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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 



held off site, at Youth Guidance Center Cafeteria  375 Woodside Ave  San Francisco, CA  94127


The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters 

                               stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up



(ACTION) Roll call.

President Stiglich called the meeting to order at 5:37pm.  Comms. Woodson, Queen, Fetiçō, Beijen were present at the gavel.  Comm Rojas arrived at 5:50pm and Comm Ricci at 7:05pm



(ACTION) Review and approval of January 25, 2007 meeting minutes

Comm Beijen commented that his recollection was that President Stiglich appointed Comm Woodson to the Ad Hoc Committee.  President Stiglich recalled the same.  With this amendment, the minutes were approved.

(public comments)
There were none.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission
There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Chief Probation Officer’s report:

Chief Siffermann commented that the spike in juvenile hall population has kept the Dept busy trying to find ways to keep the numbers down. The reasons for the increase are basically the same as reported before; the 707b cases.  They are also in the process of testing for new staff, training on the YASI instrument to be used in the Dept’s processes, and furthering the planning for LCRS programs and renovation.

He mentioned 3 events he attended: a program by Each One Reach One, where actors acted out plays written by 10 youth in juvenile hall.

A memorial event for John McNerney, a juvenile hall counselor.

A management mtg at LCRS, where all managers went and each made an individual pledge as to how s/he would support Toni Powell at LCRS.

He mentioned the Civil Grand Jury’s report comment on moving CARC closer in proximity to the Dept’s operations.  He suggested using the old intake/admissions building as the site for CARC.

This will be taken up at the Program’s Committee.

Comm Queen asked if there is any one impediment to the relief of the juvenile hall population question?  The Chief said that the case processing mechanism is a big problem whenever one or another “partner” in the process is in disagreement with a recommendation. It gets held up and delayed. 

The Chief also said there were more youth of 18 yrs or older who are still in juvenile hall. They could simply transfer these to the adult jail for holding but didn’t feel that was a positive choice.

There are also situations out of their control like the changing staff in the state bodies responsible for making assessments of youth, or the increased numbers of undocumented youth whose cases take longer to move forward.  He said that what we ultimately would need is a shelter for many of these youth.

Comm Fetiçō expressed his frustration at what seems to be a chronic situation where the same problems of undocumented youth, delayed case processing, disagreements among the partners have left us with a higher juvenile hall population. He said there’s still staff lacking at Log Cabin Ranch, as well as juvenile hall, resulting in more OT, there’s still no one helping Lonnie Holmes in the community programs division, but we have more administrative staff now.

He also said he didn’t know what was going on with the Dept’s budget since he wasn’t allowed to see the entire budget. He faulted the Commission for not demanding more accountability and not being on top of everything.

Comm Rojas asked about the work with Huckleberry House on the undocumented youth issue. The Chief said that it was a success where they took 3 at any given time.  This takes up space from others they would have taken care of.  They are still reviewing the relationship and refining it.

Comm Woodson asked what the Chief meant by having a citywide review of the issue, what benefit would result and what has been done to initiate such a review.

The Chief said they have convinced the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice to establish a workgroup to deal with the issues of juvenile justice.  The first issue will be the juvenile hall population. Members of the workgroup are SFPD, DA, PD, CBOs, DCYF, DPH, SFUSD reps. They will look at how citywide policies might affect the operations of this Dept.

Comm Stiglich asked if the native plant program they are talking about for LCRS will be operated out of the old greenhouses?    Yes.   Comm Stiglich also asked what powers the Dept has in impacting the detention/release process.  The Chief said that while he can share and carry the outlook of the Commission on what the right actions are in relation to detention, it can’t be “willed” on the line staff. That this comes from supervision and guidance and currently that is being carried out by line staff’s peers (due to lack of supervising PO staff) and they need training in order to be able to actuate that outlook.

(public comments)

Damone Hale commented off mike so much was not picked up.  His final comment was that the Chief needed the support of the Commission to get the staff necessary to do the work to get the confidence of the courts.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Review and possible action to approve draft Statement of Incompatible Activities.

Comm. Queen moved to adopt the document. Comm Beijen 2nd. There was no discussion or public comments.  Upon voice vote the motion carried 6-0.

(public comments)

There was none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Adopt the resolution on establishing a girls’ unit, per the Program Committee’s recommendation.   With modification in paragraph #1 to be “It shall be the policy…”

Comm Fetiçō commended the group working on this issue, and expressed his hope that it could be established in the next 3 months.  N. Yalon said that the group had established a timeline for 5 things to be accomplished.

Comm Queen moved to adopt , Comm Fetiçō 2nd.  Comm Beijen suggested the modification.  Upon voice vote, the resolution with modification was adopted 6-0.

(public comments)

D. Hale spoke off mike and was not picked up but generally made supportive comments about the resolution and need for girls services.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Establishing a protocol for awarding Juvenile Probation Commission Commendations   

Comm Beijen said he was proposing the Commission “adopt protocol for recognizing and commending people, Juvenile Probation Dept employees and others for performing outstanding work on behalf of the Dept and /or benefiting the youth under the supervision of this Dept. It is entirely appropriate and desirable for this commission to encourage and acknowledge outstanding work by our employees and by private persons.  It is recommended that we adopt an official San Francisco Juvenile Probation Commission commendation, a certificate that may be awarded upon recommendation of the Chief Juvenile Probation Officer. Such a commendation would then require the unanimous acclimation or approval of the full commission. All commissioners would sign the certificate, and it would be awarded as deemed appropriate at a ceremony during a full commission meeting, by the Chief in an office ceremony, or by United States post office mail.  Commendations of this sort are awarded by other San Francisco commissions.  I have adapted the wording for the proposed commendation from a similar commendation that is issued the San Francisco Police Commission, and I intend to move that the Juvenile Probation Commission instruct our executive secretary to prepare several possible certificate formats from which this body can select one for our purpose. That suggested wording would be to have at the top of the certificate say San Francisco Juvenile Probation Commission Commendation, with a place for the name of the awardee, and then say ‘we the members of the Juvenile Probation Commission hereby commend you for the outstanding work performed by you, awarded this date…[place for the date] and then signature of the President, Vice President and the  5 other members of the Commission, as well as the Chief of the Dept.”

Comm Fetiçō expressed a strong opinion that people doing work in this field should find satisfaction in doing a good job and not in the prospect of being recognized.

President Stiglich commented that it was more the question of the Commission being able to acknowledge outstanding work, contributions or achievement by a youth here in the facility, or a community based service provider, or an employee during their tenure or after that is recognized by this commission as going above and beyond the call of duty. This would be like when the Commission adjourns in honor of someone.  This would just formalize it.

Comm Fetiēō continued his disagreement of formalizing this process, in favor of concentrating on doing the work that would further the Dept’s services.

President Stiglich felt it would be a positive thing that would aid the work.  Comm Rojas said that if the Commission could play a part in giving some recognition to people who work hard for the kids, she is in support of it.

Comm Rojas suggested moving the item to committee and having a discussion on that level first.

Chief Siffermann commented that he would welcome the opportunity to nominate candidates for commendation.  He said that such recognition reinforces the values manifested by those being given that recognition, if done in a thoughtful way.

Comm Queen seconded Comm Rojas’s suggestion, and have the executive secretary come up with some versions of the certificate for review by the Commission.

There was no objection to this, so it will be moved to the next commission mtg.

Comm Beijen emphasized that his language noted that the commendations would only be for outstanding work.  He further said that if we could list the types of things (criteria) that are commendable, then those should become part of the expected job specs.  He was more interested in acknowledging actions and performance that were unexpected, that stood out.

(public comments)

Garry Bieringer reflected on past practice by the Social Services Commission where they would start their commission meetings with such commendations (many time of line workers).  It was a very positive thing.

Kenneth Brazil commented that commendations to CBOs could be very helpful in their attempts to secure funding for their services.  He also suggested that if the Commission were to vote on potential recipients, that they act on a simple majority rather than a unanimous basis.

Damone Hale noted that what Comm Fetiçō said was right, that this should not be just for doing your job. And what Comm Queen also said was right, that it should be for actions above and beyond the call of duty. Awards too easily gotten lose their significance.

The Commission recessed for 10 mins at 7:00pm



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Set date for a commission retreat  

May 12, 2007 was offered and there were no objections.

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Report on status of CBO contracts.

L. Holmes did not have any new information to report.  Comm Fetiçō asked about the CMS database and Holmes said that he hasn’t looked at the data yet.  When all contractors have input their data reports, then he’ll look at it to see if they are meeting up with  work plan targets.  He said that the Dept is withholding 10% of their grants until satisfactory achievement is confirmed.

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Sunshine/Brown Act rules regarding e-mail correspondence.

Comm Ricci asked the Dep City Attorney for clarification on restrictions on communication among commissioners via many means (including email).  She read a section from the Good Government “bluebook” that referred to seriatim meetings.  She said just as commissioners cannot meet with each other privately to discuss matters of the commission/Dept, neither can they “discuss through emails” such matters. Matters cannot be discussed by a quorum of any committee or the commission outside of a public meeting venue.

President Stiglich said that this issue arises on more benign matters like scheduling a meeting. R. Katz said that there are ways to do this without falling into a deliberation of the topic.

This item can be further discussed at the retreat.

(public comments)

Damone Hale said that any commissioner can talk to any other commissioner about anything on his mind, but cannot reveal what each commissioner feels, to any other commissioner.

He suggested looking at the City Attorney’s website for greater detail and clarification.



(DISCUSSION) Discussion for resolution regarding the Gang Injunction.

Comm Queen said he asked Damone Hale to come do an overview of the City’s gang injunction, and possibly to consider any action the Commission might take in that regards.

D. Hale said that such strategies have been around for 20 yrs and allows the prohibition of actions by identified persons that are “nuisances”. He was concerned about the inclusion of 9 yr olds as participants in the “Oakdale Mob”.  He asked what programs the Dept has that address the kinds of activities that these individuals are involved in.

Comm Queen asked the Chief if the Dept or he himself was involved in any discussion with the City before they invoked this injunction.  The Chief said he participated in these discussions.

Comm Queen recommended putting this before the Program Committee, and developing a policy statement along the lines of what the Chief was talking about. He has contacts in the Western Addition and Mission and would like them to come to that meeting to further discuss it.

He commented that the African American Police Relations Board has dealt with this issue, and the Commission had discussed the need to make sure there were funds in the Dept budget to deal with just such issues.

President Stiglich felt that there appeared a couple of questions not necessarily the same.  There has always been the question of what resources youth have to keep them out of trouble (and what the Dept has been able to do for that), but the gang injunction doesn’t address this. If the injunction brings more youth to the Dept’s attention for “nuisance” activities that are incompatible with positive probation, rehabilitation, then this could be an ‘early warning’ system, rather than just the beginning of a “slippery slope” of detention. She said that it was one thing for adults, and another thing if one of “our” youth gets swept up in it. That should be an alert to the Dept.

D. Hale commented that there are other ways to deal with the behaviors in the targeted area and that forging cooperation with community partners has been statistically more effective.

President Stiglich directed that this item go to the Programs Committee.

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Election of Officers

President Stiglich opened the floor to nominations for President.

Comm Fetiçō nominated Comm Queen for President. Comm Woodson 2nd.

Comm. Ricci nominated President Stiglich. Comm Beijen 2nd.

Upon roll call vote on Comm Queen’s nomination, he was elected by a vote of 4-3 (Fetico, Woodson, Rojas, Queen “yay”, Ricci, Beijen, Stiglich nay.)

Nominations for Vice President were:

Comm Fetiçō nominated Comm Woodson, Comm Queen 2nd.

Comm Rojas nominated Comm Beijen, who declined.

Comm Ricci nominated Comm Rojas, Comm Beijen 2nd.

Upon roll call vote, Comm Woodson’s nomination was defeated 3-4 (Fetico, Queen, Woodson “yay”, Stiglich, Beijen, Riccci, Rojas, nay)

Upon roll call vote on Comm. Rojas’s nomination, she was elected by a vote of 6-1 (Comm Fetiçō voting nay).

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Committee reports, other reports

·         Program committee

Comm Fetiçō recounted briefly the report from the Dir. of LCRS, and the Dir. of JH. on some of the achievements being made: students getting their GEDs, or graduating with a HS diploma, some taking classes at College of San Mateo, and some program developments (carpentry, digital media, writers’ corps).  (see full Prog Comm mtg minutes).

(public comments)

Vicki Rega, Turning Heads, mentioned a couple of things that were happening with their programs.  One youth has been accepted to Asian Neighborhood Design, when he gets out, another decided to go on to city college. A former student will start an internship in digital media at SFSU. Another has gotten an award for his entrepreneurship and will go to New York City for an awards ceremony.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

Damone Hale commented that he had a great time working on the hard issues with the Commission and wanted to commend them for their work.  He also commended Laura Azzolino for her work and presented a potted plant for her.

He said he knew the Chief could do great things if given the chance, so he should stop answering to everybody, draw the line, stop jumping through hoops because of Margaret Brodkins, or because the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice says to.  The only ones who are going to challenge a Judge Hitchens or any of the judges are the commissioners. He pointed out Comm Beijen’s good work with youth outside of the commission and commended him on that.  He said the the Commission’s job is not a volunteer job or part time, so they should take the time necessary to do the work.  His greatest satisfaction has been giving to the job.  He said he’d always be available to the commissioners. He thanked everyone.


(DISCUSSION) Requests for future agenda items. 

Already dealt with.



(ACTION)  Meeting Adjournment at 8:04pm

Comm Stiglich announced that The Juvenile Justice Commission (Court appointed body) is accepting applications for membership. To receive an announcement and application interested parties should email Yolanda at or phone 415/753-7756, leaving a message with your name and address.

Comm Stiglich also announced that Log Cabin Ranch was scheduling a Family Day for March 25.

Comm Ricci acknowledged Damone Hale for his leadership on the Commission, and his focus on the kids. That is also her reason for being here.

Comm Queen, supporting the Chief’s request, asked to adjourn the meeting


In memory of John McNerney, Juvenile Hall counselor,

for his work with youth and his positive influence upon his co-workers.