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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 


held at Youth Guidance Center Conference Room  375 Woodside Ave   San Francisco, CA   94127


                                                                                                                                                               Finance Committee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hully Fetico. Chair
                                                                                                                                                      Jacqueline Lingad Ricci
                                                                                                                                                                       Lidia Stiglich


(ACTION)  Roll Call

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:32pm. Comm Stiglich was present at the gavel. Comm Lingad Ricci was excused.   A. Magee, M. Lui represented the Dept. The Chief arrived later in the meeting.



(ACTION) Review and approval of Minutes of April 25, 2007 meeting.

Upon motion and 2nd. the minutes were approved as written.

(public comment)

There were none.



(Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Finance Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Status of the City’s budget and the department's FY 07-08 budget.

A Magee reported that the Bd of Supes Finance Committee approved the budget, and now the full Board needs to pass it.  The Dept got 3 new LCR counselor positions, a new Dept HR director position,  a stationary engineer to work between YGC and LCR. They got 3.4% COLA for the CBO contracts. There’s $600K to add to the $1 mil already for capital improvements for LCR. Joanne Winship will be project manager for that. Comm Fetico asked why the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds couldn’t do that. Why is she being given this task when so many things went wrong with the JH project (which she was a manager for). A. Magee said those problems couldn’t all be laid entirely in Winship’s lap.

There’s also $100k for the girls specific services.  A. Magee said that we were informally already into the new fiscal year budget.

(public comment)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Status of requested Controller’s audit of the dept.

D. Chan reported that he had contacted via email the Controller’s office with a further clarification of what the Commission had asked for, but they hadn’t responded with any exact details.  A. Magee will follow up with the Controller.

(public comment)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Review of the Dept’s fiscal operations, with recap of expenditures, budget including status of contracts, overtime and workmen’s comp, trends in expenses

utilities (lights usage –timed use), city car use logs, grounds maintenance at YGC, stoppage of bottled water purchases.

The discussion went over documents given to Comm Fetico in response to his request for information.

Some points:  1070 Project Director is the IT division Director.

Sr Engineer 1043   is Norm Cole.

1842 is the DMC Coordinator (75% FTE) the majority of the salary comes from grant monies.

The Industrial hygienist: not filled. 

There was a small discussion about the use of which job classes for certain positions that are members of PERS retirement program, which doesn’t affect pay.  The (9708) is vacant right now but they are hoping to advance John Knox to that permanently (he is acting now). 0931 is the dept personnel officer (new position). The 0922 is Joanne Winship’s position.

The car log: A. Magee said the dept does not have a coordinated and standardized logging system to keep track of how cars are used.

Even though it appears that the dept uses cars within their budgeted amounts, they do not know how the cars are being used and if they reflect the actual work being accomplished by probation, or not being accomplished.

The lack of logs also makes maintenance and upkeep slack. A. Magee wasn’t aware there was a problem like this until the committee asked for this information.  She will follow up on this and report back next meeting.

Comm Fetico commented about the irregularity of timing for lights on the premises, some being on even during the day. M. Lui wasn’t aware of that.  They just recently fixed some problems in lighting on the parking lot side (which weren’t wired in correctly).  Lui didn’t know about the other lights.

Comm Fetico asked them to check all those lights so that they don’t waste energy.

Re: cell phones.  Comm Fetico asked how many times cell phones have been used on emergencies or urgent matters.  He wasn’t convinced there needed to be so many phones out.  Eg. Rev Dunbar (who is not an employee).  A. Magee said she saw that and also questioned it, but has been assured by the Chief or A. Nance that this phone is no longer in use and Rev Dunbar does not have a dept issued phone. A. Magee couldn’t explain why the people who have phones were given them since she wasn’t here to make that decision. 

In reviewing costs Comm Fetico suggested there should be a better way (given cost of phones and service for 39 phones, this could be over $40K/yr).  M. Lui didn’t have specific knowledge of the costs for the phone service but said it was within budget.  He then reported that the Mayor again mandated a reduction in cell phone use.  He didn’t remember how much was asked.  Comm Stiglich asked why pagers couldn’t be used.  Not everyone needs that level of accessibility.  A. Magee said that by looking at the list she could see maybe 5 that don’t need a phone, just at first glance.  The Committee encouraged her to do a close analysis of this list and make changes. He said that maybe the City isn’t willing to give the Dept any more money because it isn’t using its money efficiently.

The monthly financial report: this hadn’t been reviewed for 3 months and M. Lui said that the numbers are still not firm.  Re: OT, A. Magee said they are looking closely at the situation, which seems to be a problem in JH and having management meetings about it, attempting to see if there’s a pattern for staffing shortages (frequency for certain staff).

On the merging of classes: A.Magee said they are still meeting and discussing this issue.

Re WC, M. Lui spoke off mike and was not picked up.  Comm Stiglich asked if the bulk of the WC costs were going to long-term disabled workers.  M Lui did not have the numbers to answer this.  Aren’t settlements offered to these people? M. Lui said this was in the City Attorney’s power and the Dept doesn’t have a say in it.

Comm Fetico asked how many counselors have been in the Dept for 20 yrs or more. The Chief said that the Dept has from 46-53% of its counseling and PO staff in line for retirement the next 2-3 yrs. Our Dept has one of the most “matured” employee pool of all city depts. A. Magee said that is why it is important to have someone in HR to plan for this eventuality.

Re: computers purchased. There were no additional computers purchased for CLETS. The computers for the POs were received, but were returned because they were the wrong ones.  The correct ones are in place now.

Bottled water: the directive initially affects small individual bottled water.  Then the large bottled water purchases to end by Dec.

The old admissions structure is still up for grabs that can be used to provide services.

(public comment)

There were none.



(Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Finance Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission)



(ACTION) Request for future agenda items,  Adjournment

A Magee was reminded she would follow up on the Controller’s audit and the auto logs.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.