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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 


Held at City Hall, Room 400 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco



The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.



1.      (ACTION)  Roll Call

Introducation of Elizabeth Rice Larson, newly appointed Commissioner.

The meeting was called to order by Comm. Julian at 5:40pm  Comms. Larson, Dupre, Hale, Aramburo were present at the gavel.  Comms. Jackson-Drake, and Chuck were excused.

Comm. Julian introduced and welcomed Elizabeth Rice Larson as the newest member of the Commission.

2.      (ACTION) Review of May 31,  2000  meeting  minutes   

The minutes were approved as written.

3.    (DISCUSSION)   Chief Probation Officer's Report:

a.      Swearing in of new probation officers and juvenile hall counselors

Chief Williams explained that this was formerly a procedure/ carried out by the Dept and Courts, and will now be renewed as the practice, including providing badges to the new officers and counselors (which they previously had to purchase for themselves).  At this time only the officers were to be sworn in; the counselors will be done at a later date.  Judge Ina J. Gyemant presided.

b.     Progress report on new facility planning

Chris Bigelow summarized: a group from the Dept. visited the Santa Clara facility (which contains some of the design concepts being considered here).  The architects have submitted the first designs to the DPW.  At the next Steering Committee mtg they hope to select a final design scheme.  A program statement will be constructed by the Dept. for Bd of Corrections review.  Additionally, the team is looking at a vendor which has a project coordination software they want to use. This would allow them to transfer and exchange information through a website, as well as the public keeping track of the project's progress. All the logisticals of moving people and things during construction are being explored by DPW.

c.      MIS report "Proportion of San Francisco youth, by race and probation activity:  Jan 1, 1999-Apr. 30, 2000.  (Dr. Clayborn)

Chief Williams said that they have brought on another research assistance, in cooperation with the American Justice Institute's contract for PRIDE.  They will be developing a series of management information reports for presentation to the Commission over several meetings.  This is the first.  Sandy Clayborn passed out a copy of her report, and summarized its contents.  (report is available from the JPC office).  Some findings: African Americans comprise 12-16% of the at risk population, but were 53% of those in probation activities, 62.8% of out of home placements, 56% of combined placements to LCR, CYA, and adult courts.  In comparison, Asian Americans account for 40% of the at risk population but only 13.5% of probation activity, 7.5% out of home placements. 

The Chief invited the Commission to identify some issues that MIS can now look into to abstract some numbers. Comm. Arámburo asked if they can break down the numbers of referrals to probation, to see from where they come. Also, if they can identify the numbers of whom are AB 3632 minors.  Can a tracking be done of placement successes (those from LCR, CYA, out of home placements, etc.)  Clayborn said they are now looking at out of home placement numbers.  AJI will start doing a coding of LCR kids soon but this won't lead to any usable information for a while.  Comm. Hale mentioned a TV program which showed the biases amongst and between races, which leads to the disparate treatment of youth in the system, some of it conscious, some not.  He clearly pointed to the fact that some judges were guilty of this also.

Comm. Larson asked if the database showed other factors, such as socio-economic (eg. one/two parent family) conditions.  There is a danger in isolating race as the only issue, and not looking at other "disabilities" (risk factors). Clayborn said they will be looking for the Census data for such information.  The PRIDE system might do this also.

The Chief said that in July the Youth Law Center will be starting to work with the Dept on disproportionate minority confinement, and should be able to get some valuable information on this to the Commission.  He further mentioned two prior reports which did identify that there were many risk factors behind delinquent youth, but that race was a determinant factor vis a vis the court.  Comm. Dupré asked where the Dept was going from here.  The Chief said that the Dept will be looking at YLC's stats they collected from other jurisdictions, and collecting/comparing local data from the Dept, and then recommending an action plan for how to begin to respond to the problem here.

Comm. Hale repeated his concern that while we all want to think of ourselves as just and unbiased, he wanted to make sure that the system continues to work toward eliminating consideration of race in decision making at all levels.  Comm. Arámburo  commented that she does appreciate the two central issues the Dept. wanted to pursue: restorative justice, and disproportionate minority confinement.  She said that despite what might have led up to a petition and contact with the Dept, when the youth reaches our doors, we must be conscious of the issue and deal with it accordingly.

d.  Highlights since last Commission meeting

1)     Board of Supervisors/Youth Commission joint hearing on Prop 21

The Chief reported that there is a hearing scheduled for tomorrow, June 1, in City Hall on this issue.

2) Juvenile Hall Spiritual Life Program city wide prayers, volunteer recognition  

    and training

There was a 3 day event in this regard.  It was very successful.  Comm. Jackson-Drake received a recognition award at the event.

3) Juvenile Probatrion Dept/Housing Authority Joint Initiative

The Dept and the Housing Authority is exploring the possibility of joint services to delinquent youth in the housing projects.  Possible truancy program.

e.  Trends/Emerging Issues/Upcoming Events

1)     Operating Budget FY 00-01

Upcoming fiscal year operations will be different because there is no "flexibility" in the available monies (TANF or otherwise).   Final stages of the FY 00-01 budget discussions, tomorrow.

2)     TANF Budget FY 00-01

See #e(1).

3)     Decertification of Glen Mills School

Calif. DSS has decertified as a placement option.  All Dept. youth will have to be returned by mid August. Comm. Arámburo   asked if the State is prohibiting referrals? .   Is this a political play by California to keep State monies inside the State?  There are a lack of good in-state placements, and by most accounts, Glen Mills is a model program   Answer to first question: yes, if DSS prohibits referrals there, then it will not pay costs for placement, and counties will have to cover their own costs.  SF has no funds other than what the State DSS would provide.   Comm. Hale said that from the DPW report from Pennsylvania it appears that there is a lot of politics being played out there. He commented that this Dept was thinking of sending a team of our own to Glen Mills to do an investigation. 

4.       (DISCUSSION)  Report on visit to CYA facilities in Stockton, Ca, on May 30, 2000. -Pres. Julian; Kathleen Kelly,  Pres. Volunteer Auxiliary.

Comm. Julian reported that on May 31, he, along with Kathleen Kelly and Don Chan went to tour the CYA facilities in Stockton, California.  He invited Ms. Kelly to give her impressions of the visit. She expressed her appreciation for setting up the tour.  She said that the sheer numbers of youth incarcerated in the facilities distressed her.  She felt that the most critical aspect of service needed for these kids is education (given the vast majority of them being special ed cases).   The Principal of one of the facilities spoke of the wide and deep problems of education she sees in the kids.  Kelly said that this reconfirmed her opinion that libraries are an important element in such a setting, and she thanked the Commission and the Dept. for sharing this view and helping the Auxiliary work on improving the library services available in our own facilities.

Comm. Julian echoed that it was depressing to see all those youth in secure lock up, but that at least there seemed to be some special programs available (e.g. substance abuse, sexual predation).  He related that while some of the youth spoke positively to us about their experiences, it was not known whether this was the "standard" program, or their sincere feelings.  When asked whether they would rather be in the facility or out in the community, of course they answered the latter.  He mentioned that the overwhelming numbers of youth are youth of color, and that since the Dept is committed to reducing those numbers, it behooves us all to find further alternatives to such secure incarceration.

D. Chan stated that while it was positive to see such programs available to youth while in CYA, it was disappointing that such services were not taken advantage of on a local level before there was a need to refer to CYA.  Comm. Julian said that there was nothing wrong with being a single issue person if the issue is education.  Two very important issues for youth are education and employment.  He thanked Ms. Kelly for her participation, and work in regards to the library.  Comm. Arámburo said that the library is a very important issue, also at the Ranch.

She commented that she had a client who's son is going to be placed at Preston (another CYA facility), which has a very negative reputation.  She was concerned because this Dept seems to be increasing its referrals to CYA and whether it is happening because the perception is that localities do not have appropriate services for them, and CYA does. Question: are there anger management programs?  Answer: yes.   Question: who is responsible for ultimate facility placement. Answer: CYA has a central intake and placement unit. 

Comm. Hale commented that he has seen and heard of the shortcomings of CYA and is pleased that there is a move away from large institutional placement. He encouraged the Dept. to continue on its course to improve its own offerings like Log Cabin, so that less and less reliance will be placed on CYA referral.  Comm. Dupré commended the Auxiliary, the Commission, for its work in advancing the library services within the Dept, and said that it might be possible to look at Hidden Valley Ranch as a regional facility in lieu of out of state placements such as Glen Mills.

5.      (DISCUSSION)   Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission.

      A representative from Coleman Advocates raised an issue  of a youth that was being remanded to CYA and asked what could be done to review the case.  She was  concerned about the placement of Hispanic youth at CYA.  She was referred to Bob Wertz.    Comm. Arámburo said that this is an issue that the Commission has met with Judge McCarthy and the Chief about. 

      The Chief introduced Rosa Sanchez, Deputy City Attorney, newly assigned to the Dept and Commission.

6.  (DISCUSSION)   Announcements, requests for future agenda items.  


7.   (ACTION)   Adjournment 

      The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.


Juvenile Probation Commission

375 Woodside Ave

San Francisco, CA 94127