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Meeting Information


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Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

5:30 p.m.

City Hall, Room 408

#1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102



Rebecca Woodson, President

Katharine Albright, Vice President

Dirk Beijen

Julian Chang

Ellouise Patton

Sarah Ching Ting Wan


Meeting Minutes


1.      Roll call
The Commission President called the meeting to order at 5:39 p.m.  Commissioners Albright, Beijen, Chang, and Woodson were present.  Commissioner Wan arrived at
6:19 p.m.  Commissioner Patton was not present.   

2.   Public Comment
No public comments.

3.   Review and Approval of the Full Commission Minutes of July 8, 2009 (ACTION ITEM)

·        Motion to approve the Full Commission Minutes of July 8, 2009 by Commissioner Chang, second by Commissioner Beijen, and approved by the rest of the Commission.

4.  DCYF’s Presentation on Children’s Services Allocation Plan (CSAP)

·        Maria Su, Director, discussed three key principles: 1) aligning investments with public partners; 2) being targeted and purposeful with their investments; and, 3) they want to improve their current systems and build upon what their current CBO’s are doing.  They want to be very strategic and target the most vulnerable children, youth and families involved in different systems. 

·        For FY 09/10, there was a $10,000,000 reduction to both their children’s fund and general fund.  The department has two main funding streams: a children’s fund, which is $ .03 of every $100 of assessed property tax that makes up 2/3 of their budget, and the remaining 1/3 is the general fund, which is discretionary city dollars.  For FY 2010, they are now at $67,000,000.  A slight overall reduction was made for the closed allocation plan and due to the budget crisis, these projections will decrease.

·        The Wellness Initiative, a mental health program, is in all city high schools and students have access to this program.  Some of their CBO’s come into the Wellness Centers to provide group counseling or after school programs.  They also have a mental health commission onsite to help any young person. 
COMM Beijen asked how families that are not in the system can access this information.  Ms. Su said through their schools and CBO’s. 

·        DCYF finished a labor intensive process called the Family Resource Centers, which will be in different neighborhoods and target specific populations.  This is a way for families to come off the street and come into the centers to receive support and services.  They are working with other city departments to create a referral system and are working with CBO’s to work more closely with JPD’s Probation Officers.  
COMM Albright asked if the joint partnership between JPD, MOCI and DCYF envisioned the same kind of aligned process as the Family Support Program and if she thought about involving the CBO’s in that aligned process.  Ms. Su expressed that they want to continue the aligned process and partnership between the four departments.  A good public policy has a strong evaluation component and their evaluation manager, Laura Moye, has worked to bring in an independent evaluator specifically for the Violence Prevention Initiative.   

·        Public Comment

·        Joanna Hernandez, parent, wanted to know who was in charge of the Violence Prevention Initiative, what experience they bring, and who are the new policy people advocating for the CBO’s.  Ms. Su said that DCYF absorbed MOCI violence prevention director and DHR has posted the position.  That person will need to know how all three departments work together.  They are hoping to have someone by September. 

·        No further public comments.

5.  Update on the status and development of Parent Handbook by Garry Bieringer and update on 07/13/09 Parent Meeting by Commissioner Chang

·        Garry Bieringer, Juvenile Detention Alternative Coordinator, stated that he and Chief Siffermann reviewed the final draft, made their comments and recommendations, and sent it back to Julia Sabory from the Youth Commission, who is coordinating the production.  Ms. Sabory has been in touch with the graphic artist, who has most of the layout done.  It should be sent to the printer within a week or two.  The next step is to have it translated in two languages: Chinese and Spanish. 
COMM Chang would like to view the draft prior to it going to press and commends the parents who have worked on the handbook.
COMM Beijen would like to view the draft prior to the Programs Committee Meeting on August 17th.    

·        COMM Beijen and Chang attended the Parent Meeting on July 13th.  Both Commissioners were very impressed with all the work going on.  These parents are very sincere and want to remain partners in their court involved youth. 

·        Public Comment

·        Joanna Hernandez, parent, expressed her gratitude for the presence of the Commissioners and is starting a support group in San Mateo County. 

·        No further public comments.

6.   Resolution Advancing LCR Plan by Allison Magee

  • Allison Magee, Director of Administrative Services, presented a draft resolution.  Ms. Magee said that the resolution was not sent to the Commissioners prior to the meeting, but had copies for everyone. 
    COMM Woodson said that she was asked to move the closed session forward on the agenda.  Ms. Magee suggested that she propose the resolution, have discussions prior to the next meeting, and place it on the upcoming agenda. 
    COMM Albright wanted to be sure that if there are any discussions, that it happen in an open forum. 
    COMM Woodson suggested that the commissioners take a look at the resolution and have comments ready at the next meeting.   
  • Public Comment
  • Donald Sanders, member of the public, wanted to know if the parents, children or CBOs were involved in preparing the resolution for LCR.  Ms. Magee stated that she had not reached out, but can invite public comment or input from parents at the next meeting. 
    COMM Woodson stated that the draft would be posted on the website so that people can access it.  It will be placed for discussion and action item at the next meeting.  If people have questions on the language they can discuss it with Ms. Magee and the Commission at that time. 
    COMM Albright indicated the MySi process had a significant amount of community input.  A formal recommendation from the Commission to approve the process and that there will be a significant amount of public input.  Ms. Magee agreed. 
    COMM Albright indicated that there should be a “whereas clause” indicating a significant amount of community input. 
  • No further public comments. 

7.  Report to the Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)


a.   Chief’s Report


·        Update on MySi implementation: Tim Diestel, Assistant Director, said the MySi training is an approach, a way of communicating with kids and coordinating services.  The dorm was renovated and they have new carpets, fresh paint, privacy barriers installed in the bathrooms, and new tiles.  Furniture delivery is expected and new computers in the recreation area.  With Urban Sprouts, the old tennis courts became the new garden area and they have been growing snap peas, squash, strawberries, herbs, and tomatoes.  The youths installed a new drip system over the weekend.  The staff meets before each shift, they check-in with the kids, and move as a group to each activity.  The check-in is a “circle” where they address issues, called “teachable moments.”  The training established a saying, “we are not okay, unless we are all okay,” and is said at every circle to address communication break-downs.  We will continue to add vocational trainings, partnerships with SF Conservation Corps, and continue to work with MST for aftercare programs.  Chief Siffermann said that they are holding an open house at the ranch for judges and commissioners at the end of September and will notify the Commission. 

·        Update on Victim Offender Program; Chief Siffermann expressed that they have two cases getting ready for this program.  They are contacting the victims, victims of assault with great bodily harm, with the prospect of mediation.  The youths are already adjudicated.  This is a special program that is in the interest of balance and restorative justice. 

·        Update on Final Budget passed by the Board of Supervisors on July 30th:  Ms. Magee said that the final budget passed.  The one change that might impact JPD is that DCYF received significant amount of add backs for programming and Maria Su said they might collaborate to enhance some of the programs that might not have been funded in our first round of RFP’s.  3% was trimmed from the budget.  

·        Update report on status of stimulus dollars:  Chief Siffermann said the DOJ Grant application will allow us to commission two probation officers to work in the community based activities.  They expect to hear more in September. 

·        No public comments.


8.  Public Comment on all matters pertaining to Closed Session

  • No public comments. 

9.  Vote on whether to hold Closed Session. 
(San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10) (ACTION ITEM)

  • COMM Chang motioned to go into closed session and it was agreed upon by the rest of the Commission.  COMM Woodson said the motion carried and they will now go into closed session. 

10.  Closed Session


Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(a) and San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10(d)(1): (DISCUSSION ONLY)



Oliphant et al. v. CCSF et al., United States District Court, Northern District of California
Case Number C08-5048

Lam et al. v. CCSF et al., United States District Court, Northern district of California,
Case Number C08-4702




COMM Beijen motioned to not disclose the closed session, second by COMM Albright, and a unanimous decision was made by the Commission. 


No public comments. 

11.  Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)


·        Katharine Albright will be Chair of Finance Committee. 

12.  Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.