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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 


held at City Hall room 400  1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place  San Francisco, CA  94102



The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters 

                                                  stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.



(ACTION) Roll call.

President Stiglich called the meeting to order at 5:40pm.  Comms. Queen, Fetico were present at the gavel. Comm Rojas arrived at 5:53pm.  Comms Beijen, Ricci, Hale were excused.  As there was no quorum at the beginning, the meeting was adjourned to an informational exchange.



(ACTION) Review and approval of April 26, 2006 meeting minutes

The minutes were approved as written, when quorum was reached.

(public comments)

There were none.


Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

There were none.


(DISCUSSION) Chief Probation Officer’s report:

The Chief announced that he had gone to the Mayor’s budget announcement that morning, which included enhancements to the Dept’s budget (document passed out, attached to these minutes).  He noted the new staff positions that will be funded by the Children’s Baseline funds, and plans to  develop the juvenile advisory council.  An upcoming trip to Chicago of Youth Commissioners, paid by the Zellerbach grant will serve to prepare them to help develop the model here.  He asked the Commission to encourage the Bd of Supervisors to approve this.

Hiring will follow civil service procedures. He said the Director of Admin Services would be exempt.

·          Administrative Office of the Courts, Delinquency Court Assessment

The Chief referred to the letter from the Administrative Offices of the Court, regarding this, and said the Dept will be participating in the evaluation. He thinks this will increase the cooperation between the Dept and the Courts.     

·         Zellerbach Grant update

      The Dept has hired a consultant (Nancy Campbell) to put together the grant proposal to Zellerbach

      Foundation.  Comm Queen asked for a written description of the project in Chicago.

·         Casey Grant update

·          Report on detention of youth awaiting placement

Nancy Starke, Director of Private Placement said the stats provided by the Chief are not accurate. The disparity between how Jose Perla, IT Director, extracted it and a more accurate reflection comes from including difficult cases for placement, eg. multiple failures, level 13 and above, where wait times can be extensive.  For first time placements, and others, the avg is 2 weeks.  It was decided that this will be taken back and re investigated, with a monthly report to be given to the Commission on the status of Out of Home Placement, with more detailed extractions and summaries.  Comm Fetico asked that financials be included. Comm Stiglich asked for details of the wait, pre disposition also be included.

Placements made to out of state sites are not made for first time placements.  Referrals have to be accepted by the receiving site, and the process can take many weeks.

·         Report on protocols to assure appropriate CARC referrals, even for hours of non-operation.

Nancy Yalon met with Denise Coleman and they will have weekly meetings to assess the types of intakes and referrals being handled now.  They will also have monthly meetings between CARC and JPD Intake staff to better coordinate their efforts.

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Setting up a performance review of the Chief

The discussion revolved around what format to use (forms/instruments/criteria/frequency), and when this would be accomplished.  It was generally agreed that the decision for what goals and objectives to set should be reached mutually between the Commission and the Chief.  The Chief passed out a copy of the “to-do” list he put together a year ago, as possible elements to include.  Comm Stiglich asked each commissioner to think over what s/he thought needed to be in the evaluation, and at the next full meeting, to gather all ideas and set up a timeline/protocol then.  Comm Rojas asked for a job description. They have the outreach package that contained a description.

(public comments)

there were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Establish protocols for communication/coordination between Program and Finance Committees.

This was a “hold over” item from the last meeting. Comm Queen offered again the review of his document (from a previous commission retreat) that gave options for how this might be accomplished. He offered that the committee chairs could meet before their meetings, and review the common items so that they can deal with each in their respective ways (avoiding duplication). This will be further discussed. 

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Recognition and acknowledgement of past commissioners.

The secretary stated that Comm Hale said he intended to submit a resolution to the Commission for consideration at the next full meeting.  The item was tabled till the next full meeting.

(public comments)
There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Naming of facilities and/or spaces in YGC.  

Comm. Hale also intended to offer a resolution in this regards, at the next full meeting.  There was a feeling that there hasn’t been wide enough discussion to consider possibilities and that now would be a good time to do that.

(public comments)

Johan Radogno, JH counselor, spoke in support of naming the chapel in honor of a former counselor, Liz Aragon, who worked there 27 yrs, and presented a petition signed by the counselors in JH for this.

Brian Thomasson, counselor, also spoke in support of naming the chapel for Liz Aragon.

Dennis Doyle, Director of Juvenile Hall, said that possibly using the promenade of the new facility to recognize notable staff and others, not one or the other.


(DISCUSSION) Committee reports, other reports

·         Program committee

The Chair was not present, and none of the other members were prepared to give a report, so this was tabled until the next full meeting.

·         Finance committee

Comm Fetico briefly mentioned that there is slow movement on getting more clarity around the fiscal matters of the Dept, but that things were moving.  OT and WC are being looked at and are improving. There are still items that need more detailing, and he would be trying to gather more information for a future report.

·         Facilities committee

The Chair was not present. Comm Queen briefly commented that this was his first committee meeting so was not prepared to make the report, but that discussion did include attention to the buildings and grounds, and the budget allocation for Log Cabin Ranch.

Full committee reports would be done when the Chairs return.

(public comments)

There were none.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Requests for future agenda items. 

There were none.



(ACTION)  Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58pm