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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 


held at City Hall   Room  400 1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA   94102

The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up


(ACTION)  Roll Call

The meeting was not called to order until 6:14pm due to lack of a quorum, so the Chair held public comments until then.  Comms. Hale, Connolly, Richard were present at the gavel.  Comms. Ricci, Bonilla, and Chuck were excused.



(ACTION) Review and approval of June 30, 2003 meeting minutes 

The minutes were approved as written.

(public comments)

There was none.



(DISCUSSION) Chief Probation Officer’s Report:   **explanatory document: monthly report June 03)

Chief Tucker announced the appointment of Bill Johnston as Asst. Chief.  She further said that there would be a report on the progress of LCRS’s operations, at the next meeting.  They hare holding daily workgroup meetings on the reorganized LCRS, and made Thabiti Mtambuzi the monitor.

   a.   Status Report on Juvenile Hall replacement project (see public comment below)

  b.   Status Report on FY 03-04

         M. Lui reported that there is no final word yet on the budget.  As a result of the Bd of Supes budget committee, budget analyst meeting, 4 JH counselors have been restored. There has been no final word on the other restorations (CBO funds), yet.

   c.   Status Report of the JDAI (Bierenger)

         G. Bierenger was not present so there was no report given.

(public comments)

There was none.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

Joanne Chow Winship reported on the progress of the Juvenile Hall project.   Current demolition is going on.  Dept 30 of the courts will be moved to the 3rd floor of YGC, on August 4.  The Laguna Honda roadway is getting done and a traffic light is being put in.   Move-in is expected to be Jan. of 2005, with final completion by end of 2005.

Ques: how is noise being dealt with.   Ans: DPW has been out there and so far there hasn’t been excessive noise due to demolition (except for the jackhammering).

Bruce Fisher of Huckleberry thanked the Commission President and the Chief for what he understood to be their position that the add back given by the Bd of Supes, would restore his funding to previous levels.

Comm. Hale questioned whether the Bd had the power to specifically add back funds to particular contracts (or if that was the purview of the Commission).  He said this was being looked at by the City Attorney’s office.

This became a drawn out discussion and R. Sanchez advised the Commission to stop further discussion and return to public comment.

NTanya Lee reported that she had forwarded the JJAC report to the Commission.  She also commented that she thought the intent of the Bd of Supes was to return the cuts in funds to CBO contracts, so she didn’t understand the concern of the Commission regarding this.

(Since this was public comment, there was no response given).

At this point the meeting was recessed in waiting for a quorum.



(ACTION) Possible approval for the Juvenile Probation Department to enter into ’03-’04 contracts with the following service provider, up to the maximum amounts listed below:

Mission Neighborhood Center                  $139,860.

Community Youth Center                        $  65,525.

Bayview Hunters Point FD                      $  65,525.

Morrisania West, Inc.                             $  65,525.

Potrero Hill Neighborhood House            $  65,525.

Potrero Hill Neighborhood House            $  52,763.

Instituto Familiar De La Raza                  $  65,525.

Office of Samoan Affairs                      $  65,263.

Vietnamese Youth Development Ctr.        $  65,263.

SF Boys & Girls Home                           $202,596.

Huckleberry Youth Programs                  $508,371.

Y.W.C.A.                                               $  65,420.

Ella Hill Hutch Community Center           $  65,488.

Comm. Hale moved to approve entering into contracts with the above CBOs, separating the vote for Bayview Hunters Point Foundation from the others (so he could abstain).  Comm. Connolly 2nd. Upon voice vote, the motion carried 4-0.

The Commission was then made aware that due to the loss of one Commissioner from voting, there was no quorum to vote on the remaining contract (BVHP).  This will be held over til the next Commission meeting.

(public comments)

R. Sanchez reminded the Commission that they should call for public comments before they take action on motions.

NTanya Lee proposed a friendly amendment to the action just taken, to include the understanding that when the final word on the add back amounts comes from the Bd of Supes, that those amounts be returned to the CBOs from which they were cut originally.

R. Sanchez commented that it was her understanding that the Bd of Supes restored the money cut from the BCOs (in aggregate amount, without stating specific amounts for specific contracts).

G. Tucker did not know.  She wanted to get the full information before bringing it before the Commission.

Comm Hale pressed his concerns again about the Bd of Supes exercising that power over the Dept and Commission.

Bruce Fisher expressed his concern over the concern expressed by Comm Hale, and how that and the “legal” opinion didn’t jibe with the opinion of the Mayor’s budget office or the Bd of Supes.  He wanted to be sure that the assurances of the Chief and Commission President would be honored.






(DISCUSSION) Report from Dept on policy and practice of CYA commitments, evaluation of the services provided to Dept referrals to CYA.    

Comm Hale said that he wanted this report because he’s still concerned about the use of CYA. 

The President appointed Comms. Hale and Connolly to review the current Dept process and policy on CYA commitments (how recommendations are made) and report back to the Commission if any revisions and/or changes in policy are advisable.

(public comments)

NTanya Lee asked for clarity on the purpose of the committee, and proposed a moratorium on CYA commitments until this “inspection” of the policy was done.



(DISCUSSION) Committee Reports

      a. President’s comments

·         Commission Retreat

The President assigned Comms. Richard and Bonilla to an Ad Hoc Committee to decide on a site to hold the retreat, in August.  The Secretary will poll the Commissioners for a date.

·         General Staff Meeting Agenda (President).  There was no report. The President removed this item from the agenda.

·         Program Committee

Comm Richard reported that there was a brief review of the annual assessment report on the CBOs listed above, but due to the lack of an action item (agenda item was not written up for a specific action), the committee could not make any recommendations to the full Commission.

·         Personnel Committee 

The Secretary was asked to set up a mtg to take care of unfinished business.

(public comments)

There was none


Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

There was none.



(DISCUSSION) Announcements, requests for future agenda items

Comm Hale mentioned that he read that SLUG was closing its doors and asking for other interested non profits to take over its various operations.  He asked how this was going to affect the Dept’s contracts with SLUG, and how it intended to proceed.  Chief Tucker hadn’t heard about this development.  Will look into it and report back at the next meeting.

Comm. Dupre was alarmed by this information.

(public comments)

There was none.

Comm. Richard asked that the meeting be adjourned in memory of Jovan McDowell and Enola Maxwell, both of whom passed away recently.  Comm. Connolly also recalled that another person, Robert Ramirez, was remembered at the Program Comm. meeting. He asked to include Robert in this memorialization.



(ACTION)  Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58pm,  in the memory of:

Enola Maxwell 

Jovan McDowell

Robert Ramirez