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Meeting Information

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 


City andCounty of San Francisco


January 6, 2009

City Hall, Room 263

Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102







Audrey Joseph

Jim Meko

Joseph Pred

Justin Roja

Terrance Alan

John Newlin









Robert Davis, Jocelyn Kane, Vajra Granelli and Crystal Stewart









The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:11P.M.




Jocelyn Kane called the Roll. 


Present at the meeting were Commissioners Jim Meko, Terrance Alan and Audrey Joseph.


Absent at the time of roll call were:  Jordan Shlain and Joseph Pred.


Staff present was, Robert Davis, Jocelyn Kane, Crystal Stewart and Vajra Granelli.




Mark Marincic had concerns about the continued operations of Club Suede at 383 Bay Street and the recent incidents in the neighborhood and police reports.  He added their concern has not decreased. 


Public comment is closed.




Commissioner Newlin moved to approve the minutes of December 16, 2008 Commissioner Alan second the motion




AYES - Commissioner Newlin, Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Meko Commissioner, Roja and Commissioner Alan

NOES- None

ABSENT - Commissioner Shlain and Commissioner Pred


  1. Report from the Executive Director. New Years Eve activities, status of legislation, Discussing taking over some of the major events for Grants for the arts by administering and goal tracking for goal applications. Will be sending back the legislation 1060 and 1070.


Executive Director Robert Davis stated the incidents of violence on New Years Eve were minimal in the city and business was decent.    He added Jocelyn Kane would be the curator of a new calendar that would be in conjunction with Grants for the Arts to include a nightlife category and the San Francisco Visitors and Visitors and Convention Bureau the launch will be in January and will have several links.   He added the Commission would take over administer some of the events for Grants for the Arts like Carnival.   He added they would provide support in permits and provide tracking to make sure they met their stated goals based on their grant application.   He added they would be sending back the legislation and it will be redlined and brought before the Commission under attorney client privilege.

Sound Inspector Vajra Granelli stated Kelly’s Mission Rock held an event report that was slow, there were some hot spots but most places were below capacity and there were no problems with Kelly’s sound or security.   sound was tested at the AT&T Park event and there were no real issues and well organize.  He added there were some problems with 330 Ritch with sound control of the door which was resolved.   He added Mecca’s sound was under control and he was working with the manager of Mecca and a new sound test would be done.  Cocomo’s was slow; SOMA 11th Street, Paradise, DNA, and Slims had no incidents.  He added there was one incident at the at Holly Cow were a security staff employee was assaulted and injured and the suspect was arrested.  He added the Broadway crowd was relatively thin after fireworks there was an increase of people on Broadway.  He added sound was an issue all over the city due to New Years.  He added Mojito’s Royale had issues with their doors open.  He added at 2:00 A.M. there was incident at Yerba Buena and he was waiting for report from SFPD and he could not comment in debt.  He added the Concourse event for The Sea of Dreams sound was under control, overall good event 4,000 in attendance.   He added overall there was not a lot of violence for this New Year’s Eve.


Commissioner Meko asked was there any sound complaints.


Sound Inspector Vajra Granelli stated there were no sound complaints from the Sea of Dreams event.


Commissioner Meko stated let the record reflect no sound complaints from.


Public Comment



  1. Report from the President.


Chair Joseph stated the industry was not very healthy and a lot of venues bit the bullet this year.



(This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety.


Captain Dudley with Central Police Station stated on New Years Eve there were over 15 adults arrested for public drunkenness.  He added dozens of citations were issued public drinking. He added there were letters of complaints for Club Suede and the Butterfly restaurant.   He added the concerns for Suede started before New Years Eve from concerned citizens that the place might be out of hand.   He added Officer Crisp went by

Suede and gave them guidelines he came up.

He added later that evening at 2:00 A.M. he and Officer Crisp observed several individuals drinking and waking in and out of the back door that was unattended.   He added The Butterfly there was a patron that left after 1:30 A.M. and there was a commotion outside and security sprayed the patron with pepper spray.  He added the victim’s girlfriend and they were never called by the Butterfly he requested that Butterfly and Suede come before the Commission. 


Chair Josephrequested staff to pull the Butterfly’s security plan and have the applicant come before the commission.  


Suggest that Suede come before the Commission at the next Commission meeting on January 20, 2009.


Captain Dudley suggested that Suede’s security plan be revisited and that someone be posted at the back door.


Commissioner Rojasuggested the public be kept advised on security plan and get their input.


  1. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission.


a) Chung, Eric, & Au, Patrick dba Lounge 46, 46 Geary St., Place of Entertainment.


Deputy Director Jocelyn Kane stated it was new place of entertainment permit. She added it was a lounge atmosphere with occupancy of 346 and was 21 and over.   She added there was conditions attached to permit that applicant has agreed to from Central station staff recommends approval.


Patrick stated hew was the architect building was completely retrofitted and renovated and was fully ada accessible.

Chair Joseph suggests they strike hand stamps and put risk bands in place of inked stamps.

Commissioner Alan stated the applicants conditions became law once they were written into the permit and should be done with great consideration and care.  He added there was a condition to the permit to the conditions that included a four month probation period that included to components ending of entertainment at 1:40 A.M. and the second was to double the security guard ration to 1 for 50 he had a concern the Commission had no way to monitor that condition and bring the applicant back for review. 


Executive Director Robert Davis stated the conditions.  He added they could have to refer back to the permit if there were problems they would have to set up a time for them to come back to the Commission.


Commissioner Meko stated planning commissioners set these types of conditions frequently a request a probationary period.


Chair Joseph asked how he would like the Commission to do the review after four months.  


Captain Dudley stated after the lat meeting he met with Mr. Chung and Mr. Au with reservations of it being a new venue and the capacity over 300 people and next to a care not cash hotel.   He added it they wanted to make sure they took care of everyone and put up all the safeguards that were necessary.  He added they could have a review and if they met the conditions they could lift some of the conditions and if there is no incidents and Mr., Chung was fine with it he was sure it would be fine.


Public Comment


John Carol Carnage group would provide security consultation and would train staff on security.


Chair Joseph asked for their company information to be sent to the Entertainment Commission office.


Susan Ryan had previous concerns about the entrance and the applicants have accommodated their concerns.


Michael Nulty stated the Gray Stone was a tenderloin housing clinic site and it was a member of the tenant association coalition     since there was only one housing facility near by.  He added he was speaking on behalf of The Alliance for a Better District 6 and they were fully in support of the venue from the applicants past history.


Public comment closed.


Commissioner Meko moved to approve and incorporate the conditions that have been presented by the applicant in agreement with the police department with



minor modifications with return to the Entertainment Commission after a four month probation period if requested by either party with regard to the hand stamp permitte shall use a unique identifiable manner of identification applied to patrons upon entry Commissioner Alan second the motion to include a friendly amendment and modification and add to the security issue of the probation and the condition shall

sunsets at the conclusion of six months and

the language be changed to Permittee will have a valid security consulting contract with a security registered with the California Department of Consumer affairs and all employees shall have guard cards and  the exterior door security shall be readily identifiable as club security.



AYES - Commissioner Newlin, Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Meko Commissioner, Roja and Commissioner Alan

NOES- None

ABSENT - Commissioner Shlain

ABSTAIN - Commissioner Pred


Commissioner Pred arrived at 6:19 P.M.


b)     Yalcin, Zeki, dba Midpoint Cafe and Bar, 1233 Polk Street, Place of Entertainment.


Deputy Director Jocelyn Kane stated the venue was previously called O’Reilly’s Holy Grail and the applicant would like to have DJ’s with and occasional do some live music and open until 2:00 A.M. everyday. She added Staff recommends conditional approval.


Mark Rennie stated he was representing the applicant.    He added the cafe was a medium sized restaurant and was one of the oldest in San Francisco and the applicant’s renovations were very nice.   He added there was some conditions from the Planning Department that went back 15 years regarding condition of use and they may ask the Planning Department for a second conational use authorization.   He added they reviewed the conditions from the police department and they had a problem with condition No. 5 to end entertainment at 1:30 A.M. 


Chair Joseph asked what type of entertainment they were going to do at after midnight.


Mark Rennie stated they would do live music and occasional DJ’s at dinner.


Commissioner Alan stated the conditions of approval by the Planning Commission would override anything the Commission would state and they were vague and confusion and out of date and recommend they get them clarified.


Commissioner Meko recommended the Good Neighbor Policy be added replacing the Police recommendations and allow the planning conditions to remain in effect without referencing to them.


Public Comment



Commissioner Meko moved to approve with the standard conditions Commissioner Newlin second the motion.



AYES - CommissionerNewlin, Commissioner Meko, Commissioner Alan, Commissioner Roja and Commissioner Joseph and Commissioner Pred

NOES- None

Absent - Commissioner Shlain


  1. Entertainment promotion in San Francisco. (This item allows commissioners to suggest and discuss ways in which the Commission could improve promotion of entertainment in San Francisco).


Chair Joseph stated the entertainment industry was suffering a huge blow and depleted.  She added anything they could do to stimulate the industry would help.    


Commissioner Alan suggested the Chair consider an advisory meeting to discuss with staff the implementation of the Music and Sustainability ordinance.


Executive Director Robert Davis stated as an actual item with a presentation would be more helpful.


Commissioner Alan suggest presentation be made in one month and break it up into a couple of pieces.  


  1. Commissioner’s Comments & Questions.


No comments were made.

  1. New Business Requests for Future Agenda Items. (This item is to allow Commissioners to introduce agenda items for future consideration).


Commissioner Mekorequested that there be two separated agenda items that applied to Suede and the Butterfly to be brought before the Commission. 


Commissioner Predstated in reference to the language around security uniforms he suggested that a review the Good Neighbor Policy language to and expand the Good Neighbor Policy to cover the issues that frequently came before the Commission. 


Chair Josephstated it could be possibly be addressed with the Bylaw Adhoc Committee. 


Meeting Adjourned at 6:43   P.M.