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MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 2007 MEETING of the Facilities Committee  of the Juvenile Probation Commission  at Youth Guidance Center  Conference Room  1  375 Woodside Ave   San Francisco, CA  94127



                                                                                     The minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Committee on the matters 

                                                                                  stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up


(ACTION)  Roll Call

The Chair, Comm Beijen, called the meeting to order at 9:49am.  Comms. Rojas and Lingad Ricci were present at the gavel.  Comm Rojas was excused from the meeting at 11:05am.  N. Cole, J. Padover, M. Lui represented the dept.


(DISCUSSION/ACTION)  Approval of Minutes of March 21, 2007 meeting.   Upon motion, 2nd, the minutes were approved as written.

(public comment)

There were none.



Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Facilities Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission.
There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Department report on the status of JPD facilities to include the short and long term needs.

N. Cole passed out a report that listed the various projects and their status (attached). Some highlights: the JJC is operating. The fire alarm system there needs to be tied to the rest of the buildings’ system.  Emergency evacuation plan needs updating, and a drill needs to be held this year.  They will also do a perimeter roadway gate run to see how that works.

There was a discussion about having adequate public parking in the lots.  When the back parking lots are done, that should free up spaces in the public lot to the side of the YGC building.  J. Padover asked if it was possible to have validated permit parking issued for the date the person has a court hearing.

Painting and signage of the YGC building is still not done yet.

There is no groundskeeper (for landscaping).  They talked about having goats come eat the vegetation.

The W-buildings have problems with heat, which is being addressed slowly. But those buildings are now property of the courts, and they are planning to build their court building on that site, meaning that those services now there will have to be relocated.

There are still space problems around storing of records.  They are using GRM in the east bay to store record boxes. It costs a few hundred dollars a month. 

There is storage on the 1st fl of YGC but those records are not organized. Some need to be thrown out.

Laundry: new machines have been installed at YGC, still need some at LCR.

Anticipated projects: grounds keeping, gravel parking lot behind W building needs grading/surfacing. Need elevators repaired. Next wk the main elevator will be out of commission while they rebuild the motor/generator. M. Lui said that there was $80K set up for that, plus about $250K for the roadway repair at LCR, along with another $250K for the fire alarm system at YGC, and that all those funds were transferred those to cover the JH over-costs. So there is no fund to maintain the elevators.

Comm Lingad Ricci said she thinks the Dept needs to make another request for funds to take care of many of the deferred maintenance projects.

LCR: they need another backup water pump for the electrically fed main pump that delivers water to the dry standpipes.

The gym at HVR: upgraded lighting, fixed roof, fumigated. Now waiting for fire alarm to be installed. N. Cole said that while the work doesn’t take long, getting the govt check-offs does.  They hope to have this completed by first of the year.

The dorms at LCR are being repaired, with better heating, ventilation, and windows.

Some carpentry projects are being done down there through Dept of Public Works training; benches made for the basketball court, blacktop painted. He questioned the quality of the outcomes.  He wasn’t sure of the name of the program through which these activities were being carried out.

Waste water field: there is a field where the waste water is pumped to, but needs a sign alerting people of what that field is for.  Maybe the residents there can do this.

There are 2 storage tanks operable.  One is out of commission.  The state asked LCR to reduce their pumping to 3 days a week. With the reduction they may have to use water from the wells, which is high in hard minerals.  They may then need to buy a special filter for that water.  J. Padover said maybe the water softener would work for that. (M. Lui spoke off mike and was not picked up).

They have purchased the turbid meter but have not started to use it.

CO detectors and combustible gas detectors are now installed in the admin and kitchen buildings.  The monitors in the admin are hooked to the fire dept. the ones in the kitchen aren’t yet.

They attempted to get a land survey of the property but this was not completed.

There are some concrete slabs that need leveling so they aren’t a tripping hazard.

The main water pump for Mindego creek has been rebuilt.  The piping connectors are being replaced so they can attain the appropriate pump pressures.

N. Cole mentioned some of the greenhouse structures that need new plastic coverings.

Lake Verde needs cleaning of water grasses and weeds.  He said it needs dredging.

A couple of building remnants need demolishing.

There is a need for a steamer in the kitchen.  Even the gas steamer tables need to be replaced with electric.

Emergency communications: cell phones, or ham radios. are there any assured connections in case of emergencies?  N. Cole didn’t have an answer.

Staffing: N. Cole said they are understaffed.

(public comment)        

There were none.


(ACTION) Adjournment

For follow up: emergency communications at LCR, evacuation procedures for all facilities, parking issue at YGC (parking permits).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20am.

Report from N. Cole