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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 


held at Youth Guidance Center Conference Room 375  Woodside Ave  San Francisco, CA   94127 


The minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Committee on the matters 

                                                               stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up



(ACTION)  Roll Call

Comm. Beijen called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. Comms Queen and Lingad Ricci were present at the gavel.  Allison Magee and Mark Lui represented the Dept,  Sam Kinghorne was in attendance.



(ACTION) Review and approval of Minutes of November 14, 2006 meeting.

The minutes were approved as written.

(public comment)

There were none.



(Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Finance Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission)

There were none.  No public in attendance.



(DISCUSSION) Review of the Dept’s draft 07-08 budget 

M. Lui deferred to A. Magee to begin the presentation.  She commented that they chose to highlight the changes to the budget for the Committtee rather than give them the entire budget to look at.  The Mayor’s Budget office’s directions were to reach a reduction of $820K.  They did this by projecting higher Title IVe reimbursements, and a series of salary savings (document attached).  They are upgrading two positions, one in accounting and the other in personnel.  This will allow them to do more in those areas that weren’t possible before. They are seeking to rehire the 1246 to head up personnel. There was a discussion about whether S. Kinghorne would be given that position. Comm Queen commended him for his work to date, as did Comm Lingad Ricci. 

There has been a great deal of concern for the operations of the community programs division (with the loss of staff).  A. Magee said they are going to rename the community programs division and hire a director for it, placing the new staff (community development specialists) there, and adding another analyst position. This will bring the division back to workable strength. She said they could hire those positions for the community division now but may not be in place by the end of the year.

A Magee said she would be talking to adult probation about the possibility of sharing staff to perform duties both departments need, such as exams and background checks.

They want to create a reserve for LCR to be available for whatever plans are formalized.

 She asked for any questions.

Comm Queen commented that that there needs to be more resources made available for community programs/services.  Maybe add another bullet point to the list of statements the Dept already came up with.

Comm Beijen said that this budget is two parts, the budget responding to the Mayor’s office, and the “wish list” that will be further points to discuss and advocate for.

Comm Lingad Ricci asked about the staffing needs for the new hall.  A. Magee said they will have 10 new hires, 5 of which are to work as limited tenure to replace counselors who have been out on long-term WC.  They will be using more on-call staff so the OT should be reduced.

Comm Beijen suggested making a recommendation for the full commission to accept the proposed changes, as well as having the Chief follow up in future discussions with the City, advocating for those points on the wish list, but as there is no action agendized this would be only an informal recommendation.  Comm Queen said that this wish list  (budget summary, additional requests) is not the final list, but could be expanded.

Comm Beijen commended A. Magee and M. Lui for preparing this document and the presentation.

(public comment)

There were none.


(ACTION) Request for future agenda items, Adjournment

Comm Queen wanted to revisit the concept of early planning for the budget, to include both internal discussions with dept divisions/staff and external discussions with the Mayor’s office and/or Controller, and community, in consideration of the next time budgets are prepared.

Comm Lingad Ricci suggested that discussions could be held between the Chair of the Finance Committee and those other bodies (internal and external) and then reported back to the committee. Comm Beijen said that this would need much further discussion so it will be on the next agenda. A. Magee said that in preparing this budget they did have many discussions with both internal staff and external offices (Mayor’s, etc).  The process suggested here is an ongoing one. Comm Queen said that the Finance Committee could be a greater participant in this process so that the Commission could be much more familiar with it.  Comm Lingad Ricci said that in the past the Finance Comm Chair had been allowed to attend Dept meetings in discussions about the budget.  This could be done again.

The discussion will continue.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:17pm.



Draft Budget Changes Summary


Juvenile Probation Department

Fiscal Year 2007-2008




January 8, 2007









Index Code

2005-2006 Actual   

2007-2008   Controller's Base

2007-2008   Proposed


Explanation of Change










Title IVE Subvention






This revenue is for foster care related functions that are performed primarily by our Probation Services Division.  Over 50% of the related salaries and benefits are reimbursable.  The expected increase accounts for hiring to fill (4) 8414 Supervising Probation Officer (1) 8444 Probation Officer vacancies, and a 2.5% COLA.


Federal Milk & Food Program

125002 & 125003





These revenues are from the Federal Milk & Food Program.  We are adjusting the budget to match increased revenues as a result of our Juvenile Hall and LCR population increases.


Total Revenues

















Index Code

2005-2006 Actual   

2007-2008   Controller's Base

2007-2008   Proposed


Explanation of Change


Attrition & Benefits-8415 Senior Supervising Probation Officer






This reduction is only possible due to our expected hiring of (4) 8414 Supervising Probation Officers.


Attrition & Benefits-9774 Senior Community Development Specialist I






We will shift supervising responsibilities to the Director of Community Programs.


Substitute a 1632 Senior Account Clerk for a 1634 Principle Account Clerk






This position is now supervising the cashier functions and is processing more complex accounting and accounts payable transactions. 


Substitute a 1203 Personnel Analyst for a 1241 Personnel Technician






This position is now required to do  classification and selection work to help backfill the layoff of the 1246 Principal Personnel Analyst.


Add a 7524 Utility Worker






This position will restore 1 of the 2 positions previously deleted.  The position is essential to help maintain the new Juvenile Hall facility.


Total Expenses
















Total Revenue Increases and Expense Reductions









BUDGET FORM 2a: Department Revenue Report












DEPARTMENT NAME:  Juvenile Probation Department

























Index Code





2005-2006 Actual   

2006-2007   Adopted  Budget  

2006-2007   Projected

2007-2008   Proposed


Revenue Description and Explanation of Change



























40156 Miscellaneous Federal Subventions - Title IVE









This revenue is for foster care related functions that are performed primarily by our Probation Services Division.  Over 50% of the related salaries and benefits are reimbursable.  The expected increase accounts for hiring to fill (4) 8414 Supervising Probation Officer, (1) 8444 Probation Officer vacancies, and a 2.5% COLA.



60699                        Other Public Safety Charges









This for administrative fees of 10% for the State Restitution Funds collected by JPD per Court order and a small amount for copy fees.  This also includes $8,345 for custodial services provided to the Courts.



44925                        Federal Milk & Food Program

125002 & 125003








These revenues are from the Federal Milk & Food Program.  We are adjusting the budget to match increased revenues as a result of our Juvenile Hall and LCR population increases.



40155                   Juvenile Probation & Camps Funding (JPCF)

121130 & 121140








This is for the Juvenile Probation & Camps Funding (JPCF) Program.  The program is for services that are family-focused, community-based, and preventative in nature.















Department of Juvenile Probation

2007/2008 Draft Budget Summary


The following is a summary of the department’s preliminary budget proposal.  Budget staff will continue to refine the proposal before its final submission on February 21, 2007.


Citywide deficit: $64 million

JPD Target Reduction: $820,553

Increases:  $651,091 in State and Federal Revenue

Cuts:  $173,484 in attrition adjustments and vacant positions


Staffing/Organizational Changes


Probation Services

To reach its reduction target, JPD is proposing to de-fund one 8415 Senior Supervising Probation Officer.  The loss of funding will have minimal impact, as the department is in the process of a major hiring surge.  This year, Probation Services has funding to hire one 8415 Senior Supervising Probation Officer, three 8414 Supervising Probation Officers, and an additional eight Probation Officers. 


Community Support Services

With the new fiscal year, the department will work to strengthen its Community Programs division with new staff, a new permanent director, and a new name.  Community Support Services will remain its own division, but will be closer aligned with Probation Services to ensure that community programming as well as detention alternative programming is used to its fullest capacity.  The budget reflects the following changes in Community Support Services:


·         Appoint a permanent Division Director


·         Hire an additional 1823 Senior Administrative Analyst.  Both analyst positions will be modified so that their duties reflect those of standard program officers who monitor fiscal and programmatic contract compliance.  Analysts will make regular site visits and phone contacts, and will work with contractors to develop useful, achievable outcome measures. 


·         Hire two 9772 Violence Prevention Specialists.  These new positions will design violence prevention programming to be delivered in various community settings, and Saturday programming for first time probations and probation violators. 


·         De-fund one 9774 Senior Violence Prevention Specialist to reach the department’s target reduction.  No impact is expected, as the position is currently vacant, and the work can be covered by the two 9772 positions.


·         Fill the vacant 9706 Employment and Training specialist      



Administration has endured some of the biggest budget cuts over the past few years.  Though JPD cannot replenish all lost positions in one year, the department is examining what steps can be taken to improve the unit’s staff and resources, including the following:


·         Upgrade the 1632 Senior Account Clerk to a 1634 Principle Account Clerk.  The person in this position is currently working out of class, and is on the list for the higher class.  The substitution comes at a negligible cost to the department.


·         Upgrade the existing 1203 Personnel Technician to a 1241 Personnel Analyst.  The upgrade will allow that position to perform a broader range of functions, thereby increasing the capacity of the HR unit.


·         Shift appointment and separation duties, as well as other clerical tasks from the former 1203 position to the existing 1220 payroll clerks. 


Juvenile Hall

The new Juvenile Hall requires increased maintenance and support.  The following changes are included in the draft budget:


·         A new 7524 Utility worker will split their time between Juvenile Hall and Log Cabin Ranch, performing custodial and light repair work.


·         A vacant 1424 Clerk Typist will be filled to perform general clerical functions in Juvenile Hall. 


Additional Requests

JPD must meet the target reductions issued by the Mayor’s Budget Office.  However, the department will continue to work with the Mayor’s Office throughout the budget process to obtain additional resources.  The following are some considered requests:


·         Shared positions.  JPD will work with Adult Probation to request new positions that can be shared by both departments including a training coordinator, an exams specialist, and permanent background investigators.


·         A high-level HR manager. Even with the proposed position substitutions in Human Resources, the department is in need of a high-level department personnel officer.  Adding this position will allow HR to better focus on such issues as workers comp, overtime, professional development and timely corrective actions.


·         Log Cabin Ranch Reserve: JPD will request that a contingency be placed on reserve so that the department will have the capacity to respond to the recommendations that come from the long-term capital and program plans, to be completed in the first half of 2007/2008.