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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 


held at Youth Guidance Center conference room    375 Woodside Ave  San Francisco, CA 94127


                                                        The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters 

                                                            stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up



(ACTION) Roll call

The President called the meeting to order at 5:34pm  Comms. Beijen, Fetico, Rojas were present at the gavel.  Comm Stiglich arrived at 5:50pm   Comms Lingad Ricci and Woodson were excused.



(ACTION) Review and approval of August 8, 2007 meeting minutes

Upon motion and second, the minutes were approved as written.

(public comments)
There were none.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission
There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Chief’s report.

Update on DJJ realignment

The Chief reported that there was no major development or clarification yet available, but the chief probation officer association was keeping a weekly discussion going on it. SF has only 2 youth in CYA that would be released under the realignment, and the courts would have an opportunity to “weigh in” on this, but to date there has not been anything communicated to the courts about this. The Dept is setting up a meeting with Judge Hitchens to discuss these two.  There is an issue with the ages of those returning, as many of them will be adults.  Who will supervise them? 

There was a question about hidden Valley Ranch, which brought up the issue of water usage/conservation for the area around LCRS and HVR.  President Queen asked the chief if he could make available to the commission copies of the report from that “blue ribbon committee” on LCRS, so they could review what was discussed therein.

Juvenile Hall Population Update/Analysis

The Chief passed out charts (attached) that showed comparisons between populations of Aug 07 and a year ago.  There is an issue with time spent in JH while awaiting adjudication.  There are going to be 23 who have been in JH over 100 days. Most of these, facing 707b, are represented by private counsel.

Quest. Are the mental health issues of the youth being attended to?  Yes.

Log Cabin Ranch Programming Update

Toni Powell, Dir., gave a brief update on programming that was in place. (attached)

A new class has been added (weekend construction) by Turning Heads, in addition to the DPW construction class. The one operated by DPW is certificated that allows successful

‘graduates’ to go into internships with DPW afterward. The youth have been able to do minor repairs around the ranch.  

(public comment)

Gus Amador, Turning Heads instructor, asked the Commission if there was anyway to increase the amount of time he has with the youth, as they seem very excited about the class. His limited contact with the students doesn’t allow him to teach as much as they need (there is a lot of basics they need). He asked if it could be incorporated into the SFUSD week day programs.

The Chief said this needs further discussion.

President Queen referred this to the Program Comm and asked Mr Amador to give some information to that committee so they can discuss the issue and bring it back to the full commission.

Comm Beijen asked if the math portion of this class could be integrated with the SFUSD math courses.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Committee reports, other reports

Consider action on any recommendations that might come from the Program Comm. regarding policies/positions on the gang injunction, and services for transient and undocumented youth.

Comm Fetico reported that the Finance Comm has not been able to hold a meeting on two previous attempts.

Comm Beijen reported for Comm Woodson (Chair, Program).  He mentioned having a discussion on the self assessment instrument for CBO contracts and that this will be continued the next meeting.  There was a report from one CBO, Young Community Developers, on what they were doing.  The issue of services for transient and immigrant youth was looked at, as well as what potential impact the gang injunction might have or be having on youth. Anecdotal information about improper contact with the police was presented, and the committee asked for documentation so that it could be discussed further at the next meeting.

Comm Rojas said the Facilities Comm has not met yet, but one will be set for October.

Quest: how is the work going on the girls’ unit.

The Chief said that discussions were still ongoing with stakeholders. The main issue is staffing and how it will interface with community based orgs.  There was a group from Chicago that came out here and a trip back to Chicago is planned for staff from this Dept (including a judge).

(public comments)

there were none.



Public Comment on all matters pertaining to Closed Session.

There were none.


Vote on whether to hold Closed Session.  (San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10) (ACTION ITEM)  Upon motion by Comm Fetico, 2nd Comm Stiglich, the Commission voted 5-0 to go into closed session.


Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b) and San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10(b): (DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION)

PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Juvenile Probation Commission Secretary


(Reconvene to Open Session)  The Commission recovened at 6:50pm


Vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussion held in closed session (San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.12(a)) (ACTION ITEM) Upon motion by Comm Stiglich, 2nd by Comm. Beijen, the Commissioned voted 5-0 not to disclose any discussion.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Retreat portion of meeting to cover the following:

The President asked to table this item until all commissioners could be present to hold the discussion.

  • review of points from previous retreat
  • commission protocols: roles/responsibilities of commissioners, relationships among committees
  • development and implementation of commission policies
  • overall goals/objectives for commission in 2007-08.

(public comments)



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Requests for future agenda items.  Adjournment

Comm Beijen asked that the meeting be adjourned in memory of all those who lost their lives at the hands of terrorists 6 years ago today, and also in memory of Alvester Ellis, who along with Denise Coleman was a founding supervising case manager of CARC. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:52pm


In memory of victims of the 9/11 terrorists attacks

                            and in memory of Alvester Ellis

* JH population report  JH report

* LCRS programming report  LCR programming