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Minutes of the San Francisco Juvenile Probation Commission Meeting on

December 12, 2007, at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro Street






1.  Roll call (action)


The president called the meeting to order at 5:44 PM.  Commissioners Queen, Stiglich, Lingad Ricci, Fetico, and Beijen were present at that time.  Commissioners Woodson and Rojas arrived a few minutes later.


2.  Minutes of November 14, 2007 meeting (action)


The minutes were reviewed and approved.


3.  Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission


Rosa Baltodano, a Young Queens on the Rise coordinator, and Joanna Hernandez spoke re: seeking support and to re-establish rapport with the Commission.


4.  Chief’s report (discussion)


Chief Siffermann advised the commissioners about two recent milestone events.  The first was the kickoff of the “Know Your Rights” campaign, and the second was the live broadcast, in JJC, of “Street Soldiers” with Dr. Joe Marshall. 


The Chief reported on two new permanent exempt appointments.  Sue W. Wong will be the Director of Finance.  Lonnie Holmes will be the Director of Community Programs.


The Chief then asked Ms. Allison McGee to provide a fiscal forecast.  Ms. McGee reported that the Juvenile Probation Department has been asked to suspend hiring, halt equipment purchases, and to reduce the budget by $3 million.  We may, however, still hire needed counselors.


(public comment) none


5.  Re: letters commending Department staff for Halloween efforts (discussion/action)


The Commission agreed, by consensus, on the wording of a letter to be signed by the Commission President.


(public comment) none


6.  Re: The gang injunction in San Francisco (discussion/action)


President Queen withdrew this item from discussion.


(public comment) none


7.  Committee reports (discussion/action)


  • Finance – no meeting held since last report
  • Program – no meeting held since last report
  • Facilities – no meeting held since last report


(public comment) none


8.  Pursuant to Government Code §54957(b) and San Francisco Administrative Code §67.10(b).   Public employee performance evaluation and possible dismissal of Juvenile Probation Commission Secretary (discussion/action)


(public comment) none


The Commission voted to hold a closed session.


The Commission met in closed session, commencing at 6:30 P.M., and continuing until 8:10 P.M.  All members of the Commission were present, as were Deputy City Attorneys Rebecca Katz and Stacey Lucas.


The Commission reconvened in open session at 8:10 P.M.  President Queen announced that The Commission had accepted Mr. Don Chan’s resignation, as Commission Secretary, effective immediately.  The Commission voted not to disclose the closed session discussions. 


(public comment) none


9.  Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the    Juvenile Probation Commission none


10.Requests for future agenda items none


Adjournment at 8:16 P.M.







Submitted by: Commissioner Dirk J. Beijen