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MINUTES OFJANUARY 24, 2007 MEETING of the Ad Hoc Committee on Girls Services, of the  JUVENILE PROBATION COMMISSION

held at Youth Guidance Center  main conference room  375 Woodside Ave San Francisco, CA  94127


   The minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Committee on the matters 

                                                       stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up



(ACTION) Roll call.

Comm Beijen called the meeting to order at 4:03pm There were introductions of the attendees. (list of attendees available from JPC office).  While the minutes from the previous meeting were not agendized for approval, Comm Beijen asked if all had gotten them via email and if they had any concerns about them, to please let the secretary know.  Otherwise, they will be accepted as written.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION)  Continued discussion regarding guidelines and principles for girls’ services in the Dept., with possible proposed resolution to establish a girls’ unit in the Dept, which the Program Comm will recommend the full Commission approve.

Comm Beijen encouraged the group to concentrate on drafting up language that could be forwarded to the Programs Committee of the Commission for recommendation to the full Commission. 

After a back and forth on possible language the following was unanimously agreed upon.


·         The Juvenile Probation Commission proposes that it be a policy of the Juvenile Probation Department to establish a girls’ probation unit, within the Department, and that the unit shall work collaboratively with community based service providers.


·         The Juvenile Probation Commission directs the Department to develop a task force to recommend policies, procedures and principles that guide the creation of this unit and that the task force be comprised of Juvenile Probation staff and community based agencies that are gender responsive.


·        The Juvenile Probation Commission believes that research and best practices support that girls do better in a safe, gender responsive environment with supportive services and that those interventions should be provided by both public systems and community programs.


 There were questions regarding the types of data that would be useful in this endeavor. Jose Perla, Dir of the IT division explained some of what is already compiled, and took suggestions for additional stats: eg.  nos of girls (by ethnicity) in the system vs. their percentage in the entire city population.  Recidivism stats. Are subsequent charges more or less severe on recidivists.  Information on out of county girls, age/ethnicity/nos/types of crimes, by county of origin.  What is the definition of recidivism(used by the Dept).

(public comment)
There were none.



(ACTION) Adjournment:

Comm Beijen thanked the committee for their diligence and work in getting this done to date and looked forward to the establishment of the task force to detail out the unit.

Nancy Yalon will set up a meeting with the CBOs for the next steps.  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:13pm