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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 



held at City Hall  rm 408   1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place   San Francisco, CA 94102




(ACTION) Roll call

The President called the meeting to order at 5:32pm. Comms Stiglich, Woodson, Beijen were present at the gavel.  Comm Fetico arrived at 5:48pm.  Comms Lingad Ricci and Rojas were excused.



(ACTION) Review and approval of June 13, 2007 meeting minutes

Upon motion and second the minutes were approved as written.

(public comments)
There were none.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission
There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Chief’s report.

Update on juvenile hall population

The Chief provided a written report showing the effects of activities the Dept has implemented, leading to a reduction in the Juvenile Hall population.  He pointed to the vast reduction in miscellaneous charges for detention (17% of total) to show that only those serious charges are being targeted for detention. Also the time awaiting disposition is being reduced, as well as number of bed days.  There are 15 kids who make up 49% of the total bed days in JH, due to the severity of their cases. He believes the Dept has made much progress in this issue.

Summary of Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) realignment plan.

Allan Nance, ACPO, reviewed briefly the situation in the state and how it may affect the Dept.  (see update attached).  DJJ will be reducing numbers kept in CYA (DJJ) by returning-violent offenders (non 707b) to counties of reference. Some funds will be available to support this, possibly $117K per ward per year.

This would demand developing plans to deal with these returnees.  There is an interest in a regional approach to dealing with this. As of Jan. 07 SF had 20 youth in DJJ, but if they return they won’t be juveniles so there’s the question of whose responsibility to supervise (JPD or Adult Probation).

President Queen commented that in light of that situation it seems to him that the Dept’s request for added funds becomes even more urgent, and he urged the chief to keep the Commission informed on the development and implications to the dept.

(public comment)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Review and analyze the Dept’s FY ‘07-’08 budget, and its $10 million supplemental request, vis-à-vis the Bd of Supervisors’ Budget Analyst’s recommendations and the City’s refusal to approve it. Mayor Newsom, Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin, and Chair of the JDAI working group invited to explain their positions.

There were no representatives from the Mayor’s office, the Bd of Supervisors, or MOCJ present.  President Queen stated that it was unconscionable that the city refused to approve this budget, given the crisis of at-risk youth in the City. Comm Fetico commented that he felt the community agencies needed to be more involved in this, otherwise the City may not pay much attention since those youth affected are from certain zip codes.

He also said that as the Dept’s budget goes up he doesn’t see the reforms that make it work better, or serve young people more responsibly. (He mentioned the Bd of Supervisors castigating the Dept for an underhanded hiring practice as an example of not being accountable).  He said that many of the problems are just repeats because they’ve never been addressed, and he felt the commission needed to put more pressure on the Chief and Dept to solve them.

Comm Beijen disagreed that the Dept was not doing enough, at least as far as it concerned the juvenile hall population issue. He felt that the Dept has made much progress in dealing with the processing of youth through juvenile hall, but acknowledged there were other conditions that were out of the Dept’s control.  President Queen commented that any comments about the Dept’s deficiencies were not negative criticisms but should be looked at as constructive and a means to improvement. He further said that the larger question (political or otherwise) was why the Commission and Dept’s request was rebuked. He felt the Commission should be bothered by that and be a greater advocate for what the Dept needs to function effectively .

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Possible approval of Dept recommendations for CBO contracts.

Community Detention Supervision Services (Home Detention)                 

-          Mission Neighborhood Center                                                 $260,000 *

Intake and Shelter Care for Status Offenders

-          Huckleberry Youth Programs                                                  $444,975 *

Intensive Community Support Services for Young Women

-          Samoan Community Development Center                               $40,000 *


-          Omar Khalif                                                                          $50,000 *

Parenting Skills Training

-          Community Youth Center (CYC)                                            $60,000 *

Peer Counseling

-          Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, Inc.                                    $60,000 *

Short-term Shelter Care Services for Delinquent

-          The S.F. Boy’s & Girl’s Home                                               $250,000 *

Spiritual Services Coordination

-          The Ark of Refuge, Inc.                                                         $15,000 *

Re-Entry Mentoring Services

-     V.I.P Mentors                                                                       $80,000 *

Intensive Community Support Services (IHBS)

-          Instituto Familiar de la Raza, Inc.                                          $80,000 *

-          Community Youth Center (CYC)                                           $80,000 *

-          Morrisania West, Inc.                                                           $80,000 *

-          Bayview Hunters Point Foundation                                        $80,000 *

-          Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, Inc.                                    $80,000 *

-          Brothers Against Guns                                                         $80,000 *

-          Samoan Community Development Center                              $80,000 *


*The programs may qualify for a 2.8% cost of living increase as soon as the City & County of San Francisco’s Budget is ratified

Comm Stiglich moved to approve the recommendations. Comm Woodson 2nd.  Comm Woodson thanked the Chief and L. Holmes for going over the document with her, and felt that it was a good selection.  President Queen thanked the Program Division for the work done to get it here.  There being no public comment, a voice vote was taken and the recommendations were approved 5-0.

(public comments)




(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Possible approval of a special resolution and protocol for awarding Juvenile Probation Commission commendations, as adopted by the Program Committee.

Comm Woodson reviewed that this was a revised version from the last full Commission meeting. It was agreed upon in Programs Comm, passing 3-0.  He moved to approve it, 2nd by Comm Woodson. There were no public comments.  Upon voice vote, the measure was approved 5-0.

(public comments)



(DISCUSSION) Committee reports, other reports

Program Committee: Comm Woodson reviewed some of the topics covered, especially the presentation by The Beat Within, and highly commended them on their work.  She also reported that she attended the JDAI working group mtg at MOCJ, and while there is a lot of good hearted talking and planning, there is still no concrete feeling that financial resources are available to do any of those things.  She brought up the question of the Dept’s supplemental request going unsupported, but didn’t feel there was much response from the group on this. She will continue to attend and keep abreast of the progress.

Finance Committee: Comm Fetico reported that they will be meeting tomorrow.

(public comments)
There were none.


(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Request a joint meeting with the Police Commission to discuss mutual interests in public safety policies for the City.

President Queen commented that this Commission and the Police Commission have similar interest in public safety issues and in a discussion with their president, Comm Sparks expressed interested in doing this. He wanted this commission to give him the go ahead to further plan such a meeting.

Comm Beijen wanted to know what specific issues the Police Commission would have that would further the Commission’s mission of taking care of the Juvenile Probation Dept.

President Queen mentioned some of the areas that the police impact our dept, eg. the arrest and booking of youth into juvenile hall.  He said that there are discussions happening on the dept level but not on a policy level, and Comm Sparks felt that such a discussion would be useful.

Comm Woodson suggested that Comm Queen come up with a draft of possible talking points for further distillation before going to the Police Commission.  Comm Queen said that perhaps he could give that to the Programs Comm.  Comm Beijen said that should then be brought back to the full commission before going forward with the Police Commission as to setting an agenda. He wanted to note that they need to be careful to stay focused on a policy level and within their area of responsibility over the dept.

(public comments)

Damone Hale expressed surprise that there was seemingly hesitation on the commission’s part to proceed. He felt there needs to be a policy level discussion between the two commissions so that better practices may result. 

Abraham Williams expressed his disappointment in the City’s response to the needs of youth, and asked the Commission if there was anything he could do to help the situation.

Comm Fetico commented that more public participation at the meetings was essential.

Greg Gordon, PO, commended Allan Nance, Dennis Doyle and Nancy Yalon for their leadership.  He said they had been wrongly targeted for problems in the Dept. He also commended Toni Powell for her work at LCR.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) President Queen’s letter to the Mayor regarding the Dept’s supplemental request.

Comm Beijen brought this up because he felt the letter, going out on Commission letterhead should reflect the position and opinions of the Commission, but did not feel there was an affirmative decision made nor consensus on the language in the letter.  He felt some of the comments were of a personal nature, and wanted to clear up the protocol for such communications in the future, including a vote taken by the commission before a letter is sent out on letterhead.

Comm Fetico said that there was a discussion and decision about sending a letter to go along with the budget request, and he saw a copy of a letter to which he made comments (to be more brash) so that some of his feelings were included in that letter.  Comm Woodson was questioned about the letter at the JDAI mtg, regarding had the commission voted on it, who was really speaking and why it was on letterhead. So there were questions about how it had come about and had the commission as a whole ratified it. She said there was no debate that the commission was all on the same page as to the need for the funds, but needed to have a process where the language on any position can be voted on so that everyone can support it as written.

 Rebecca Katz said that generally speaking, the President can speak for the Commission but that the commission has to move to have the action taken. Individual commissioners may speak as individuals, but when personal positions are being expressed, they need to be clearly differentiated from Commission positions.

As to letters, either a letter (language) can be brought to the Commission for approval or the general content of a letter can be approved by the Commission and allow the President to send such letter out.

President Queen commented that it was unfortunate that Comm. Woodson was asked to address the origin of the letter (when it was brought up at the MOCJ-JDAI meeting), but was amazed that the issue they were more concerned with was who wrote the letter rather than the need for the funds, which he felt missed the point.

(public comments)
There were none.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

Damone Hale announced a press conference on the gang injunction, tomorrow at 400 McAllister St.  He felt the Commission should be engaged in the conversation.

Another person announced the Mayor’s Gift for Guns program July 28, where they hope people will turn in guns in exchange for gift cards.  He asked if the Commission wanted to sign on as a co-sponsor.  President Queen said there would be no time for the Commission to act on this so if individual commissioners wanted to add their names, they could do so individually.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Requests for future agenda items.  Adjournment

Comm Fetico asked to have the Controller’s audit of the Dept to be included.

President Queen asked to adjourn the meeting in honor of Dr. Andre Campbell, a trauma surgeon at SFGH for his work with many of the youth who come through this dept.

There being no further business, the meeting was so adjourned at 6:35pm

In honor of

Dr. Andre Campbell