Meetings - October 22, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
October 22, 2019 - 10:00am
City Hall, Room 201
San Francisco, CA

Present: City Administrator, Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender, Adult Probation, Status of Women, Superior Court, Emergency Management, Mayor’s Office, City CIO; Office of Justice Technology and 1 member of the public.

(Absent: Police, Juvenile Probation)


Meeting was called at 10:17 a.m.



Minutes were approved by the City Administrator and seconded by the Sheriff’s Office.

City Administrator informed the council that the Board of Supervisors will call a meeting, to be held in December, to receive an update on the JUSTIS program with specific interest towards CABLE3/CMS Decommission as well as an update on the JUSTIS Roadmap.

City Administrator requested that JUSTIS council meeting meet quarterly and that the JUSTIS Program Manager provide email updates every 45 days.

City Administrator was appreciative that JUSTIS Advisory committees meeting were established and was pleased at the participation of the member agencies resources.


CMS Decommission

The Sheriff asked about receiving “rebooking reports” from CMS and how JUSTIS plan on routing them. JUSTIS Program Manager responded that JUSTIS will offer the flexibility of routing reports in the same fashion as they are today or being rerouted at the department chosen destination via the modern tools such as Power BI Dashboards.


The City Administrator and the Council overall were glad hear that JUSTIS will be moving one of the agencies, Public Defender, off CMS, by end of calendar year. The City Administrator then asked for a timeline for other agencies to migrate away from CMS. The JUSTIS Program Manager indicated that he plans to decommission CMS at same time as the Superior Court goes live on C-Track. The CCSF CIO shared her appreciation of how collaborative OIS has been in the process, further declaring that OIS truly cares about San Francisco’s criminal justice systems.

City Administrator asked when the Courts C-Track is scheduled to go production. Courts CEO confirmed it is still on track for a June 2020 go-live. He added that C-track production timeline could be adjusted to accommodate JUSTIS timeline if needed.


The Sheriff asked if the JUSTS advisory meeting are appropriately staffed.  JUSTIS Program Manager responded that they were and with the help of Gartner Consulting, it will be further optimized.

CCSF CIO indicated that more business process and technical staff have been coming to the advisory meeting of late; a refreshing change which translates to richer conversations when compared to the one person per agency model.


The District Attorney was glad to hear that Advisory Committee members are thinking about the importance of accurate data.  The Courts CEO agrees and added, using ethnicity as a data item, that data quality from CMS is subpar.  JUSTIS can provide more modern and varied data.


The City Administrator asked about the regularity of Advisory Committee meetings and re-iterated that the JUSTIS Council meeting must meet quarterly.  

The Sheriff asked about JUSTIS’s use of City Attorneys for MOU, and data sharing. The JUSTIS Program Manager answered that JUSTIS has identified a dedicated City Attorney who will be available as-needed to the Advisory Committees.

The Sheriff expects to see a JUSTIS meeting calendar for 2020.

The CCSF CIO indicated that the next JUSTIS council meeting will need to address additional projects and associated budgets in preparation for a formal COIT request for funding.


JUSTIS New Business

Discussion started regarding the new Buffin decision and how it may affect JUSTIS.  The JUSTIS Program Manager provided a summary of the Buffin decision and indicated he recommended a viable solution to implement publishing “incident reports” within eight hours of the incident.


The Sheriff asked how SFPD produces these reports. The JUSTIS Program Manager indicated that the SFPD Incident reports are all digitized.  SFPD scan Incident reports from the Crime Data Warehouse (CDW). JUSTIS currently gets “non confidential” CDW data every 24 hours.  The JUSTIS Program Manger suggested that accelerating the frequency of Incidents from CDW to JUSTIS to satisfy the Buffin mandated timeframe.

The JUSTIS Program Manager indicated that JUSTIS Advisory Committees are seeking direction from the JUSTIS Council on how to best implement a solution for the Buffin decision.

The Sheriff asked about receiving alerts from JUSTIS related to Buffin Incident reports.  The JUSTIS Program Manager mentioned that the JUSTIS alert system is quite mature and used extensively throughout the CCSF criminal justice agencies; thus it could easily be modified to handle Buffin Incident Report alerts.


The CCSF CIO anticipates the work to implement Buffin within JUSTIS would be a three-day effort as long as the MOU for data sharing is in place between JUSTIS and the SFPD. The JUSTIS Program Manager confirmed that the JUSTIS implementation of Buffin could be used in lieu of SFPD Laserfiche system.


The Sheriff asked for a menu of JUSTIS dashboards.  The JUSTIS Program Manager answered that the menu could be quite large due to the many dashboards already available in JUSTIS but would start the inventory for the next Council meeting.

The Sheriff was appreciative of JUSTIS progress and momentum.


Meeting was adjourned at 11.19 am.