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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 




1.      Roll Call

          The meeting was called to order by Comm. Julian at 5:37 pm.  All commissioners were present at the gavel, with the exception of Comm. Hale, who was elsewhere on the premises.  He joined shortly after the meeting's beginning.

          Comm. Julian began by reporting on two meetings held this morning.  The first was by the Juvenile Probation Department on disproportionate minority confinement (DMC), and the 2nd was a 25 yr anniversary for community development.  He noted that Comm. Chuck's organization, Cameron House, was a recipient of an award at the anniversary celebration. He also noted that Comm. Chuck was himself a recipient of a Community Hero award from KQED, during Asian Pacific American Heritage month festivities.

2.      Review of April 28,  1999  meeting  minutes

          Comm. Julian made a few editorial revisions: middle of pg 1, changing "premature" to "too early to tell",  and on p. 2, eliminating parenthetical phrase [...despite failure], and changing ‘He' to ‘The Chief'.  With these corrections, the minutes were approved.

3.      Chief Probation Officer's Report:

a.  Budget Information (operating and capital)

      The Mayor's office will deliver the city's budget to the Bd of Supes on June 1.  Chief Williams has asked to meet with the Mayor's Finance Office to review the Department's budget. Currently the Department is attempting to meet with the Commission's Finance Committee to update them on the progress to date.

b. Progress report

      Christmas in April will return June 12 or 19 to continue doing the painting, until it is complete. 

      The Department's key control policy has been changed (now there are four policies) and will be implemented soon (expected to begin June 1)

c. Highlights of the month

      There were two events held by the Department.  Monday they participated in a satelite down link of a program organized by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, dealing with girls in the juvenile justice system. The second event was referred to by Comm. Julian, the one day conference on DMC. They hope to take the comments and ideas brought out in this conference and come up with new ways to address this issue in SF. 

      Chief Williams ended with mentioning letters of commendation for the work of PO Michael Smith at the Bethel AME church, and PO Lisa Smith in her work organizing a Department softball team for the Children's Fund, on May 1.

d. Review of April monthly statistical data;

      The Chief asked if Commissioners had any questions regarding the stats.  Comm. Shimko asked for clarification of pg. 13 which showed over population numbers, as opposed to the avg. daily population report of 117.  Ans. Pg. 13 shows a one day snapshot of the hall.

e. Emerging Issues/upcoming events

      The Chief reported that sometime in July they hope to hold a one day conference dealing with the Balanced and Restorative Justice model. 

      At the July Commission meeting, he hopes to report on the results of the Department's 98/99 action plan.

      The Chief requested to have a discussion with the Commission regarding what they might want to establish as priorities for the Department for the upcoming fiscal year.

      Comm. Julian commended the Chief and the Department on the DMC conference.

      Cheyenne Bell commented that both conferences were well attended and that they hope to produce a product as a result of the conference, that the community could assume responsibility to go forth with.  She thanked her division staff and other Department staff who helped make the conferences possible.

      Comm. Arámburo commended the Chief.  She felt he posed very provocative and challenging questions regarding what we were doing in this area and what needed to be done in the future, collaboratively. 

4.      Discussion/Action Items:

a. Consideration and possible action on Program Committee's recommendation re: community based program contracts renewal.

      Comm. Hale recounted that the Program Committee had met and reviewed the Department's report on the CBOs, and had recommended that all contracts be renewed.  He mentioned that the CBOs were asked how the Department could be of more help in their work, but noted that they had all done good work.

      Some of the CBOs raised the issue that they were still at less than fully funded levels (eg. Peer Counseling) and needed to be brought up to parity.  Comm. Hale said he assured them that the Department would do whatever was possible to resolve this issue.

      Comm. Shimko had thought the RFPs were due out this year.  Ans.  No. next year.

      Comm. Arámburo commented that the Department and agencies have come a long way since the time she was originally on the Commission.

      Comm. Jackson-Drake also commended the Department for its technical support of the agencies.  She was pleased at the report.

      Public Comment:  Maurice James of Morrisania West, commended C. Bell and the Department. 

      C. Bell acknowledged her staff for their work, and mentioned that the concerns regarding underfunding of programs were being discussed with the Chief. 

      Comm. Shimko asked whether the 5% of contract amounts was still being withheld for evaluation costs.  Chief Williams said that it was his desire not to take program service funds for evaluation.  He will look elsewhere to pay for evaluation.

      Jose Esteva, thanked everyone, and then mentioned the leather shop he was starting, and asked for the Commission's assistance in getting two machines for about $10K. 

      Jacob Smith of Bay View Hunter's Point Fdn Youth Services, thanked the Department for its support.

      Fia CarloValentino, Office of Samoan Affairs (OSA), thanked the Chief and Department.

      Robert Chan, dir. Of Chinatown Youth Center (CYC) also thanked the Department.

      Enola Maxwell, Potrero Hill Neighborhood House also thanked the Commission, with special attention to the Peer Counseling program. 

      Comm. Julian noted that Potrero Hill Neighborhood House was also a recipient of a community development award.

      Louella Lee, Vietnamese Youth Development Center (VYDC), also thanked the Department.

      Lonnie Holmes, spoke off mike and his comments were not picked up, but basicaly thanked everyone.

      Comm. Julian   thanked the providers, on behalf of the Commission and said that it is always nice to receive positive feedback now and then.

      Chief Williams said that the Bd of Supes is planning to hold a Departmental budget hearing for 6/12 (to be confirmed later), and commented that it would be good for the Bd of Supervisors to hear comments of this new cooperation and effectiveness in the work, from other than the Department.

      Comm. Shimko commented that what is occurring now is far and away different from what she faced when first arriving on the Commission.

      Comm. Jackson-Drake said that she felt many of those men at Santa Rita prison wouldn't be there now if they had programs like the ones being operated now in the juvenile system.

      Comm. Hale recalled a scatological comment that a professor of his used to say.  He reviewed some of the concerns of the CBOs: more computerization, more educational programs with the SFUSD, family oriented services, wages and more staff, gaps in services and services to females, assigning POs longitudinally (following the same probationeer from beginning to end), an increased presence of the probation Department in the community, leadership forums--how to develop future leaders,  mental health issues.

      Comm. Jackson-Drake moved to renew the contract of Intensive Home Based Supervision (IHBS) provider, BayViewHuntersPoint Foundation (BVHP).  It was seconded.  The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed 6-0, with Comm. Hale abstaining due to conflict of interest.

      Comm. Jackson-Drake moved to renew the contract of IHBS provider, Morrisania West.  Comm. Shimko seconded.  The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed 6-0, with Comm. Dupré abstaining due to conflict of interest.

      Comm. Jackson-Drake moved to renew the contract of IHBS provider CYC.  Comm. Dupré seconded. The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed 6-0, with Comm. Chuck  abstaining due to conflict of interest.

      Comm. Hale moved to renew the contracts of IHBS providers: OSA, VYDC, Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, and RAP.  Comm. Dupré seconded. The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed unanimously.

      Comm. Hale moved to renew the contracts of non IHBS providers: Ella Hill Hutch Center, YWCA, SF Boys and Girls Home, Huckleberry Youth Sservices.  Comm. Dupré seconded. The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed unanimously.

      Comm. Shimko moved to renew the contract of Home Detention program provider, BVHP Fdn.  Comm. Dupré seconded. The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed 6-0, with Comm. Hale abstaining due to conflict of interest.

b. Consideration  and possible action to approve Program Committee's recommendation to contract with Davis Ja and Associates.                  

      Comm. Hale reported that this item was moved to the full Commission for action as the Committee did not have adequate time to deal with it.  Davis Ja briefly explained what the work would be.  His firm was a part of the Challenge Grant proposal submitted to the Bd of Corrections, which demanded a thorough evaluation section, with strict guidelines.  They are going to run comparisons between intervention groups and random assignment control groups over the course of the 3 yr grant, at start up/6/8/12/16/and 24 mos intervals, with a pool of about 80 youth per year, to assess whether the newly designed program (under Challenge Grant) works or makes a difference.

      Concerns were expressed by Commissioners as to the use of control groups.  It was required by the Bd of Corrections.

      Comm. Hale moved to approve entering into a contract with Davis Ja & Assoc.  The question was called, and upon voice vote, passed unanimously.

5.      Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile

          Probation Commission.

          Kent Eagleson, Dir. Of SF Boys and Girls Home, thanked the Commission, the Chief, Cheyenne and her division staff.  He urged the Commission to expand the YWCA Girls Mentorship program.  He also uged the Commission to encourage the schools to continue providing educational services to the youth in the system (eg. having the special school at the shelter).

          Comm. Shimko commented that the educational program for these youths is of imperative importance, and asked if there were any more pro active means open to the Commission/Department that could result in better services.

          Comm. Arámburo  expressed her disbelief in the disparate policies in the schools (eg. some schools not allowing books to be taken home)  Eagleson said that Linda Davis (acting Superintendent) needs more help to target this population for more services.

          Comm. Chuck  asked if the Department was ever asked to work with the SFUSD on collaborative programs?

          Chief Williams said he is a member of the district's Task Force on African American students achievement.  Beyond that, no.

          Comm. Julian reviewed that he and former Commissioner Breyer had met with the schools regarding an absenteeism project.

          Comm. Shimko asked for an update on that project, if it was still going on.

          Comm. Hale recounted that the public schools could not meet the demands that the State Colleges had asked when they raised their admissions requirements.  He said that there needs to be creative solutions, like using volunteers from the greater community (his example was the DA's office putting volunteers into classrooms to teach a couple of hours a day).

6.      Unfinished business


7.      New business

          Comm. Julian mentioned that he attended another Deputy Probation Officers' Association meeting, and found the dialog continues.  He intends to attend future meetings and hopes for more progress.

          Comm. Shimko asked whether the June Commission meeting was going to be in YGC or in the community.  Comm. Julian proposed doing the June meeting at YGC and securing Galileo HS for the fall.   Comm. Shimko asked whether the Commission could hold another retreat.  (Possible site, Treasure Island)

          Comm. Dupré reported that he attended a graduation ceremony at Log Cabin Ranch last Sunday.  It was very positive.

          Susan Kim, Director of the Youth Commission, made a few brief comments on the Youth Empowerment Conference held May 22, and the Department's support of it.  She also expressed her concen for the control groups in the evaluation procress.

          Comm. Arámburo asked the Chief to repeat the quote he used at the closing session of the conference.  He admitted he saw it on a motivational poster.  It read "Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world.  In fact it's the only thing that ever has."

8.      Adjournment

         The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm