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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 MINUTES OF April 10, 2003 MEETING of the AD HOC COMMITTEE on Log Cabin Ranch,  of the JUVENILE PROBATION COMMISSION

held at Youth Guidance Center room 328    375 Woodside Ave  San Francisco, CA  94127

                                                            The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up


(ACTION)  Roll Call

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:23 am.  Comm. Bonilla was present at the gavel. Comm. Ricci arrived at 9:40am.  The Chief, M. Lui, D. Sanders, represented the Dept.  J. Berkowitz, LB Jackson, J. Fithian, Ntanya Lee, L. Holmes, T. Baldwin, Linda Connolly, were also present.





(ACTION) Review of April 3, 2003 meeting minutes

With corrections pointed out by M. Lui (D. Sanders’ plan, not J. Berkowitz’s, and add “and for whatever alternatives to the $210K  that they can come up with”,  and his own comments about TANF… to be taken directly from the tapes), the minutes were approved.

Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

Ntanya Lee, Coleman Advocates, commented that in the big picture, there are more kids of color being locked up in the nation, that there are dwindling resources given to students (eg. counseling in the schools), that it’s more effective to provide preventive services to youth than to intervene after the fact (eg. detention, commitment to places like LCR).  It is more cost effective to do prevention.  Why aren’t resources re allocated to do this?  People and depts. saving their jobs.  She said that what adults should be doing is re allocating funds to CBOs and doing the work at far less expense.  She said she hoped the people here will be serious and do something about the under funded community services in the City.


(DISCUSSION/ACTION)  Continued review of options for Log Cabin Ranch

a. Status report on the lease/sale of properties at Log Cabin Ranch School, and Hidden Valley Ranch.

The Chief had no specific report or detail to report.

b. Status of discussions on final option for Log Cabin Ranch.

    Discussions from workgroup meeting.

    The Chief said that at the last meeting there were still competing proposals from the  

    Ranch.  They were instructed to return with a single proposal.  Their final proposal came up to $1.4 mil. which he believed the Dept could fund. He described the proposal as he had instructed it to be done, at a service level of 15 youth, for 6 mos programming.  D. Sanders read from a document (which was not available for public or committee review), enumerating each line item.  The total bill would be $1,412,889.00

     Comm. Bonilla thanked them for their work in bringing together disparate proposals and having one plan to move forward.

      The Chief said that they would go back and develop a more descriptive narrative of what this program was, including periodic review and evaluation. 

     J. Berkowitz said that he was happy the work has reached this point, and was committed to making the proposal to keep LCR open, work.

     The Chief said that while this process was positive, and hopes are riding on it to work, there would be parallel and simultaneous actions to initiate a request for letters of interest from potential vendors in case this plan doesn’t pan out.  They will also continue to develop a list of alternative placements, so that if they are forced into option ‘a’ or ‘b’ they won’t have to start from square one at that point in time.

c. Update on creating a solar ranch operation at LCR

    D. Sanders called Pete Rutledge and is awaiting a response.  The PUC has asked to come out and do an assessment of LCR, and he is waiting for an approval from the Chief for this visit.   Comm. Ricci asked who the contact was at the PUC.  Sanders said he had his secretary contact them, so he didn’t know. He would have to call them today. But to implement the (off tape, not audible), he would have to go through Cassie Coleman as the contact person. 

(public comments)

Comm. Chuck asked people to introduce themselves.  Linda Connelly (LCA) introduced her firm and described a little of what they do.

Ntanya Lee, Coleman Advocates, noted that the additional $240K to the LCR budget is about the same amount being lost by CBOs and questioned whether this amount was better used there or in the community. 

J. Fithian, Asst Principal at LCR, wants to be a part of the re allocation of resources, programs at LCR, especially in the area of education there.  He has some ideas for an effective small ed program.



(ACTION) Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 am.