The official fine and fee discount guide from The Financial Justice Project, housed in the San Francisco Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector

Can you not afford your SFPUC water and sewage bill?

Faucet iconYou may be eligible for a 25% or 40% discount on your water and sewer bill through SFPUC’s Community Assistance Program.

Click below to learn how to apply!

Step 1: Confirm that you are eligible

You are eligible for a discount on your water and
wastewater bill if:

1. The water and sewer bill is in your name.
2. You are a full time resident at the address where the discount will be received.
3.You have only one water service account with the SFPUC.
4. You are not claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return.
5. Your total combined household gross income does not exceed the CAP Income Guidelines below.

Household SizeAnnual Household Income (40% discount)Monthly Household Income (40% discount)Annual Household Income (25% discount)Monthly Household Income (25% discount)
1 Person$30,250$2,521$50,450$4,204
2 Person$34,600$2,883$57,650$4,804
3 Person$38,900$3,242$64,850$5,404
4 Person$43,250$3,604$72,050$6,004


Step 2: Apply

You can mail or drop off a completed application to the SFPUC. The application is available at

San Francisco Water, Power, and Sewer Customer Services
(415) 551-3000
Attention: CAP Program
525 Golden Gate Avenue,
2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102