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Meeting Information


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held at Youth Guidance Center Cafeteria 375 Woodside Ave San Francisco, CA 94127

The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up

1. (ACTION) Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm, by the President, All Commissioners were present at the gavel.
2.           (ACTION) Review and approval of March 28, 2001 meeting minutes
          Comm. Chuck pointed out the lack of a verb (has) in the section reporting on the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council’s spending plan. With this correction the minutes were approved.
3. (DISCUSSION) Chief Probation Officer’s Report:
a. Status Report on Juvenile Hall Replacement Project:
Frank Filice of the Bureau of Engineering, explanation of the National Environmental Protection Agency procedures.
Chris Bigelow reported: There is a problem with the temporary relocation of staff (with temporary facilities). Hopefully soon to be resolved. Meetings with neighbor groups is ongoing. Concerns are being kept in mind.
Filice reported: There is going to be an impact report written up, which will go through a public comment period, and depending upon response to it, be reivewed for the need of a public hearing. Once that process has wound down, construction should be a next step. There were no untoward delays expected as a result of the need for this report. Target start date is still Jan. 2, 2002.
b. FY 2000-2001 and FY 2001-2002 Operating Budget Update
The Chief stated that they project a small deficit of up to $200K, which may be resolved if the Controller’s office recognizes some sources of revenues. Additionally, the Dept is trying to get the City to re-calculate retirement costs, as there is a disparity between deficits in retirement accounts but surpluses in salaries due to unfilled slots.
In the upcoming fiscal year, the Dept is not facing a rosy picture, but thingsare still in flux so there is no definitive report as to the status.
c. Highlights from last Commission meeting to present (none)
d. Trends/Emerging Issues/Upcoming Events (none)
4. (ACTION) Consideration of action on Program Committee’s recommendation to contract with Young Community Developers in the amount of $59,442 to provide job readiness services to Log Cabin Ranch.
Upon motion, and seconded, Comm. Arámburo describedthe program briefly. There was no public comment. The question was called, and on voice vote, passed unanimously, 7-0.
5. (ACTION) Consideration of action on Program Committee’s recommendation on contracting with the following 13 TANF funded community based providers, for up to the maximum amounts listed:
· Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center $54,000
· Bay Area Legal Aid $100,000
· CARECEN $100,000
· Community Boards $0
· Edgewood Children’s Center $100,000
· Girls After School Academy $70,000
· Girls 2000 $100,000
· Instituto Familiar de la Raza $100,000
· Morrisania West, Inc. $100,000
· National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship $100,000
· Richmond District Neighborhood Center $100,000
· Samoan Community Development Center $100,000
· Special Services for Groups $100,000
Comm Hale called for a motion on the community based service providers, with the exception of Morrisania West. Comm. Dupré moved for approval. Motion was seconded. Comm. Arámburo thanked the community providers and the community programs division for their work in preparing the annual report. Comm. Hale noted that while the action by the Commission would be swift, there had been a great deal of attention already paid in committee regarding each of these (see Program Committee minutes).
Comm.Hale asked what the Dept was going to do to replace the Community Boards contract, since the desire is to keep the philosophy of BARJ (Balanceand Restorative Justice) alive here. The Chief said that there are elements of the BARJ philosophy in other funded programs so this isn’t going to die with the end of the Community Boards program. Comm. Hale suggested the Program Committee initiate a discussion with the SFUSD to possibly do class lessons on the concept behind the program. Comm. Arámburo explained that there were many barriers to a successful mediation approach to resolving incidents of crime.
There were no further comments. The question was called and upon voice vote, passed unanimously, 7-0. Comm. Larson moved for approval of the Morrisania West contract. Motion was seconded. There were no public comments. The question was called and upon voice vote the motion passed 6-0-1, with Comm. Dupré abstaining.
6. (DISCUSSION). report on the YGC Chaplaincy Program, from the Interfaith Council (update on
governance issues regarding the chaplaincy and on funding), and from Reverend Toni Dunbar (report on activities of her office). [Drake]
Rev Roger Ridgeway commented that he was very happy with th e way the Chaplaincy has been going. Rev. Allen Jones also made laudatory comments for the Dept and its staff in their dealing with the Interfaith Council as this program has developed. (Rev. Jones’s report is available from the JPC office, as is Rev. Dunbar’s).
Highlights: there are 4 people working in the Chaplaincy program. 2 are half time interns and 1 half time volunteer, and the Rev. herself. Comm. Jackson-Drake asked about the space allocations for the program during the replacement project work. The Chief said they are meeting about space needs on May 9. Comm. Jackson-Drake asked about work toward ongoing funding. Ruth Stemel reported that they have received some support from Public/Private Ventures of Philadelphia, via a Ford Foundation Grant, to do a joint demonstration project -one of 16 sites in the nation.
Comm. Jackson-Drake asked about the relationship between the Interfaith Council and the staff of the program. Rev. Jones said that it is a supportive relationship.
Rev. Dunbar reviewed what has been happening in the program. She emphasized that this is a groundbreaking program, in most of what it is attempting to do, and many of the issues it is dealing with. She made reference to the connection with Public/Private Ventures and that program, and reiterated some of the stats of this program (all included in the written report). She concluded by mentioning a developing relationship with a religious college in Michigan (Calvin College), where a college prep program can be started here in the facilitiy, leading to detainees going on to their college or another college.
7. (DISCUSSION) Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission.
There was none.
8. (DISCUSSION) Announcements, requests for future agenda items.
9. (ACTION) Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm.