated the application applied back in 2005 and the planning department indicated they needed a CAU and the applicant was informed and he got a letter of determination and was unclear that he needed to finish the process with the Entertainment Commission.  She added staff recommends conditional grant.


Mark Aloiau stated it was an application for one pool table and one video machine.  He added it was a full Karaoke Bar and lounge.


Public Comment



Commissioner Alan moved to approve Commissioner Newlin second the motion.



AYES - Commissioner Meko Commissioner Roja Commissioner Alan, Commissioner Newlin, Commissioner Pred and Commissioner Joseph

NOES- None


Chair Joseph turned the meeting over to Vice Chair Pred.


  1. Presentation from Commissioner Pred on security methods in Sweden . [Discussion]


Commissioner Pred stated he spent close two weeks in and out of classes and working directly with varies officials and members of the police department.  He added they had a fully developed nightclub and vice unit that was specifically focused on nightclubs as well as working with security managers. 


Commissioner Roja suggested that all the Commissioners be present for Commissioner Pred’s presentation.


Commissioner Roja suggested all Commissioners be present.


Commissioner Alan stated Commissioner Pred’s presentation would take more than one hearing to one group of people to push the rock up the hill at all. He added he would like to hear a few highlights.   He added it was a 15 year collaboration that got every facet of the industry involved and collaborated with some of the most prestigious nightclubs to represent themselves as key charter members and wanted the club owners to be involved.  He added they provided a variety of ways to present information on vice and videos to educate the venue and to inform people of what they were dealing with that involved a lot of conflict resolution training. He suggested staff and commissioners to email him in areas of interest.


  1. Entertainment promotion in San Francisco. [Discussion Item] (This item allows commissioners to suggest and discuss ways in which the Commission could improve promotion of entertainment in San Francisco).


Commissioner Alan stated tomorrow was the opening of San Francisco International Arts Festival.  He added the were being asked to participate with a internationally famous art curator who was coming to the Tenderloin to create a 13 public art installation this fall that will included entertainment as well as art  and will introduce Lance Fung before the commission.


  1. Commissioner’s Comments & Questions. [Discussion Item]


Commissioner Newlin stated he received a letter from non filing of his Form 700 even though he had filed.


Commissioner Meko stated there would be a meeting held tomorrow night at 6:00 pm at the Ark of San Francisco at 11th and Howard Street and additional thoughts were welcomed to attend.


  1. New Business Requests for Future Agenda Items. [Discussion Item]


Commissioner Meko stated Mr. Bronstein should come before the Commission or amending his permit for Trigger.   He suggested he come for the second meeting in June.


Adjourned at 7:20 P.M.