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Meeting Information


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Held in Rm. 400, City Hall, at 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place,  San Francisco



1.      (ACTION)  Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm by Comm. Julian. Comms. Shimko, Chuck, Jackson-Drake were present at the gavel.  Comms. Aramburo, Hale arrived at 5:58 pm.  Comm. Dupre arrived at 6:30 pm.

2.      (ACTION)  Review of October 27, 1999, January 26 & February 4,  2000  meeting  minutes  

Comm. Julian deferred action on the Oct. 27 minutes until there was a quorum of Commissioners who were present at that meeting.  The minutes of Jan. 26, and Feb. 4 were approved.  Subsequently, later in the meeting the minutes of Oct. 27 were also approved.    

3.   (DISCUSSION)   Chief Probation Officer's Report:

a.      Status reports

1.      Changes to Monthly Report  

Chief Williams explained that there were mistakes in certain pages of the monthly report, necessitating the amended portion passed out at the meeting.  He also pointed out that pgs 4-14 have a different format for certain stats.  He asked the Commission to appoint a Commissioner to work with the Chief in previewing what stats should be included in the monthly report.  Comm. Julian asked the Secretary to remind him of this later.

Comm. Shimko asked if the average length of detention has increased.  Answer: yes, due to the changing profile of detainees.  Over half of the days of care are due to a small number of youth awaiting placements.  The overall trend of admissions is flat. 

Comm. Julian asked about grievance in Jan.  He asked for a clarification in the table.  O. Khalif explained the asterisks.

Comm. Jackson-Drake asked why the participant levels in the IHBS programs were lower than before, especially in the VYDC and Samoan programs.  There was no specific answer.

Comm. Shimko asked about the low numbers at LCR.  The Chief could not explain why the court has not referred appropriate youth to the ranch.  The Chief said he will be meeting with court officers next week about this. 

2.      Name Change of San Francisco ProDES project to PrIDE

The Chief said that the ProDES name is one which is used in Philadelphia, so for SF. they've decided to change it to Program Information for Development and Evaluation.

3.      DMC/Population Management Project Affirmative Response from Youth Law Center

The Youth Law Center has agreed to work with the Dept. in dealing with the issue.  The Dept will be developing a contract with Youth Law Center to proceed.  Possibly in March the Commission will be asked to approve that contract.

4.      Implementation of Strategic Planning process with NCCD

The Chief said that he will be introducing Dr. Barry Krisberg of NCCD, shortly, but said that the contract with them started officially Feb. 1.

b.     Highlights from last Commission meeting to present.

1.      Proposition 21 Press Conference  -- 2/17/00

Participated in a press conference in front of the Hall of Justice, in opposition to Prop. 21. 

Comm. Julian was reminded of the Chief's comment at the press conference, that if in fact a law like Prop 21 were in effect when Comm. Julian was a youth, that perhaps he wouldn't be sitting in his present position on the commission, as well might be said for District Attorney Hallinan and his office.

Comm. Hale recalled that at the previous commission meeting, the question of Prop 21's impact on the Dept was posed.  He asked if it would be appropriate to discuss this before the balloting took place. Deputy City Attorney John Kennedy said that it could be discussed if brought up in a balanced, pro and con format.

Comm. Hale asked if there has been an analysis of the impact on San Francisco.  The Chief said no, but it will be unique in San Francisco due to the District Attorney, who he pictured as not inclined to follow the dictates of the proposition.  The Chief felt that the impact would probably be much less in SF than for the rest of the state.

2.      Tour of juvenile facilities on 2/8 - 2/11/00, Lane County (Eugene, Oregon), Multnomah County (Portland, Oregon), Pierce County (Tacoma, Washington), Snohomish County (Everett, Washington), King County (Seattle, Washington)

A number of reps from the Dept, the Mayor's office, and the design team, spent 3 days looking at other facilities.

Comm. Arámburo asked what the capacities of the Seattle facility were, and what their area population was.  It was not specifically known.  The Chief said that after the visits, he appreciated the work that staff did here in an outmoded facility.

3.      CPO presentation at Police community meetings (1/25/00 -Mission Station, 2/15/00 -Ingleside Station,  3/2/00 -Bayview Hunters Point Station)

The Chief said that the exchanges at the various meetings were positive and a lot was learned by both sides.

4.      Tour of Juvenile Hall by Civil Grand Jury on 2/18/00

The Chief reported that the Civil Grand Jury did a much more conscientious tour this time.  The Chief and others in the dept. spoke with them, and they should be  issuing their report in May or June.  Two members who did the tour: Katherine Ringgold, David Sahagan.  

5.      SF Juvenile Probation Dept. membership on Beacon Centers Steering Committee

The Chief reported that this committee is composed of, among others, funders to the Beacon Initiative, and since the Dept. gives financial support to them, was asked to sit on it.  This body gives direction to the Centers.

c.      Emerging Issues/upcoming events

1.      Implementation of Project Impact (Challenge II) RFP issued 1/21/00.  Deadline for submission, 2/18/00 

This is progressing smoothly.  Proposals will be reviewed soon.

2.      Management Planning Retreat on 2/24/00, at West Bay Conference Center

The Dept is holding the retreat tomorrow, one of the topics to be discussed; the strategic planning process.  Commissioners are invited to attend.

3.      Judge Hanlon and students to visit Juvnenile Hall on 2/29/00, at 6:30 pm.

This is a yearly event, with the judge bringing his law students to visit.

4.      CPO to deliver keynote address at Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency Statewide Conference, in Philadelphia, 3/20/00

The Chief will give the keynote and participate in a workshop on DMC. 

At this point, the Chief introduced Dr. Barry Krisberg, of NCCD, and he gave a short presentation on what NCCD will be doing with the Dept. in developing the Dept. Strategic Plan.  The process will be based on extensive focus groups, both in and outside of the Dept., and will emphasize inclusiveness.   The Chief and Assist. Chief will be the contacts for this project.  Comm. Julian welcomed Dr. Krisberg "onboard".

4.        a.    (ACTION)   Election of new Officers

Nominations were opened for officers.  Comm. Shimko nominated both Comm. Julian and Comm. Hale for second terms in their current offices.  Comm. Jackson-Drake seconded.  Comm. Hale expressed his excitement over the good work being done in the Dept and on the Commission and the positive working relationship between he and Comm. Julian.  He accepted the nomination.  Comm. Julian also expressed his pleasure at the positive advancements made in the Dept. and the excellent work of the Commission in setting this direction.  He felt that both were making a great difference in quality of service to youth in San Francisco.  He accepted the nomination.  Upon motion by Comm. Chuck to close the nomination, seconded, and passed, the nominations of Comm. Julian as President, and Comm. Hale as Vice President, were approved, 7-0.

b.       (ACTION)   Consideration and possible action on Finance Committee's recommendation regarding the Department's FY 2000-2001 budget.

Comm. Shimko reviewed how the Finance Committee met and discussed the basic budget.  It is a baseline request, having very little difference from the past two years.   (for fuller description of discussion, see Finance Comm minutes of Feb. 16)  Comm. Jackson-Drake mentioned that there will be an impact on the Dept. budget due to the assumption of costs from any future MOU contract settlements.  Sandy Brown-Richardson said that this would possibly amount to about $550K.  MOUs are negotiated at various times through the year (not all at one time). There are approx. 6 different unions involved.  Question: can salary savings be used to offset this cost?  Answer: there are some salary savings but they are alrady used to offset some OT.  The Chief said that they are now developing an expenditure management plan, but so far, they anticipate a deficit this year due to the OT.  Brown-Richardson mentioned added "new" costs due to the increased civil service testing for new personnel, of test proctors.  They have used about $20K so far, and expect up to $30K for the year.  Question: are increases to the CBOs included in the one time cost only budget.  No.   Comm. Hale was concerned that the budget document did not have language which said that the Pride program was to help CBOs also.

Upon motion by Comm. Shimko, seconded, and passed, the Dept. 2000-2001 budget proposal was approved, 7-0.

c.      (DISCUSSION)  Presentation by the SF Beacon Centers on their operations and programs.

Sam Piha, Administrative Director of the Beacon Initiative, took ill and had to postpone his presentation.  He will be re-scheduled for the next meeting.

d.     (ACTION)  Decision on the site of the March Commission meeting.

The Secretary was directed to look into setting up the next Commission meeting in the Western Addition, at the Beacon Ctr site (Ben Franklin Middle School).

5.   (DISCUSSION)   Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission.

        There was none.

6.  (DISCUSSION)   Announcements, requests for future agenda items.

          Comm. Arámburo  congratulated the City Attorney's office for obtaining the "tobacco money."

          Comm. Hale said that it would be important, if Prop. 21 passes, to have a clear understanding of the impact it will/might have on the Dept. and asked that in such case, it be placed on the Commission agenda for discussion.

7.   (ACTION)   Adjournment

          The meeting was adjourned at 6:54 pm.


                                                                           Minutes Adopted March 22, 2000