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MINUTES OF MAY 11, 2004 MEETING of the AD HOC COMMITTEE Of the JUVENILE PROBATION COMMISSION   held at Youth Guidance Center  Conference Room   375 Woodside Ave San Francisco, CA  94127


(ACTION)  Roll Call

Comm Queen called the meeting to order at 9:03am.  Comm Hale was present.  Chief Tucker, LJ Simpson, J. Knox, E. Siggins, D. Sanders, LB Jackson, M. Gilchrist, J. Berkowitz, L. Holmes, T. Mtambuzi, J. Fithian, M. Hernandez, Sam Kinghorn were present.



(ACTION) Review and approval of May 4, 2004 meeting minutes

(public comment)



(DISCUSSION)  Reports back from individuals regarding their assigned tasks from the last meeting.  

a. D. Sanders on potential for joint ventures with local horticultural businesses; on gaps in programming  that need filling—eg. aftercare; complete survey on potential rental of beds  and put together a more  detailed rental plan (costs and offerings) that can be used in the marketing.

    D. Sanders reported again that 5 counties seemed interested in their proposal, but had various concerns, some of which were the need for mental health treatment, family counseling, and conformance with BOC requirements.  There was no concrete interest in referring (x) number of youth, at (x) contract amount.  Sanders was still dealing with the questions of how to make the interventions “top notched”, and how to re configure the current programs.  He further reported that they talked to 10 people who were interested in possibly doing a nursery business there.  He talked to UC Davis, and a professor there talked about a pilot project in aqua culture.  Need to look into the quality of fish and obstacles. Fithian will do a draft brochure on the Ranch,

b. Comm Queen to set up meeting with Sai Ling Chan Sew and appropriate DHS staff regarding EPSDT revenues; The Chief, with L.J. Simpson, to explore with Dean Hunnicutt the potential of getting CCSF resources to work at LCRS;

    Comm Queen handed out a one page summary of 3 options that Sai Ling had thought were possible for consideration.  She will further develop these concepts with Phil Arnold with a projected report back in a couple of weeks.

c. M Lui to construct a cost grid for several levels of services at LCRS (with projected income)

d. LJ Simpson to outline vocational programs and what is needed to have them fully formed.

    LJ Simpson provided a written report of what she had been investigating.  PIC is completing its Workforce Investment plan and will be meeting May 27 to select proponents for the upcoming year. She hopes to be able to leverage these resources to help the Ranch, as they did with the YDCP project.  School to Career: the SFUSD has not typically used these resources in the county community day schools.  They need to revisit this potential with the district.  City College of SF; the meeting with Dean Hunnicutt hadn’t occurred yet (to be this afternoon).  They may talk about bio tech program but what results can come out of some months of training is unknown.  She talked to Moshe Toye about the green houses.   Staff run initiatives: from an LCR planning committee over the summer, things were discussed where staff could run a number of initiatives.  Taking over the horticulture program was one.  It was intended that staff continue to work with those youth in current programs, like the horticulture program, and longer term for the beautification of the ranch.  Eg. Park and Rec manages 3-Com Park, and periodically replaces the sod on the field.  If LCR had been in contact with them, maybe it could get this sod for the renewal of the fields at LCR.  There needs to be an assessment of the obstacles, and gaps in staff run initiatives.    Many of the items mentioned may not require any new department funds, but for the viability of all support programs the issue of transportation needs to be solved.

e. Comm Queen to explore ways of providing transportation to and from LCRS.

    Comm Queen reported that the RAP collaborative, and BAG have vans and would be interested in supporting this. The cost of this could be charged off to Title IVe.  Comm Queen will work with them on a protocol, and look into options for a furlough program. They will look into re connecting with Job Corps.  Sanders mentioned they have some CBOs that come up Tues/Thurs every week. Perhaps they could work out something to include others in a carpool to the ranch.

    The idea that vocational training at LCR had to have links back in the community for continued training after leaving the ranch. 

f.  Comm Hale, with LCRS staff, to work out a re definition of the job roles necessary to capture Title IVe  funds –probation techs. The plans to re design, re define the job classes at the ranch in order to take advantage of EPSDT recoverables seemed possible.  They found out that all 59 counties in Calif have one classification for probation counselors.  They assigned a team to creating the plan to move forward on this.  Members will be: Comm Queen, Hale, the Chief, M. Hernandez, LJ Simpson, K. Morton,, M.Gilchrist, S. Kinghorn.   They will look into models that exist in other counties: Contra Costa, San Mateo, and how they integrate their with other city depts.

    The Chief will prepare a letter to DHR describing the goals and objectives of the class change. They will speak with individuals who are affected to flesh out the new roles, and when to involve the unions in the discussion.   

(public comment)
there was none


(DISCUSSION) Next steps, projected timelines.

Comm Queen will further explore the transportation issue with those he mentioned.  The Chief wil write the letter to DHR regarding the change in classes, and will contact the other counties to see how they finance their ranches, and will convene that group of individuals to do the redesign of the class.

Next meeting will be May 18, 9am.

(public comment)
there was none.


(Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission)

There was none


(ACTION) Adjournment
here being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30pm