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Meeting Information


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Held at City Hall, Room 400 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

1. (ACTION) Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 4:33pm by the Chair, Comm. Arámburo. Comm. Larson was present at the gavel. Comm. Dupre arrived at 4:51pm.
2. (ACTION) Review and approval of Program Committee meeting minutes January 16, 2001.
The minutes were approved as written.
3. (ACTION) Discussion and possible action to recommend to the full Commission, acceptance of $11,300.00 grant from the California Youth Authority for continuation of the Young Men As Fathers program at Log Cabin Ranch
Liler B. Jackson, counselor at Log Cabin Ranch, described the Young Men As Fathers program. Funded through this California Youth Authority grant, it deals with the issues of fatherhood (for minors). Currently about 25% of the Ranch’s population are fathers, or expectant fathers. The program works with these individuals, as well as the rest of the Ranch population. Not only are parenting skills dealt with, but life skills in general, emphasizing positive healthy family dynamics and home environments. They run 9 week sessions, and have family day celebrations periodically where all the families of the youth (both their biologic family, and their own partners and children) spend an entire day at the ranch doing various family oriented activities.

There is no additional funding given to this program. Last year the grant was on the level of $9K, and while this is a larger grant, it is a longer period of time (ending in June of 2002).
4. (DISCUSSION) Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the
Juvenile Probation Commission.
There was no public comment.
5. (ACTION) Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:53 pm.

                                                  Minutes approved April 25, 2001