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Meeting Information


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1.      Roll Call  

The meeting was called to order by Comm. Julian at 5:45 pm.  Comms. Jackson-Drake, Shimko, Aramburo were present at the gavel. Comm. Hale arrived at 6:05 pm. Comm. Chuck was excused.  Comm. Dupre was excused.

2.      Review of October 27,  1999  meeting  minutes  

There was not a quorum of Commissioners present, who had attended the Oct. meeting, so review of the minutes was tabled.    

3.      Chief Probation Officer's Report:

Asst. Chief Tucker gave the report for Chief Williams.

a.      Status reports

Asst. CPO Tucker introduced a new intern for the "Spirit Life" program in Juvenile Hall, who briefly reviewed what he was doing.  His primary target currently is dealing with first time offenders.  They are trying to start a "first timers" group but one of the problems is that many of these detainees are kept in Juvenile Hall for very short periods of time and he doesn't get a chance to talk to them before they're gone.  There is currently another intern who works exclusively with B-5 detainees.  They are developing a team of volunteers to do follow-up counseling to supplement what they are able to do.  They have about 11 volunteers in the works now.  The issue of coverage and availability to every youth was framed as a funding issue.  There is not enough money to have these interns there fulltime.

Omar Khalif, the Ombudsman, gave a very short report, saying that the numbers of grievances have dropped from Sept. to Oct. and continue to be low in Nov (only 6 filed to date).  Comm. Shimko noted that there is a preponderance of grievances from B-4.  Kaliff said that there were counselors denying detainees their rights to the school program and religious services.  He said this was referred to Janet Medina. All assured the Commission that there is no further problem now.

Asst. CPO Tucker introduced Sheila Arcelona and Trish Oberweiss, who reported on their visit to the ProDes program in Philadelphia.  Philly is using ProDes with about 100 programs, mostly residential placement programs.  It has been very useful in developing and allowing them to analyze data on services, types of youth and crimes, and to geo-map the intersection of all three.  Oberweiss reported that their system is heavily computerized where reports and invoicing are done via computers.  Much of the data input is done by the CBOs. This will be one goal for the SF program.  While the program will be modified for the Dept's purposes, there should be useful data obtained from much of the protocol used in Philly, which can be pretty much transferred here.  Sandy Clayborn, Director of MIS for the Dept recommended buying the program ("source code") from the American Justice Institute, and making modifications locally to fully meet the Dept.'s needs.

The timeline for fully implementing the ProDes program is 3 yrs from Feb. 99.

b.     Highlights of the month

 Asst. CPO Tucker mentioned that SF has the lowest avg daily population of the juvenile halls of surrounding counties. 

She gave a status report on the Nov. 3 escape from B-5.  New security measures are being introduced.  The fence is resecured.  Perimeter patrols are starting.  A declaration of emergency was declared at the youth studies center, to re-direct $90K earmarked for security equipment which will allow the Dept. to use monies fromhe FY99-00 budget (including about $130K from the capital improvement budget).  Question: where is the $90K from? General funds?  Answer: from ‘97-98 FY budget.

She described various new traffic impediments to be installed to control access/egress.

Comm. Arámburo  asked if the numbers of youth on PC 707 charges are high, or normal.  Janet Medina said that they are not necessarily high.  Question: how is the community informed about issues/occurrences at YGC, eg. the escape.  Answer: the Dept will be going to community meetings.

Question: what is the protocol for making information available?  The Commission asked the Dept for a concise description of this.  Asst. CPO Tucker said that she would do the research on this issue.

c.      Emerging Issues/upcoming events

Asst. CPO Tucker  reported that the community budget hearing held last night was good and much feedback was gotten.

Y2K planning will be completed within the next two weeks.

The Dept. holiday party will be held Dec. 17 from 11:30am - 3:30pm

4.   Discussion/Action Items:

a.     Consideration and possible action to approve the Finance Committee's recommendation on the Dept.'s FY 1999-2000 Supplemental Budget Appropriation request for TANF expenditures.

Comm. Shimko briefly recounted what the Fnance Committee reviewed, and mentioned the one outstanding question they had; the Beacon Ctrs funding.  Sandy Brown-Richardson reviewed that it is a revised plan of an already approved budget. She pointed to various line items, but left it pretty much as presented in the Finance Committee (the document showing the line items, and the Committee meeting minutes are available from the JPC office). 

Comm. Shimko noted that there is a reduction in positions attached to the CARC program. 

Asst. CPO Tucker said that the original amount given to the Beacon Ctrs from the TANF plan was $350K, but then it was bumped up another $100K. There were no stipulations attached.  She said that after discussions with the DCYF, the Dept is satisfied that the money was well spent.  There remained $93K unspent of the original.  Comm. Jackson-Drake asked how the Dept came to just allocate such a large sum to a program without specifications for spending?  How does the Dept. know beforehand if the money is being well spent?

Tucker said that the Dept wanted to support the start up of a new Beacon Ctr, but Comm. Jackson-Drake asked what were the compelling reasons for this.

Comm. Arámburo reviewed that the Coordinating Council for the TANF spending plan had discussed this topic, and recalls that it was their decision to help support the operational development of Beacon Ctrs.  Cheyenne Bell said that ‘98-99 was the first time the Dept. allocated funds to the Beacon Ctrs., at $100K per new center.  She said that the additional $150K was added to support extant centers. 

Comm. Hale suggested that this topic be revisited and re-presented by the SFUSD.

Deborah Alvarez-Rodriguez, Director of the Dept of Children, Youth and their Families, described some of the things they are doing to improve the accountability to the Dept. as to expenditures of the TANF allocations.  One of them is that Chief Williams has been added to the steering committee which oversees the operation of the Beacons.  Another is the new accounting processes in the DoCYF, which track specific pots of monies.

Comm. Julian suggested that another presentation be given to the full Commission regarding the operation of the Beacons, the relationship to the DoCYF, and the Probation Dept.'s objectives.  Ms. Alvarez-Rodriguez welcomed that opportunity.

Comm. Hale raised a question regarding communications between DoCYF and the Bayview/Hunters Point Beacon.  Ms. Alvarez-Rodriguez said they recently had a meeting with that Center and there is an open line of communications.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Maria Duarte spoke regarding grievances of youth (her son) in B-5, and how she is treated by staff (rudely) when she raises her concerns.  She said even a call to Chief Williams has not been returned.  Comm. Arámburo  referred her to the Ombudsman.  She also asked Ms. Medina regarding the level of Latino/Latina staffing in B5.  Answer: about 3Ms. Duarte also said she'd prefer a male PO for her son since he needs a strong male figure to learn from.

Comm. Julian thanked her for her comments and assured her that the Commission was concerned, and will make sure that it is addressed.

Comm. Shimko moved to approve the Supplemental Budget Request, as presented.  Comm. Jackson-Drake seconded.  The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed unanimously, 6-0.

b.     Consideration and possible action to endorse the Impact Program at the Ingleside Police Station.  (Presentation by Officer Ed Collins)

Officer Collins asked to remove this item from the agenda.

c.      Presentation by the Department of Children, Youth and Families, on the draft 2000-2001 Children's Services Plan.

Ms. Alvarez-Rodriguez stated that by City Ordinance, her office is required to present the Children's Services Plan to various departments, for review and comment, in addition to the public hearings already held. This is still in the stage of comment and revision, but she briefly laid out the overall framework of the plan.  The Dept of Children, Youth, and their Families has expanded its focus to one of building the capacity of parents and neighborhoods, business, CBOs, to promote the healthy development of children. 

The Dept has created an outcome based model with accountabilities.  They are helping to develop innovative and collaborative programs in neighborhoods.  Additionally, they give direct grants to various depts.  (eg. $194K is given to Juvenile Probation). 

They have adopted 4 benchmarks for measures of successful service.  1) children are healthy  2) they are ready to learn and succeed in school  3) they have safe and supportive communities and 4) they are willing to contribute to the growth and development of the city. 

She described a joint effort between their office and the SFUSD to address truancy, and their interest in school based health services. 

Some of the parameters they use in deciding their funding priorities are:  how their funds will leverage additional support (to areas where there are limited categorical funds), how they can influence cross cutting departmental work (eg. childcare), how they can mobilize community networks, how their contributions can be unique.

She handed out a pamphlet developed by a group of young girls who did a survey and evaluation of programs, as an example of what her office is encouraging -accountability and involvement from the participants (young or old).

She enumerated the Dept.'s recommendations for the next two years of funding.

1) citywide framework    2) adopt the 4 benchmarks mentioned above  3) select indicators that will show the outcomes of those benchmarks  4) focus on core funding principles for the next RFP  5) use the Children's funds to cover areas that are not covered by categorical funding   6) to make sure all San Francisco neighborhoods have access to the Children's funds.   7) assure the fund distribution reflects gender equity.  8)  Train CBOs and give technical assistance (eg. they have an MIS person who continuously trains CBO staffs on computer needs… all their invoicing is now done via computer)  9) use Children's funds to encourage innovation.   Comm. Arámburo commended her on the low administative cost of her office.  Comm. Hale asked expressed his concern for the ongoing issue of violence and what the Children's fund would be doing. Ms. Alvarez-Rodriguez reviewed some of the things they did:  "increase the peace" day, involving all schools (public and private), developing a joint curriculum,  holding teach-ins, and holding a rally outside of city hall.  They will be doing these things again next year.

They are in a joint task force with the MTA to determine the transportation needs of people to enable access to services/programs.  Comments and questions were welcomed by Ms. Alavarez-Rodriguez.  There were none.  Comm. Julian thanked her for her concise and clear explanation of the plan.

4.      Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission.

Comm. Hale commented that he is concerned regarding the situation of the young boy in Michigan convicted as an adult and how it reflects a growing extreme view on juvenile punishment.  Comm. Julian also expressed his concern and recalled that this was a topic of concern raised in previous meetings and that it (the "Wilson Initiative",  SB 334) was to be calendared for discussion in a subsequent meeting.  The Chief was to do a presentation on that.  Comm. Julian reminded the Secretary to include this in the next meeting agenda.

5.      Unfinished business


6.      New business

The issue of December's meeting, and the need for it.  Comm. Julian suggested a wait before making a decision to cancel, to see if any pressing situation arises which demands action.

8.    Adjournment

       The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 pm.