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       Minutes of October 11, 2006  meeting of the Facilities Committee  of the Juvenile Probation Commission

        held at Youth Guidance Center  Conference Room   375 Woodside Ave  San Francisco, CA  94127

                        The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Committee on the matters 

   stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up



(ACTION)  Roll Call

Chair Rojas called the meeting to order at 6:03pm Comm Hale was present at the gavel.  Comm Queen was excused.  The Chief, Norm Cole, Joanne Chow Winship, Mark Lui represented the Dept.


(DISCUSSION/ACTION)  Minutes of May 3, 2006 meeting.

The Chair tabled action on the minutes, to be acted upon at the full Commission meeting, as there wasn’t a quorum present of commissioners who were at that meeting.

(public comment)

There were none.



(Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Facilities Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission)
There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Examination of the status of the Juvenile Hall replacement project and opening plans. 

 J. Chow Winship reported that they anticipate final completion date to be Nov. 1  Testing of the mechanical systems is ongoing, cosmetic finishes are still being done.  Staff training is ongoing.  The plan for the opening ceremony is being put together for Nov. 9.  It will emphasize a positive orientation to the improved treatment of detained youth, but with the hope for minimizing its utilization.   There was a short discussion regarding the question of increased detention capacity and how and why it will be employed, vis-à-vis any state or court proscriptions. There have been examples elsewhere of court imposed detention caps. There has been talk about using a unit as a medical unit for those with mental health issues. Changing court processes might lead to more releases, leaving less youth detained over weekends. The Chief welcomed any guidance on this from the Commission. Comm. Rojas asked it be taken up in the full Commission for discussion and asked the Chief to provide her with a suggested protocol for possibly limiting detention numbers.

(public comment)        

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Report on the annual capital improvement budget/plan status.

M. Lui reported that the total amount in the Dept budget for capital improvements is $750K, comprised of $330K for annual maintenance, $20K for Hidden Valley Ranch, $60K for Log Cabin, $250K for YGC. Additionally $170K is in the budget to repair a roadway at LCR. $250K was used for integrating the fire alarm system to the new JH.

Comm Hale asked for a copy of the past lists of projects that the Dept developed for the annual capital improvement plans so that Comm Rojas could get an idea of what it consisted of.

Norm Cole said that they haven’t done an extensive list as they had in the past, the last year’s was a condensed version, mainly health and safety issues.  The city has changed its process for this, eliminating the CAMS program (capital access management system). The city has a “ten year” plan for replacement of structures and YGC is on that list, after the Hall of Justice. 

N. Cole also reported they were working out a plan for use of $800K from the Mayor’s supplemental budget, for improvements to LCR.  There was a short discussion regarding the re structuring of the Ranch in order to increase reimbursable revenues. The Chief said they were about ready to prepare an RFP for the work to be done there.

\He said that in the past the Dept has been able to use state proposition funds (Prop 86, and another one) to pay for capital improvements on the level of a million dollars a year between 1991-7.  Getting things done through DPW involves steep overhead charges (20-25%). 

Comm Hale asked for a list of project priorities, and both Cole and the Chief said they could use the Feb. 06 list (part of the annual budget) to re establish current priorities.

(public comment)
There were none.


(DISCUSSION) Status of YGC facilities and processes for continued oversight and maintenance.

N. Cole provided a written report that outlined current projects and their status (attached at end of minutes) They reported that some of the projects at LCRS are targeted as “learning lab” opportunities for the residents. They are also being involved in more clean-up projects at the Ranch as part of the improvement of “their” community, and living conditions.

Comm Hale mentioned having a discussion with the owner of a nursery near the Southeast Community Ctr, who indicated he’d be interested in hiring some youth who had nursery skills/interests.

(public comment)

There were none.



(ACTION) Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm